Awesome Go
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A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries, and software. Inspired by awesome-python.
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- Awesome Go
- Contents
- Actor Model
- Artificial Intelligence
- Audio and Music
- Authentication and OAuth
- Blockchain
- Bot Building
- Build Automation
- Command Line
- Advanced Console UIs
- Standard CLI
- Configuration
- Continuous Integration
- CSS Preprocessors
- Data Integration Frameworks
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Bit-packing and Compression
- Bit Sets
- Bloom and Cuckoo Filters
- Data Structure and Algorithm Collections
- Iterators
- Maps
- Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- Nullable Types
- Queues
- Sets
- Text Analysis
- Trees
- Pipes
- Database
- Caches
- Databases Implemented in Go
- Database Schema Migration
- Database Tools
- SQL Query Builders
- Database Drivers
- Interfaces to Multiple Backends
- Relational Database Drivers
- NoSQL Database Drivers
- Search and Analytic Databases
- Date and Time
- Distributed Systems
- Dynamic DNS
- Email
- Embeddable Scripting Languages
- Error Handling
- File Handling
- Financial
- Forms
- Functional
- Game Development
- Generators
- Geographic
- Go Compilers
- Goroutines
- Hardware
- Images
- IoT (Internet of Things)
- Job Scheduler
- Logging
- Machine Learning
- Messaging
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Miscellaneous
- Dependency Injection
- Project Layout
- Strings
- Uncategorized
- Natural Language Processing
- Language Detection
- Morphological Analyzers
- Slugifiers
- Tokenizers
- Translation
- Transliteration
- Networking
- OpenGL
- Package Management
- Performance
- Query Language
- Reflection
- Resource Embedding
- Science and Data Analysis
- Security
- Serialization
- Server Applications
- Stream Processing
- Template Engines
- Testing
- Testing Frameworks
- Mock
- Fuzzing and delta-debugging/reducing/shrinking
- Selenium and browser control tools
- Fail injection
- Text Processing
- Formatters
- Markup Languages
- Parsers/Encoders/Decoders
- Regular Expressions
- Sanitation
- Scrapers
- Utility/Miscellaneous
- Third-party APIs
- Utilities
- Validation
- Version Control
- Video
- Web Frameworks
- Middlewares
- Actual middlewares
- Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Routers
- WebAssembly
- Windows
- Workflow Frameworks
- Zero Trust
- Code Analysis
- Editor Plugins
- Go Generate Tools
- Go Tools
- Software Packages
- DevOps Tools
- Other Software
- Resources
- Benchmarks
- Conferences
- E-Books
- E-books for purchase
- Free e-books
- Gophers
- Meetups
- Style Guides
- Social Media
- Websites
- Tutorials
- Guided Learning
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Actor Model
Libraries for building actor-based programs.
- Ergo - An actor-based Framework with network transparency for creating event-driven architecture in Golang. Inspired by Erlang.
- Goakt - Fast and Distributed Actor framework using protocol buffers as message for Golang.
- Hollywood - Blazingly fast and light-weight Actor engine written in Golang.
- ProtoActor - Proto Actor - Ultra fast distributed actors for Go, C# and Java/Kotlin.
Artificial Intelligence
Libraries for building programs that leverage AI.
- chromem-go - Embeddable vector database for Go with Chroma-like interface and zero third-party dependencies. In-memory with optional persistence.
- fun - The simplest but powerful way to use large language models (LLMs) in Go.
- langchaingo - LangChainGo is a framework for developing applications powered by language models.
- LocalAI - Open Source OpenAI alternative, self-host AI models.
- Ollama - Run large language models locally.
- OllamaFarm - Manage, load-balance, and failover packs of Ollamas
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Audio and Music
Libraries for manipulating audio.
- flac - Native Go FLAC encoder/decoder with support for FLAC streams.
- gaad - Native Go AAC bitstream parser.
- GoAudio - Native Go Audio Processing Library.
- gosamplerate - libsamplerate bindings for go.
- id3v2 - ID3 decoding and encoding library for Go.
- malgo - Mini audio library.
- minimp3 - Lightweight MP3 decoder library.
- Oto - A low-level library to play sound on multiple platforms.
- PortAudio - Go bindings for the PortAudio audio I/O library.
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Authentication and OAuth
Libraries for implementing authentication schemes.
- authboss - Modular authentication system for the web. It tries to remove as much boilerplate and "hard things" as possible so that each time you start a new web project in Go, you can plug it in, configure it, and start building your app without having to build an authentication system each time.
- branca - branca token specification implementation for Golang 1.15+.
- casbin - Authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, and ABAC.
- cookiestxt - provides a parser of cookies.txt file format.
- go-guardian - Go-Guardian is a golang library that provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to create powerful modern API and web authentication that supports LDAP, Basic, Bearer token, and Certificate based authentication.
- go-jose - Fairly complete implementation of the JOSE working group's JSON Web Token, JSON Web Signatures, and JSON Web Encryption specs.
- gologin - chainable handlers for login with OAuth1 and OAuth2 authentication providers.
- gorbac - provides a lightweight role-based access control (RBAC) implementation in Golang.
- gosession - This is quick session for net/http in GoLang. This package is perhaps the best implementation of the session mechanism, or at least it tries to become one.
- goth - provides a simple, clean, and idiomatic way to use OAuth and OAuth2. Handles multiple providers out of the box.
- jeff - Simple, flexible, secure, and idiomatic web session management with pluggable backends.
- jwt - Lightweight JSON Web Token (JWT) library.
- jwt - Safe, simple, and fast JSON Web Tokens for Go.
- jwt-auth - JWT middleware for Golang http servers with many configuration options.
- jwt-go - A full featured implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This library supports the parsing and verification as well as the generation and signing of JWTs.
- jwx - Go module implementing various JWx (JWA/JWE/JWK/JWS/JWT, otherwise known as JOSE) technologies
- keto - Open Source (Go) implementation of "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System". Ships gRPC, REST APIs, newSQL, and an easy and granular permission language. Supports ACL, RBAC, and other access models.
- loginsrv - JWT login microservice with pluggable backends such as OAuth2 (Github), htpasswd, osiam.
- oauth2 - Successor of goauth2. Generic OAuth 2.0 package that comes with JWT, Google APIs, Compute Engine, and App Engine support.
- oidc - Easy to use OpenID Connect client and server library written for Go and certified by the OpenID Foundation
- openfga - Implementation of fine-grained authorization based on the "Zanzibar: Google's Consistent, Global Authorization System" paper. Backed by CNCF.
- osin - Golang OAuth2 server library.
- otpgen - Library to generate TOTP/HOTP codes.
- otpgo - Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) and HMAC-Based One-Time Password (HOTP) library for Go.
- paseto - Golang implementation of Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens (PASETO).
- permissions2 - Library for keeping track of users, login states, and permissions. Uses secure cookies and bcrypt.
- scope - Easily Manage OAuth2 Scopes In Go.
- scs - Session Manager for HTTP servers.
- securecookie - Efficient secure cookie encoding/decoding.
- session - Go session management for web servers (including support for Google App Engine - GAE).
- sessions - Dead simple, highly performant, highly customizable sessions service for go http servers.
- sessionup - Simple, yet effective HTTP session management and identification package.
- sjwt - Simple jwt generator and parser.
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Tools for building blockchains.
- cometbft - A distributed, Byzantine fault-tolerant, deterministic state machine replication engine. It is a fork of Tendermint Core and implements the Tendermint consensus algorithm.
- cosmos-sdk - A Framework for Building Public Blockchains in the Cosmos Ecosystem.
- gno - A comprehensive smart contract suite built with Golang and Gnolang, a deterministic, purpose-built Go variant for blockchains.
- go-ethereum - Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol.
- gosemble - A Go-based framework for building Polkadot/Substrate-compatible runtimes.
- gossamer - A Go implementation of the Polkadot Host.
- kubo - A blockchain framework implemented in Go. It provides content-addressable storage which can be used for decentralized storage in DApps. It is based on the IPFS protocol.
- lnd - A complete implementation of a Lighting Network node.
- solana-go - Go library to interface with Solana JSON RPC and WebSocket interfaces.
- tendermint - High-performance middleware for transforming a state machine written in any programming language into a Byzantine Fault Tolerant replicated state machine using the Tendermint consensus and blockchain protocols.
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Bot Building
Libraries for building and working with bots.
- bot - Zero-dependencies Telegram Bot library with additional UI components
- echotron - An elegant and concurrent library for Telegram Bots in Go.
- ephemeral-roles - A Discord bot for managing ephemeral roles based upon voice channel member presence.
- go-chat-bot - IRC, Slack & Telegram bot written in Go.
- go-joe - A general-purpose bot library inspired by Hubot but written in Go.
- go-sarah - Framework to build a bot for desired chat services including LINE, Slack, Gitter, and more.
- go-tg - Generated from official docs Go client library for accessing Telegram Bot API, with batteries for building complex bots included.
- go-tgbot - Pure Golang Telegram Bot API wrapper, generated from swagger file, session-based router, and middleware.
- go-twitch-irc - Library to write bots for chat
- Golang CryptoTrading Bot - A golang implementation of a console-based trading bot for cryptocurrency exchanges.
- govkbot - Simple Go VK bot library.
- hanu - Framework for writing Slack bots.
- Kelp - official trading and market-making bot for the Stellar DEX. Works out-of-the-box, written in Golang, compatible with centralized exchanges and custom trading strategies.
- larry - Larry ? is a really simple Twitter bot generator that tweets random repositories from Github built in Go.
- margelet - Framework for building Telegram bots.
- micha - Go Library for Telegram bot api.
- olivia - A chatbot built with an artificial neural network.
- slack-bot - Ready to use Slack Bot for lazy developers: Custom commands, Jenkins, Jira, Bitbucket, Github...
- slacker - Easy to use framework to create Slack bots.
- slackscot - Another framework for building Slack bots.
- tbot - Telegram bot server with API similar to net/http.
- telebot - Telegram bot framework is written in Go.
- telego - Telegram Bot API library for Golang with full one-to-one API implementation.
- telegram-bot-api - Simple and clean Telegram bot client.
- teleterm - Telegram Bot Exec Terminal Command.
- Tenyks - Service oriented IRC bot using Redis and JSON for messaging.
- wayback - A bot for Telegram, Mastodon, Slack, and other messaging platforms archives webpages.
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Build Automation
Libraries and tools help with build automation.
- 1build - Command line tool to frictionlessly manage project-specific commands.
- air - Air - Live reload for Go apps.
- anko - Simple application watcher for multiple programming languages.
- gaper - Builds and restarts a Go project when it crashes or some watched file changes.
- gilbert - Build system and task runner for Go projects.
- gob - Gradle/Maven like build tool for Go projects.
- goyek - Create build pipelines in Go.
- mage - Mage is a make/rake-like build tool using Go.
- mmake - Modern Make.
- realize - Go build a system with file watchers and live to reload. Run, build and watch file changes with custom paths.
- Task - simple "Make" alternative.
- taskctl - Concurrent task runner.
- xc - Task runner with defined tasks, executable markdown.
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Command Line
Advanced Console UIs
Libraries for building Console Applications and Console User Interfaces.
- asciigraph - Go package to make lightweight ASCII line graph ╭┈╯ in command line apps with no other dependencies.
- aurora - ANSI terminal colors that support fmt.Printf/Sprintf.
- box-cli-maker - Make Highly Customized Boxes for your CLI.
- bubble-table - An interactive table component for bubbletea.
- bubbles - TUI components for bubbletea.
- bubbletea - Go framework to build terminal apps, based on The Elm Architecture.
- cfmt - Contextual fmt inspired by bootstrap color classes.
- cfmt - Simple and convenient formatted stylized output fully compatible with fmt library.
- chalk - Intuitive package for prettifying terminal/console output.
- colourize - Go library for ANSI colour text in terminals.
- crab-config-files-templating - Dynamic configuration file templating tool for kubernetes manifest or general configuration files.
- ctc - The non-invasive cross-platform terminal color library does not need to modify the Print method.
- go-ataman - Go library for rendering ANSI colored text templates in terminals.
- go-colorable - Colorable writer for windows.
- go-colortext - Go library for color output in terminals.
- go-isatty - isatty for golang.
- go-palette - Go library that provides elegant and convenient style definitions using ANSI colors. Fully compatible & wraps the fmt library for nice terminal layouts.
- go-prompt - Library for building a powerful interactive prompt, inspired by python-prompt-toolkit.
- gocui - Minimalist Go library aimed at creating Console User Interfaces.
- gommon/color - Style terminal text.
- gookit/color - Terminal color rendering tool library, support 16 colors, 256 colors, RGB color rendering output, compatible with Windows.
- lipgloss - Declaratively define styles for color, format and layout in the terminal.
- marker - Easiest way to match and mark strings for colorful terminal outputs.
- mpb - Multi progress bar for terminal applications.
- progressbar - Basic thread-safe progress bar that works in every OS.
- pterm - A library to beautify console output on every platform with many combinable components.
- simpletable - Simple tables in a terminal with Go.
- spinner - Go package to easily provide a terminal spinner with options.
- tabby - A tiny library for super simple Golang tables.
- table - Small library for terminal color based tables.
- tabular - Print ASCII tables from command line utilities without the need to pass large sets of data to the API.
- termbox-go - Termbox is a library for creating cross-platform text-based interfaces.
- termdash - Go terminal dashboard based on termbox-go and inspired by termui.
- termenv - Advanced ANSI style & color support for your terminal applications.
- termui - Go terminal dashboard based on termbox-go and inspired by blessed-contrib.
- uilive - Library for updating terminal output in real time.
- uiprogress - Flexible library to render progress bars in terminal applications.
- uitable - Library to improve readability in terminal apps using tabular data.
- yacspin - Yet Another CLi Spinner package, for working with terminal spinners.
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Standard CLI
Libraries for building standard or basic Command Line applications.
- acmd - Simple, useful, and opinionated CLI package in Go.
- argparse - Command line argument parser inspired by Python's argparse module.
- argv - Go library to split command line string as arguments array using the bash syntax.
- carapace - Command argument completion generator for spf13/cobra.
- carapace-bin - Multi-shell multi-command argument completer.
- carapace-spec - Define simple completions using a spec file.
- climax - Alternative CLI with "human face", in spirit of Go command.
- clîr - A Simple and Clear CLI library. Dependency free.
- cmd - Extends the standard
package to support sub commands and more in idiomatic way.
- cmdr - A POSIX/GNU style, getopt-like command-line UI Go library.
- cobra - Commander for modern Go CLI interactions.
- command-chain - A go library for configure and run command chains - such as pipelining in unix shells.
- commandeer - Dev-friendly CLI apps: sets up flags, defaults, and usage based on struct fields and tags.
- complete - Write bash completions in Go + Go command bash completion.
- Dnote - A simple command line notebook with multi-device sync.
- elvish - An expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell.
- env - Tag-based environment configuration for structs.
- flag - Simple but powerful command line option parsing library for Go supporting subcommand.
- flaggy - A robust and idiomatic flags package with excellent subcommand support.
- flagvar - A collection of flag argument types for Go's standard
- go-andotp - A CLI program to encrypt/decrypt andOTP files. Can be used as a library as well.
- go-arg - Struct-based argument parsing in Go.
- go-commander - Go library to simplify CLI workflow.
- go-flags - go command line option parser.
- go-getoptions - Go option parser inspired by the flexibility of Perl’s GetOpt::Long.
- gocmd - Go library for building command line applications.
- hiboot cli - cli application framework with auto configuration and dependency injection.
- job - JOB, make your short-term command as a long-term job.
- kingpin - Command line and flag parser supporting sub commands (superseded by
; see below).
- liner - Go readline-like library for command-line interfaces.
- mcli - A minimal but very powerful cli library for Go.
- mitchellh/cli - Go library for implementing command-line interfaces.
- mkideal/cli - Feature-rich and easy to use command-line package based on golang struct tags.
- mow.cli - Go library for building CLI applications with sophisticated flag and argument parsing and validation.
- ops - Unikernel Builder/Orchestrator.
- pflag - Drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
- readline Shell library with modern and easy to use UI features.
- sand - Simple API for creating interpreters and so much more.
- sflags - Struct based flags generator for flag, urfave/cli, pflag, cobra, kingpin, and other libraries.
- strumt - Library to create prompt chain.
- subcmd - Another approach to parsing and running subcommands. Works alongside the standard
- survey - Build interactive and accessible prompts with full support for windows and posix terminals.
- teris-io/cli - Simple and complete API for building command line interfaces in Go.
- ts - Timestamp convert & compare tool.
- ukautz/clif - Small command line interface framework.
- urfave/cli - Simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go (formerly codegangsta/cli).
- version - Collects and displays CLI version information in multiple formats along with upgrade notice.
- wlog - Simple logging interface that supports cross-platform color and concurrency.
- wmenu - Easy to use menu structure for cli applications that prompt users to make choices.
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Libraries for configuration parsing.
- aconfig - Simple, useful and opinionated config loader.
- bcl - BCL is a configuration language similar to HCL.
- cleanenv - Minimalistic configuration reader (from files, ENV, and wherever you want).
- config - Cloud native application configuration. Bind ENV to structs in only two lines.
- config - configure your app using file, environment variables, or flags in two lines of code
- configuration - Library for initializing configuration structs from env variables, files, flags and 'default' tag.
- configure - Provides configuration through multiple sources, including JSON, flags and environment variables.
- configuro - opinionated configuration loading & validation framework from ENV and Files focused towards 12-Factor compliant applications.
- confiq - Structured data format to config struct decoder library for Go - supporting multiple data formats
- confita - Load configuration in cascade from multiple backends into a struct.
- conflate - Library/tool to merge multiple JSON/YAML/TOML files from arbitrary URLs, validation against a JSON schema, and application of default values defined in the schema.
- env - Parse environment variables to Go structs (with defaults).
- env - A lightweight package for loading environment variables into structs.
- env - An environment utility package with support for unmarshaling into structs
- envconfig - Read your configuration from environment variables.
- envh - Helpers to manage environment variables.
- fig - Tiny library for reading configuration from a file and from environment variables (with validation & defaults).
- genv - Read environment variables easily with dotenv support.
- go-array - A Go package that read or set data from map, slice or json.
- go-aws-ssm - Go package that fetches parameters from AWS System Manager - Parameter Store.
- go-cfg - The library provides a unified way to read configuration data into a structure from various sources, such as env, flags, and configuration files (.json, .yaml, .toml, .env).
- go-conf - Simple library for application configuration based on annotated structs. It supports reading the configuration from environment variables, config files and command line parameters.
- go-ini - A Go package that marshals and unmarshals INI-files.
- go-ssm-config - Go utility for loading configuration parameters from AWS SSM (Parameter Store).
- go-up - A simple configuration library with recursive placeholders resolution and no magic.
- GoCfg - Config manager with Struct Tags based contracts, custom value providers, parsers, and documentation generation. Customizable yet simple.
- goConfig - Parses a struct as input and populates the fields of this struct with parameters from command line, environment variables and configuration file.
- godotenv - Go port of Ruby's dotenv library (Loads environment variables from
- gofigure - Go application configuration made easy.
- GoLobby/Config - GoLobby Config is a lightweight yet powerful configuration manager for the Go programming language.
- gone/jconf - Modular JSON configuration. Keep your config structs along with the code they configure and delegate parsing to submodules without sacrificing full config serialization.
- gonfig - Tag-based configuration parser which loads values from different providers into typesafe struct.
- gookit/config - application config manage(load,get,set). support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL. multi file load, data override merge.
- harvester - Harvester, an easy to use static and dynamic configuration package supporting seeding, env vars and Consul integration.
- hjson - Human JSON, a configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments.
- hocon - Configuration library for working with the HOCON(a human-friendly JSON superset) format, supports features like environment variables, referencing other values, comments and multiple files.
- ingo - Flags persisted in an ini-like config file.
- ini - Go package to read and write INI files.
- ini - INI Parser & Write Library, Unmarshal to Struct, Marshal to Json, Write File, watch file.
- joshbetz/config - Small configuration library for Go that parses environment variables, JSON files, and reloads automatically on SIGHUP.
- kelseyhightower/envconfig - Go library for managing configuration data from environment variables.
- koanf - Light weight, extensible library for reading config in Go applications. Built in support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line.
- konf - The simplest API for reading/watching config from file, env, flag and clouds (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP).
- konfig - Composable, observable and performant config handling for Go for the distributed processing era.
- kong - Command-line parser with support for arbitrarily complex command-line structures and additional sources of configuration such as YAML, JSON, TOML, etc (successor to
- mini - Golang package for parsing ini-style configuration files.
- nasermirzaei89/env - Simple useful package for read environment variables.
- nfigure - Per-library struct-tag based configuration from command lines (Posix & Go-style); environment, JSON, YAML
- onion - Layer based configuration for Go, Supports JSON, TOML, YAML, properties, etcd, env, and encryption using PGP.
- piper - Viper wrapper with config inheritance and key generation.
- sonic - A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library.
- store - Lightweight configuration manager for Go.
- swap - Instantiate/configure structs recursively, based on build environment. (YAML, TOML, JSON and env).
- typenv - Minimalistic, zero dependency, typed environment variables library.
- uConfig - Lightweight, zero-dependency, and extendable configuration management.
- viper - Go configuration with fangs.
- xdg - Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories.
- xdg - Cross platform package that follows the XDG Standard.
- yamagiconf - The "safe subset" of YAML for Go configs.
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Continuous Integration
Tools for help with continuous integration.
- abstruse - Abstruse is a distributed CI platform.
- Bencher - A suite of continuous benchmarking tools designed to catch performance regressions in CI.
- CDS - Enterprise-Grade CI/CD and DevOps Automation Open Source Platform.
- dot - A minimal, local first continuous integration system that uses Docker to run jobs concurrently in stages.
- drone - Drone is a Continuous Integration platform built on Docker, written in Go.
- go-beautiful-html-coverage - A GitHub Action to track code coverage in your pull requests, with a beautiful HTML preview, for free.
- go-fuzz-action - Use Go 1.18's built-in fuzz testing in GitHub Actions.
- go-semver-release - Automate the semantic versioning of Git repositories.
- go-test-coverage - Tool and GitHub action which reports issues when test coverage is below set threshold.
- gomason - Test, Build, Sign, and Publish your go binaries from a clean workspace.
- gotestfmt - go test output for humans.
- goveralls - Go integration for continuous code coverage tracking system.
- muffet - Fast website link checker in Go, see alternatives.
- overalls - Multi-Package go project coverprofile for tools like goveralls.
- roveralls - Recursive coverage testing tool.
- woodpecker - Woodpecker is a community fork of the Drone CI system.
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CSS Preprocessors
Libraries for preprocessing CSS files.
- gcss - Pure Go CSS Preprocessor.
- go-libsass - Go wrapper to the 100% Sass compatible libsass project.
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Data Integration Frameworks
Frameworks for performing ELT / ETL
- Benthos - A message streaming bridge between a range of protocols.
- CloudQuery - A high-performance ELT data integration framework with pluggable architecture.
- omniparser - A versatile ETL library that parses text input (CSV/txt/JSON/XML/EDI/X12/EDIFACT/etc) in streaming fashion and transforms data into JSON output using data-driven schema.
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Data Structures and Algorithms
Bit-packing and Compression
- bingo - Fast, zero-allocation, lexicographical-order-preserving packing of native types to bytes.
- binpacker - Binary packer and unpacker helps user build custom binary stream.
- bit - Golang set data structure with bonus bit-twiddling functions.
- crunch - Go package implementing buffers for handling various datatypes easily.
- go-ef - A Go implementation of the Elias-Fano encoding.
- roaring - Go package implementing compressed bitsets.
Bit Sets
- bitmap - Dense, zero-allocation, SIMD-enabled bitmap/bitset in Go.
- bitset - Go package implementing bitsets.
Bloom and Cuckoo Filters
- bloom - Go package implementing Bloom filters.
- bloom - Bloom filters implemented in Go.
- bloom - Golang Bloom filter implementation.
- bloomfilter - Yet another Bloomfilter implementation in Go, compatible with Java's Guava library.
- boomfilters - Probabilistic data structures for processing continuous, unbounded streams.
- cuckoo-filter - Cuckoo filter: a comprehensive cuckoo filter, which is configurable and space optimized compared with other implements, and all features mentioned in original paper are available.
- cuckoofilter - Cuckoo filter: a good alternative to a counting bloom filter implemented in Go.
- ring - Go implementation of a high performance, thread safe bloom filter.
Data Structure and Algorithm Collections
- algorithms - Algorithms and data structures.CLRS study.
- go-datastructures - Collection of useful, performant, and thread-safe data structures.
- gods - Go Data Structures. Containers, Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, BidiMaps, Trees, HashSet etc.
- gostl - Data structure and algorithm library for go, designed to provide functions similar to C++ STL.
- goterator - Iterator implementation to provide map and reduce functionalities.
- iter - Go implementation of C++ STL iterators and algorithms.
See also Database for more complex key-value stores, and Trees for
additional ordered map implementations.
- cmap - a thread-safe concurrent map for go, support using
as key and auto scale up shards.
- dict - Python-like dictionaries (dict) for Go.
- go-shelve - A persistent, map-like object for the Go programming language. Supports multiple embedded key-value stores.
- goradd/maps - Go 1.18+ generic map interface for maps; safe maps; ordered maps; ordered, safe maps; etc.
Miscellaneous Data Structures and Algorithms
- concurrent-writer - Highly concurrent drop-in replacement for
- conjungo - A small, powerful and flexible merge library.
- count-min-log - Go implementation Count-Min-Log sketch: Approximately counting with approximate counters (Like Count-Min sketch but using less memory).
- fsm - Finite-State Machine package.
- genfuncs - Go 1.18+ generics package inspired by Kotlin's Sequence and Map.
- go-generics - Generic slice, map, set, iterator, and goroutine utilities.
- go-geoindex - In-memory geo index.
- go-rampart - Determine how intervals relate to each other.
- go-rquad - Region quadtrees with efficient point location and neighbour finding.
- go-tuple - Generic tuple implementation for Go 1.18+.
- go18ds - Go Data Structures using Go 1.18 generics.
- gofal - fractional api for Go.
- gogu - A comprehensive, reusable and efficient concurrent-safe generics utility functions and data structures library.
- gota - Implementation of dataframes, series, and data wrangling methods for Go.
- hide - ID type with marshalling to/from hash to prevent sending IDs to clients.
- hilbert - Go package for mapping values to and from space-filling curves, such as Hilbert and Peano curves.
- hyperloglog - HyperLogLog implementation with Sparse, LogLog-Beta bias correction and TailCut space reduction.
- quadtree - Generic, zero-alloc, 100%-test covered quadtree.
- slices - Functions that operate on slices; like
package strings
but adapted to work with slices.
- slices - Pure, generic functions for slices.
Nullable Types
- nan - Zero allocation Nullable structures in one library with handy conversion functions, marshallers and unmarshallers.
- null - Nullable Go types that can be marshalled/unmarshalled to/from JSON.
- typ - Null Types, Safe primitive type conversion and fetching value from complex structures.
- deque - A highly optimized double-ended queue.
- deque - Fast ring-buffer deque (double-ended queue).
- goconcurrentqueue - Concurrent FIFO queue.
- hatchet - Distributed, Fault-tolerant task queue.
- memlog - An easy to use, lightweight, thread-safe and append-only in-memory data structure inspired by Apache Kafka.
- queue - Multiple thread-safe, generic queue implementations for Go.
- dsu - Disjoint Set data structure implementation in Go.
- golang-set - Thread-Safe and Non-Thread-Safe high-performance sets for Go.
- goset - A useful Set collection implementation for Go.
- set - Simple set data structure implementation in Go using LinkedHashMap.
Text Analysis
- bleve - Modern text indexing library for go.
- go-adaptive-radix-tree - Go implementation of Adaptive Radix Tree.
- go-edlib - Go string comparison and edit distance algorithms library (Levenshtein, LCS, Hamming, Damerau levenshtein, Jaro-Winkler, etc.) compatible with Unicode.
- levenshtein - Levenshtein distance and similarity metrics with customizable edit costs and Winkler-like bonus for common prefix.
- levenshtein - Implementation to calculate levenshtein distance in Go.
- mspm - Multi-String Pattern Matching Algorithm for information retrieval.
- parsefields - Tools for parse JSON-like logs for collecting unique fields and events.
- ptrie - An implementation of prefix tree.
- trie - Trie implementation in Go.
- hashsplit - Split byte streams into chunks, and arrange chunks into trees, with boundaries determined by content, not position.
- merkle - Space-efficient computation of Merkle root hashes and inclusion proofs.
- skiplist - Very fast Go Skiplist implementation.
- skiplist - Skiplist implementation in Go.
- treap - Persistent, fast ordered map using tree heaps.
- treemap - Generic key-sorted map using a red-black tree under the hood.
- ordered-concurrently - Go module that processes work concurrently and returns output in a channel in the order of input.
- parapipe - FIFO Pipeline which parallels execution on each stage while maintaining the order of messages and results.
- pipeline - An implementation of pipelines with fan-in and fan-out.
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Data stores with expiring records, in-memory distributed data stores, or in-memory subsets of file-based databases.
- 2q - 2Q in-memory cache implementation.
- bcache - Eventually consistent distributed in-memory cache Go library.
- BigCache - Efficient key/value cache for gigabytes of data.
- cache - In-memory key:value store with expiration time, 0 dependencies, <100 LoC, 100% coverage.
- cache2go - In-memory key:value cache which supports automatic invalidation based on timeouts.
- cachego - Golang Cache component for multiple drivers.
- clusteredBigCache - BigCache with clustering support and individual item expiration.
- coherence-go-client - Full implementation of Oracle Coherence cache API for Go applications using gRPC as network transport.
- couchcache - RESTful caching micro-service backed by Couchbase server.
- EchoVault - Embeddable Distributed in-memory data store compatible with Redis clients.
- fastcache - fast thread-safe inmemory cache for big number of entries. Minimizes GC overhead.
- GCache - Cache library with support for expirable Cache, LFU, LRU and ARC.
- gdcache - A pure non-intrusive cache library implemented by golang, you can use it to implement your own distributed cache.
- go-cache - A flexible multi-layer Go caching library to deal with in-memory and shared cache by adopting Cache-Aside pattern.
- go-freelru A GC-less, fast and generic LRU hashmap library with optional locking, sharding, eviction and expiration.
- go-mcache - Fast in-memory key:value store/cache library. Pointer caches.
- gocache - A complete Go cache library with multiple stores (memory, memcache, redis, ...), chainable, loadable, metrics cache and more.
- gocache - A data race free Go ache library with high performance and auto pruge functionality
- groupcache - Groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.
- icache - A High Performance, Generic, thread-safe, zero-dependency cache package.
- imcache - A generic in-memory cache Go library. It supports expiration, sliding expiration, max entries limit, eviction callbacks and sharding.
- nscache - A Go caching framework that supports multiple data source drivers.
- otter - A high performance lockless cache for Go. Many times faster than Ristretto and friends.
- pocache - Pocache is a minimal cache package which focuses on a preemptive optimistic caching strategy.
- sturdyc - A caching library with advanced concurrency features designed to make I/O heavy applications robust and highly performant.
- theine - High performance, near optimal in-memory cache with proactive TTL expiration and generics.
- timedmap - Map with expiring key-value pairs.
- ttlcache - An in-memory cache with item expiration and generics.
- ttlcache - In-memory key value storage with TTL for each record.
Databases Implemented in Go
- badger - Fast key-value store in Go.
- bbolt - An embedded key/value database for Go.
- Bitcask - Bitcask is an embeddable, persistent and fast key-value (KV) database written in pure Go with predictable read/write performance, low latency and high throughput thanks to the bitcask on-disk layout (LSM+WAL).
- buntdb - Fast, embeddable, in-memory key/value database for Go with custom indexing and spatial support.
- clover - A lightweight document-oriented NoSQL database written in pure Golang.
- cockroach - Scalable, Geo-Replicated, Transactional Datastore.
- Coffer - Simple ACID key-value database that supports transactions.
- column - High-performance, columnar, embeddable in-memory store with bitmap indexing and transactions.
- CovenantSQL - CovenantSQL is a SQL database on blockchain.
- Databunker - Personally identifiable information (PII) storage service built to comply with GDPR and CCPA.
- dgraph - Scalable, Distributed, Low Latency, High Throughput Graph Database.
- diskv - Home-grown disk-backed key-value store.
- dolt - Dolt – It's Git for Data.
- dtf - A distributed transaction manager. Support XA, TCC, SAGA, Reliable Messages.
- eliasdb - Dependency-free, transactional graph database with REST API, phrase search and SQL-like query language.
- godis - A Golang implemented high-performance Redis server and cluster.
- goleveldb - Implementation of the LevelDB key/value database in Go.
- hare - A simple database management system that stores each table as a text file of line-delimited JSON.
- immudb - immudb is a lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications written in Go.
- influxdb - Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics.
- ledisdb - Ledisdb is a high performance NoSQL like Redis based on LevelDB.
- levigo - Levigo is a Go wrapper for LevelDB.
- libradb - LibraDB is a simple database with less than 1000 lines of code for learning.
- LinDB - LinDB is a scalable, high performance, high availability distributed time series database.
- lotusdb - Fast k/v database compatible with lsm and b+tree.
- Milvus - Milvus is a vector database for embedding management, analytics and search.
- moss - Moss is a simple LSM key-value storage engine written in 100% Go.
- nutsdb - Nutsdb is a simple, fast, embeddable, persistent key/value store written in pure Go. It supports fully serializable transactions and many data structures such as list, set, sorted set.
- objectbox-go - High-performance embedded Object Database (NoSQL) with Go API.
- pebble - RocksDB/LevelDB inspired key-value database in Go.
- piladb - Lightweight RESTful database engine based on stack data structures.
- pogreb - Embedded key-value store for read-heavy workloads.
- prometheus - Monitoring system and time series database.
- pudge - Fast and simple key/value store written using Go's standard library.
- redka - Redis re-implemented with SQLite.
- rosedb - An embedded k-v database based on LSM+WAL, supports string, list, hash, set, zset.
- rotom - A tiny Redis server built with Golang, compatible with RESP protocols.
- rqlite - The lightweight, distributed, relational database built on SQLite.
- tempdb - Key-value store for temporary items.
- tidb - TiDB is a distributed SQL database. Inspired by the design of Google F1.
- tiedot - Your NoSQL database powered by Golang.
- unitdb - Fast timeseries database for IoT, realtime messaging applications. Access unitdb with pubsub over tcp or websocket using application.
- Vasto - A distributed high-performance key-value store. On Disk. Eventual consistent. HA. Able to grow or shrink without service interruption.
- VictoriaMetrics - fast, resource-effective and scalable open source time series database. May be used as long-term remote storage for Prometheus. Supports PromQL.
Database Schema Migration
- atlas - A Database Toolkit. A CLI designed to help companies better work with their data.
- avro - Discover SQL schemas and convert them to AVRO schemas. Query SQL records into AVRO bytes.
- bytebase - Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams.
- darwin - Database schema evolution library for Go.
- dbmate - A lightweight, framework-agnostic database migration tool.
- go-fixtures - Django style fixtures for Golang's excellent built-in database/sql library.
- go-pg-migrate - CLI-friendly package for go-pg migrations management.
- go-pg-migrations - A Go package to help write migrations with go-pg/pg.
- goavro - A Go package that encodes and decodes Avro data.
- godfish - Database migration manager, works with native query language. Support for cassandra, mysql, postgres, sqlite3.
- goose - Database migration tool. You can manage your database's evolution by creating incremental SQL or Go scripts.
- gorm-seeder - Simple database seeder for Gorm ORM.
- gormigrate - Database schema migration helper for Gorm ORM.
- libschema - Define your migrations separately in each library. Migrations for open source libraries. MySQL & PostgreSQL.
- migrate - Database migrations. CLI and Golang library.
- migrator - Dead simple Go database migration library.
- migrator - MySQL database migrator designed to run migrations to your features and manage database schema update with intuitive go code.
- schema - Library to embed schema migrations for database/sql-compatible databases inside your Go binaries.
- skeema - Pure-SQL schema management system for MySQL, with support for sharding and external online schema change tools.
- soda - Database migration, creation, ORM, etc... for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
- sql-migrate - Database migration tool. Allows embedding migrations into the application using go-bindata.
- sqlize - Database migration generator. Allows generate sql migration from model and existing sql by differ them.
Database Tools
- chproxy - HTTP proxy for ClickHouse database.
- clickhouse-bulk - Collects small inserts and sends big requests to ClickHouse servers.
- dbbench - Database benchmarking tool with support for several databases and scripts.
- dg - A fast data generator that produces CSV files from generated relational data.
- dynago - Simplify working with AWS DynamoDB.
- gatewayd - Cloud-native database gateway and framework for building data-driven applications. Like API gateways, for databases.
- go-mysql - Go toolset to handle MySQL protocol and replication.
- gorm-multitenancy - Multi-tenancy support for GORM managed databases.
- hasql - Library for accessing multi-host SQL database installations.
- octillery - Go package for sharding databases ( Supports every ORM or raw SQL ).
- onedump - Database backup from different drivers to different destinations with one command and configuration.
- pg_timetable - Advanced scheduling for PostgreSQL.
- pgweb - Web-based PostgreSQL database browser.
- prep - Use prepared SQL statements without changing your code.
- pREST - Simplify and accelerate development, ⚡ instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new.
- rdb - Redis RDB file parser for secondary development and memory analysis.
- rwdb - rwdb provides read replica capability for multiple database servers setup.
- vitess - vitess provides servers and tools which facilitate scaling of MySQL databases for large scale web services.
- wescale - WeScale is a database proxy designed to enhance the scalability, performance, security, and resilience of your applications.
SQL Query Builders
Libraries for building and using SQL.
- bqb - Lightweight and easy to learn query builder.
- buildsqlx - Go database query builder library for PostgreSQL.
- builq - Easily build SQL queries in Go.
- dbq - Zero boilerplate database operations for Go.
- Dotsql - Go library that helps you keep sql files in one place and use them with ease.
- gendry - Non-invasive SQL builder and powerful data binder.
- godbal - Database Abstraction Layer (dbal) for go. Support SQL builder and get result easily.
- goqu - Idiomatic SQL builder and query library.
- gosql - SQL Query builder with better null values support.
- Hotcoal - Secure your handcrafted SQL against injection.
- igor - Abstraction layer for PostgreSQL that supports advanced functionality and uses gorm-like syntax.
- jet - Framework for writing type-safe SQL queries in Go, with ability to easily convert database query result into desired arbitrary object structure.
- ormlite - Lightweight package containing some ORM-like features and helpers for sqlite databases.
- ozzo-dbx - Powerful data retrieval methods as well as DB-agnostic query building capabilities.
- qry - Tool that generates constants from files with raw SQL queries.
- sg - A SQL Gen for generating standard SQLs(supports: CRUD) written in Go.
- sq - Type-safe SQL builder and struct mapper for Go.
- sqlc - Generate type-safe code from SQL.
- sqlf - Fast SQL query builder.
- sqlingo - A lightweight DSL to build SQL in Go.
- sqrl - SQL query builder, fork of Squirrel with improved performance.
- Squalus - Thin layer over the Go SQL package that makes it easier to perform queries.
- Squirrel - Go library that helps you build SQL queries.
- xo - Generate idiomatic Go code for databases based on existing schema definitions or custom queries supporting PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
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Database Drivers
Interfaces to Multiple Backends
- cayley - Graph database with support for multiple backends.
- dsc - Datastore connectivity for SQL, NoSQL, structured files.
- dynamo - A simple key-value abstraction to store algebraic and linked-data data types at AWS storage services: AWS DynamoDB and AWS S3.
- go-transaction-manager - Transaction manager with multiple adapters (sql, sqlx, gorm, mongo, ...) controls transaction boundaries.
- gokv - Simple key-value store abstraction and implementations for Go (Redis, Consul, etcd, bbolt, BadgerDB, LevelDB, Memcached, DynamoDB, S3, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CockroachDB and many more).
Relational Database Drivers
- avatica - Apache Avatica/Phoenix SQL driver for database/sql.
- bgc - Datastore Connectivity for BigQuery for go.
- firebirdsql - Firebird RDBMS SQL driver for Go.
- go-adodb - Microsoft ActiveX Object DataBase driver for go that uses database/sql.
- go-mssqldb - Microsoft MSSQL driver for Go.
- go-oci8 - Oracle driver for go that uses database/sql.
- go-sql-driver/mysql - MySQL driver for Go.
- go-sqlite3 - SQLite3 driver for go that uses database/sql.
- godror - Oracle driver for Go, using the ODPI-C driver.
- gofreetds - Microsoft MSSQL driver. Go wrapper over FreeTDS.
- KSQL - A Simple and Powerful Golang SQL Library
- pgx - PostgreSQL driver supporting features beyond those exposed by database/sql.
- pig - Simple pgx wrapper to execute and scan query results easily.
- pq - Pure Go Postgres driver for database/sql.
- Sqinn-Go - SQLite with pure Go.
- sqlhooks - Attach hooks to any database/sql driver.
- surrealdb.go - SurrealDB Driver for Go.
- ydb-go-sdk - native and database/sql driver YDB (Yandex Database)
NoSQL Database Drivers
- aerospike-client-go - Aerospike client in Go language.
- arangolite - Lightweight golang driver for ArangoDB.
- asc - Datastore Connectivity for Aerospike for go.
- forestdb - Go bindings for ForestDB.
- go-couchbase - Couchbase client in Go.
- go-mongox - A Go Mongo library based on the official driver, featuring streamlined document operations, generic binding of structs to collections, built-in CRUD, aggregation, automated field updates, struct validation, hooks, and plugin-based programming.
- go-pilosa - Go client library for Pilosa.
- go-rejson - Golang client for redislabs' ReJSON module using Redigo golang client. Store and manipulate structs as JSON objects in redis with ease.
- gocb - Official Couchbase Go SDK.
- gocosmos - REST client and standard
driver for Azure Cosmos DB.
- gocql - Go language driver for Apache Cassandra.
- godis - redis client implement by golang, inspired by jedis.
- godscache - A wrapper for the Google Cloud Platform Go Datastore package that adds caching using memcached.
- gomemcache - memcache client library for the Go programming language.
- gomemcached - A binary Memcached client for Go with support for sharding using consistent hashing, along with SASL.
- gorethink - Go language driver for RethinkDB.
- goriak - Go language driver for Riak KV.
- Kivik - Kivik provides a common Go and GopherJS client library for CouchDB, PouchDB, and similar databases.
- mgm - MongoDB model-based ODM for Go (based on official MongoDB driver).
- mgo - (unmaintained) MongoDB driver for the Go language that implements a rich and well tested selection of features under a very simple API following standard Go idioms.
- mongo-go-driver - Official MongoDB driver for the Go language.
- neo4j - Neo4j Rest API Bindings for Golang.
- Neo4j-GO - Neo4j REST Client in golang.
- neoism - Neo4j client for Golang.
- qmgo - The MongoDB driver for Go. It‘s based on official MongoDB driver but easier to use like Mgo.
- redeo - Redis-protocol compatible TCP servers/services.
- redigo - Redigo is a Go client for the Redis database.
- redis - Redis client for Golang.
- rueidis - Fast Redis RESP3 client with auto pipelining and server-assisted client side caching.
- xredis - Typesafe, customizable, clean & easy to use Redis client.
Search and Analytic Databases
- clickhouse-go - ClickHouse SQL client for Go with a
- effdsl - Elasticsearch query builder for Go.
- elastic - Elasticsearch client for Go.
- elasticsql - Convert sql to elasticsearch dsl in Go.
- elastigo - Elasticsearch client library.
- go-elasticsearch - Official Elasticsearch client for Go.
- goes - Library to interact with Elasticsearch.
- skizze - probabilistic data-structures service and storage.
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Date and Time
Libraries for working with dates and times.
- approx - A Duration extension supporting parsing/printing durations in days, weeks and years.
- carbon - A simple, semantic and developer-friendly golang package for datetime.
- carbon - Simple Time extension with a lot of util methods, ported from PHP Carbon library.
- cronrange - Parses Cron-style time range expressions, checks if the given time is within any ranges.
- date - Augments Time for working with dates, date ranges, time spans, periods, and time-of-day.
- dateparse - Parse date's without knowing format in advance.
- durafmt - Time duration formatting library for Go.
- feiertage - Set of functions to calculate public holidays in Germany, incl. specialization on the states of Germany (Bundesländer). Things like Easter, Pentecost, Thanksgiving...
- go-anytime - Parse dates/times like "next dec 22nd at 3pm" and ranges like "from today until next thursday" without knowing the format in advance.
- go-datebin - A simple datetime parse pkg.
- go-persian-calendar - The implementation of the Persian (Solar Hijri) Calendar in Go (golang).
- go-str2duration - Convert string to duration. Support time.Duration returned string and more.
- go-sunrise - Calculate the sunrise and sunset times for a given location.
- go-week - An efficient package to work with ISO8601 week dates.
- gostradamus - A Go package for working with dates.
- iso8601 - Efficiently parse ISO8601 date-times without regex.
- kair - Date and Time - Golang Formatting Library.
- now - Now is a time toolkit for golang.
- strftime - C99-compatible strftime formatter.
- timespan - For interacting with intervals of time, defined as a start time and a duration.
- timeutil - Useful extensions (Timedelta, Strftime, ...) to the golang's time package.
- tuesday - Ruby-compatible Strftime function.
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Distributed Systems
Packages that help with building Distributed Systems.
- arpc - More effective network communication, support two-way-calling, notify, broadcast.
- bedrock - Provides a minimal, modular and composable foundation for quickly developing services and more use case specific frameworks in Go.
- capillaries - distributed batch data processing framework.
- celeriac - Library for adding support for interacting and monitoring Celery workers, tasks and events in Go.
- consistent - Consistent hashing with bounded loads.
- consistenthash - Consistent hashing with configurable replicas.
- dht - BitTorrent Kademlia DHT implementation.
- digota - grpc ecommerce microservice.
- do