LLM-Client-SDK is an SDK for seamless integration with generative AI large language models (We currently support - OpenAI, Google, AI21, HuggingfaceHub, Aleph Alpha, Anthropic, Local models with transformers - and many more soon).
Our vision is to provide async native and production ready SDK while creating a powerful and fast integration with different LLM without letting the user lose any flexibility (API params, endpoints etc.). *We also provide sync version, see more details below in Usage section.
The package exposes two simple interfaces for seamless integration with LLMs (In the future, we will expand the interface to support more tasks like list models, edits, etc.):
from abc import ABC, abstractmethodfrom dataclasses import dataclass, fieldfrom typing import Any, Optionalfrom enum import Enumfrom dataclasses_json import dataclass_json, configfrom aiohttp import ClientSessionclass BaseLLMClient(ABC):@abstractmethodasync def text_completion(self, prompt: str, **kwargs) -> list[str]:raise NotImplementedError()async def get_tokens_count(self, text: str, **kwargs) -> int:raise NotImplementedError()class Role(Enum):SYSTEM = "system"USER = "user"ASSISTANT = "assistant"@dataclass_json@dataclassclass ChatMessage:role: Role = field(metadata=config(encoder=lambda role: role.value, decoder=Role))content: strname: Optional[str] = field(default=None, metadata=config(exclude=lambda name: name is None))example: bool = field(default=False, metadata=config(exclude=lambda _: True)) @dataclassclass LLMAPIClientConfig:api_key: strsession: ClientSessionbase_url: Optional[str] = Nonedefault_model: Optional[str] = Noneheaders: dict[str, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)class BaseLLMAPIClient(BaseLLMClient, ABC):def __init__(self, config: LLMAPIClientConfig): ...@abstractmethodasync def text_completion(self, prompt: str, model: Optional[str] = None, max_tokens: int | None = None, temperature: Optional[float] = None, top_p: Optional[float] = None, **kwargs) -> list[str]:raise NotImplementedError()async def chat_completion(self, messages: list[ChatMessage], temperature: float = 0, max_tokens: int = 16, model: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> list[str]:raise NotImplementedError()async def embedding(self, text: str, model: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> list[float]:raise NotImplementedError()async def get_chat_tokens_count(self, messages: list[ChatMessage], **kwargs) -> int:raise NotImplementedError()
Python 3.9+
If you are worried about the size of the package you can install only the clients you need, by default we install none of the clients.
For all current clients support
$ pip install llm-client[all]
For only the base interface and some light LLMs clients (AI21 and Aleph Alpha)
$ pip install llm-client
For all current api clients support
$ pip install llm-client[api]
For only local client support
$ pip install llm-client[local]
For sync support
$ pip install llm-client[sync]
For only OpenAI support
$ pip install llm-client[openai]
For only HuggingFace support
$ pip install llm-client[huggingface]
Using OpenAI directly through OpenAIClient - Maximum control and best practice in production
import osfrom aiohttp import ClientSessionfrom llm_client import ChatMessage, Role, OpenAIClient, LLMAPIClientConfigOPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ["API_KEY"]OPENAI_ORG_ID = os.getenv("ORG_ID")async def main():async with ClientSession() as session:llm_client = OpenAIClient(LLMAPIClientConfig(OPENAI_API_KEY, session, default_model="text-davinci-003", headers={"OpenAI-Organization": OPENAI_ORG_ID})) # The headers are optionaltext = "This is indeed a test"messages = [ChatMessage(role=Role.USER, content="Hello!"),ChatMessage(role=Role.SYSTEM, content="Hi there! How can I assist you today?")]print("number of tokens:", await llm_client.get_tokens_count(text)) # 5print("number of tokens for chat completion:", await llm_client.get_chat_tokens_count(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")) # 23print("generated chat:", await llm_client.chat_completion(messages, model="gpt-3.5-turbo")) # ['Hi there! How can I assist you today?']print("generated text:", await llm_client.text_completion(text)) # [' stringnnYes, this is a test string. Test strings are used to']print("generated embedding:", await llm_client.embedding(text)) # [0.0023064255, -0.009327292, ...]
Using LLMAPIClientFactory - Perfect if you want to move fast and to not handle the client session yourself
import osfrom llm_client import LLMAPIClientFactory, LLMAPIClientTypeOPENAI_API_KEY = os.environ["API_KEY"]async def main():async with LLMAPIClientFactory() as llm_api_client_factory:llm_client = llm_api_client_factory.get_llm_api_client(LLMAPIClientType.OPEN_AI, api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, default_model="text-davinci-003")await llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test")await llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test", max_tokens=50) # Or if you don't want to use asyncfrom llm_client import init_sync_llm_api_clientllm_client = init_sync_llm_api_client(LLMAPIClientType.OPEN_AI, api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, default_model="text-davinci-003")llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test")llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test", max_tokens=50)
Local model
import osfrom transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, AutoTokenizerfrom llm_client import LocalClientConfig, LocalClientasync def main():try:model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])except ValueError:model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])llm_client = LocalClient(LocalClientConfig(model, tokenizer, os.environ["TENSORS_TYPE"], os.environ["DEVICE"]))await llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test")await llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test", max_tokens=50)# Or if you don't want to use asyncimport async_to_synctry:model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])except ValueError:model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(os.environ["MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH"])llm_client = LocalClient(LocalClientConfig(model, tokenizer, os.environ["TENSORS_TYPE"], os.environ["DEVICE"]))llm_client = async_to_sync.methods(llm_client)llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test")llm_client.text_completion(prompt="This is indeed a test", max_tokens=50)
Contributions are welcome! Please check out the todos below, and feel free to open issue or a pull request.
The list is unordered
Add support for more LLMs
Add support for more functions via LLMs
list models
Add contributing guidelines and linter
Create an easy way to run multiple LLMs in parallel with the same prompts
Convert common models parameter
To install the package in development mode, run the following command:
$ pip install -e ".[all,test]"
To run the tests, run the following command:
$ pytest tests
If you want to add a new LLMClient you need to implement BaseLLMClient or BaseLLMAPIClient.
If you are adding a BaseLLMAPIClient you also need to add him in LLMAPIClientFactory.
You can add dependencies to your LLMClient in pyproject.toml also make sure you are adding a matrix.flavor in test.yml.