The repository contains code for training and sampling from a generative model for 3D shape completion. The model implemented in this repository is based on the diffusion model proposed in the paper DiffComplete: Diffusion-based Generative 3D Shape Completion.
base taken from improved-diffusion.
evaluation part taken from PatchComplete.
Pretrained models can be downloaded from this link.
virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
source venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:${pwd}"
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: CUDA is required to run the code (because of evaluation part).
To generate the dataset for shape completion script
is used. To have same moddel used as in the paper, use --filter_path
option to specify the path to the file with the list of models to be used for given dataset. The files are located in ./datasets/txt directory.
All avaiable arguments can be found by running python ./ --help
Data sources:
To generate shape completion dataset run the following command:
cd dataset_processing
Objaverse Furniture
python ./ --output datasets/objaverse-furniture --tag_names chair lamp bathtub chandelier bench bed table sofa toilet
Objaverse Vehicles
python ./ --output datasets/objaverse-vehicles --category_names cars-vehicles --tag_names car truck bus airplane
Objaverse Animals
python ./ --output datasets/objaverse-animals --category_names animals-pets --tag_names cat dog
python ./ --dataset shapenet --source SHAPENET_DIR_PATH --output datasets/shapenet
python ./ --dataset modelnet --source MODELNET40_DIR_PATH --output datasets/modelnet40
Super resolution dataset used for training was created by running the shape completion model over traning and validation dataset to obtaion the predicted shapes, which where used as input for the super resolution model.
To train model the script
is used. All avaiable arguments can be found by running python ./ --help
To train the BaseComplete model run the following command:
python ./scripts/ --batch_size 32
--data_path "./datasets/objaverse-furniture/32/"
--train_file_path "../datasets/objaverse-furniture/train.txt"
--val_file_path "../datasets/objaverse-furniture/val.txt"
--dataset_name complete
to train with ROI mask add --use_roi = True
To train the low res processing model run the following command:
python ./scripts/ --batch_size 32
... # data options
--in_scale_factor 1
--dataset_name complete_32_64
To train the superes model run the following command:
python ./scripts/ --batch_size 32
--data_path "./datasets/objaverse-furniture-sr/"
--val_data_path "./datasets/objaverse-furniture-sr-val/"
--super_res True
--dataset_name sr
To sample one shape from the mesh model run the following command:
python ./scripts/ --model_path MODEL_PATH
--sample_path SAMPLE_PATH # Condition
--input_mesh True
--condition_size 32 # Expected condition size
--output_size 32 # Expected output size
or using .npy file as input:
python ./scripts/ --model_path MODEL_PATH
--sample_path SAMPLE_PATH # Condition
--input_mesh False
--output_size 32 # Expected output size
To evaluate on whole dataset run the following command:
python ./scripts/
--data_path "./datasets/objaverse-furniture/32"
--file_path "./datasets/objaverse-furniture/test.txt"
--model_path MODEL_PATH
Evaluation on TEST dataset:
Metric | BaseComplete | BaseComplete + ROI mask |
CD | 3.53 | 2.86 |
IoU | 81.62 | 84.77 |
L1 | 0.0264 | 0.0187 |
Note: CD and IoU are scaled by 100. Lower values are better for CD and L1, while higher values are better for IoU.
Condition | Prediction | Ground Truth |