This script/repo is no longer maintained.
While it still works as far as i know, I'm not adding/changing to it any longer. I would suggest to check out a project called PlexRipper if you are interested in something like my Saverr, but with a lot better GUI and feature set. Thanks!
Powershell script with a front-end GUI to download media from Plex Servers.
Allows you to search and save movies, tv shows, and music for offline/personal use.
Expanded from the original non-gui version: directplexDownloader.
Depending on your download method/settings, you may need to 'unblock' the files after downloading them from Github. This is normal behavior for Microsoft Windows to do for files downloaded from the internet.
Right click > Properties > Check 'Unblock'
Option One
Option Two
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Currentuser Unrestricted
Option Three
Not available anymore. Even though the .exe was just the powershell script compiled, windows would flag it as a virus so I removed this option. You can compile it yourself into an executable using this tool here if you would like:
If you trust me, I've compiled an .exe here as well.
source is just the Saverr.ps1 file that is located here converted with the [PS2EXE] tool. You can do it yourself if you want using the Saverr.ps1 file.
Save the Saverr.exe to your computer and double click it to launch the app.
All config is done in the settings menu (Accessed by clicking the orange gear icon)
Some plex servers will not work or may act a bit funky.
Not much I can do about this. Everyones plex servers are set up a bit differently. Some have firewalls, special routing configuration, or nginx proxy servers in front. However, from my experience using mutiple plex servers, this works the majority of the time and the servers that do not work are outliers.
No mimimize button during an active download.
This is intended. Because of the powershell script functions used in the background, a pause is required to prevent hanging of the script. The mimimize button becomes available after you pause a download. Click resume after maximizing the window again. You can also continue to do other things on your computer by opening other windows while the Saverr app downloads. Saverr will remain open behind these windows and can be re-selected again to use it without pausing of downloads.
Maximum number of downloads is 200.
This is the default setting within windows for the BITS download function being used.
More than 200 items will automatically be truncated to 200.
If you need to increase the maximum download amount, please set this registry setting below to the value desired:
Path: HKLMSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsBITS
Dword: MaxFilesPerJob
Decimal Value: Dealers Choice
Reference: Bits
Some errors are self explanatory and output to the main app window, others are not. You can enable debugging in the settings menu. This will create a log file (saverrLog.txt) in the current Saverr directory that will give more information on the error or issue.