Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer Front-End
My Fantasy Football Trade Analyzer is a full-stack application that utilizes a front-end built in React and a back-end built with Express, Node, and Mongoose. As a Software Engineer and an avid fantasy football fan, this was the perfect project to combine my two passions. The application uses an algorithm I developed that converts FantasyPros' Rest of Season rankings into a player rating fom 0.05 to 15, and uses those player ratings to evaluate a trade.
Build Status
Due to other commitments I haven't been able to update the data weekly as I would like to, so it is currently out of date.
Known bugs/Planned fixes
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dd9dc5ede69ab199e063980047d20646b3e87b43 -Currently, I am manually updating player ratings each week. To keep things doable I am only using the top 300 players according to FantasyPros rankings and only updating ratings each week. I have plans to utilize a web scraper to help with the process of updating rankings which would result in more players being included in the player pool and more frequent updates.
Deployed Application:
Back-end Repo: