by developed in cooperation with
Chrome App Store:
User doku: ← ?
Previously known ad "f19n Obtrusive Live Test" ... the new name is less scary! (It's not a scary app, it's an awesome one!)
It's a sandboxed, extendable live-testing chrome extension and framework! It runs pre-defined and custom tests on each page that you visit and delivers direct visual feedback.
It has multiple pre-defined rules currently targeting SEO, webperformance and social media best practices.
The extension collects the whole lifecycle of a pageload (http-headers, onpageload, onDOMready, ...) in an object, then it executes javascript functions against this object and returns testing feedback.
See /src/public/default-rules for a list of what currently tested by default. All rules can be inspeced, disabled/enabled. New default rules are regularly added.
See /sample-rules/ to see what data of the pageload lifecycle gets collected.
Everything! You can write your own tests! Anything that happens in the browser during the pageload and render lifecycle can be inspected and dissected!
Additional it can call third party REST-APIs from within these rules. Even ignoring CORS headers or normal fetch restrictions.
Also you can fetch normale pages and other ressources via fetch, too. I.e.: a rule executed on one page can fetch other URLs of the same domain or from other third party domains. See /default-rules/robotstxt-googlebot-url-check-v2.js for a rule that fetches the robots.txt of the domain, and then tests if the currently tested URL is allowed/disallowed.
See Google Docs
For developing your own rule you can just install the Extension via the Chrome App Store.
If you want to digg deeper, well clone this rep. and then:
npm install
Run the build process once (for this you need grunt-cli installed npm install -g grunt-cli
). It will watch for changed files and automatically reload the extension if necessary.
Open chrome://extensions/ and point the installation of an unpacked extension to the ./build folder.
Run the following command to build a production ready zip archive which can be uploade to Google Extension Dashboard.
grunt dist
Archive will be saved to /dist/
The production ready rules can be found within /src/public/default-rules
Inside /sample-rules are some sample rules plus the documentation how to write your own rules. The rules can then be added to your application on the setting page of the extension.
See /sample-rules/debug-hello-world.js for a really simple starting point (and /sample-rules/debug-hello-world-with-comments.js for some explaination)
Also /sample-rules/debug-stringify-page-object.js gices you an easy way to inspect the page object (the collected information about the page lifecycle) of every page you visit.
All other code within this repository - if not defined otherwise - is currently available under a
Contribution License.
You are welcome to
Currently don't
These restrictions do not apply to the /sample-rules/ and the /public/default-rules/ code.
This license might change in the future. I must just figure out what the best long term license for this product will be.
Rightsholder: Franz Enzenhofer fe at f19n dot com