Sanchay AI (A Generative AI app)
Upload your video and SanchayAI will generate key elements (video transcription, video subtitles, and video chapters) in an organized and easily accessible manner.
Project Status and Contribution Potential
This project is in its infancy and has just been scaffolded with a new architecture. It's at a crucial stage where contributions can significantly shape its future and scalability. With the right environment and collaborative effort, it has the potential to evolve into something truly remarkable.
System (In a nutshell)
- MongoDB
- RabbitMQ
- Localstack
There are 2 apps:
- web-app
- This is a fullstack NextJS app.
- The project depends on 3 services:
- RabbitMQ
- Localstack
- MongoDB
- worker
- This is a Python based RabbitMQ worker that listens to request from web-app and processes them in the background.
- The project also depends on 3 services:
- RabbitMQ
- Localstack
- MongoDB
Before setting up the codebase, it's important to setup the services the codebase depends on.
Setup RabbitMQ locally
- If you have docker installed on your system, you can setup RabbitMQ using the command
docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.13-management
- This will spinup RabbitMQ on localhost:15672 (default username/password = guest/guest)
- If you don't want to setup using docker, you can setup RabbitMQ by following steps here
Setup MongoDB
- Recommended: Create a database cluster on for free and use the connection string
- Follow the guide mentioned here-
- Create a new bucket by running the command
aws s3 mb s3://sanchayai --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566
Once the above services are up, clone the sanchay-ai repository
Worker setup
- cd into apps/worker folder
- follow readme instructions
- pip install
- python
Web-app setup
- cd into apps/web-app folder
- follow readme instructions
- npm install
- npm run dev
If all is working well,
- Your Web-app should be listening on
- Your Rabbit-MQ should be working on
- Your localstack should be working on
(nothing to display on chrome here)
You can run the app and upload a test video which is available in the codebase here - ./docs/video.mp4