Create cards to play a Music Bingo.
The data source is a comma delimited CSV-file with three columns:
Song title
Name of the person that chose the song (can be empty)
The Greatest Show,Hugh Jackman - The Greatest Showman Ensemble,Vik
Rode rozen in de sneeuw,Marva,Omer
Macarena,Los Del Rio,
For each person that selected a song, a card will be generated containing all the songs selected by the person and random songs until the card is full. The own songs are marked in grey, and the other songs show the name of person that chose the song (if available).
Export the playlist and add the persons names as described below
Update the filename in the Application
Create a playlist in Spotify
Select the playlist in and click "Export"
Copy the CSV file to /src/main/resources
Open the file with a spreadsheet editor, and only keep the song and artist column
Add a column with the name of the person who selected the song, not all songs need a name
Search and replace all commas