ChatbotAI is a simple chatbot implemented in Python. It simulates human-like conversation by responding to user inputs based on predefined patterns. The chatbot uses the random and re modules to generate appropriate responses.
Pattern Matching: Responds to user inputs using predefined patterns.
Random Responses: Generates random responses when no pattern matches.
Loop Control: Continues the conversation until the user exits with "bye", "goodbye", or "exit".
How It Works:
Importing Modules:
The program begins by importing the random and re modules.
Defining Responses:
Two lists are defined: user_inputs and bot_responses. These contain predefined patterns and their corresponding responses.
Generating Responses:
The generate_response function takes user input, checks for matches in the user_inputs list using, and returns the corresponding response from the bot_responses list. If no match is found, it randomly selects a response from a default list.
Conversation Loop:
The program runs an infinite loop, prompting the user for input. It exits when the user types "bye", "goodbye", or "exit".
Getting Started: :-
Python 3.x
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out:-
** GitHub: **Ritika800
** Email:** [email protected]