About the project
This SPA is a clone of the Streaks app: a place to track your progress on forming good habits. The user can pick up to 6 habits to track progress of. As the user checks in every day, their streak increases. If the user misses a day, their streak resets back to zero.
- [Live site: Coming Soon!]
1. Front-End
1.1 User Features
- User can add up to 6 habits to track
- User can remove habits from their list of habits
- User can click on the habit to confirm its completion
- Users can see their current streak and longest streak for each habit
- Users can see detailed statistics for each habit (average check ins, total check ins, check ins by day, check ins by time, and check ins over time)
1.2 Technologies
- React
- React Router
- Moment.js
- Chart.js
- Styled Components
2. Back-End
2.1 Technologies
3. Screenshots
- [Home - Mobile]
- [Settings - Mobile]
- [Habit Detail - Mobile]
- [Add Habit - Mobile]