bankline direct parser
Python module for parsing Natwest/RBS Bankline Direct Data Services files.
Only Python 3.7+ is supported.
pip install bankline-direct-parser
from bankline_parser.data_services import parse
# from file
with open(filename) as f:
parsed = parse(f)
if parsed.is_valid():
# from list of rows
parsed = parse(lines)
DataServicesFile VolumeHeaderLabel [Account] FileHeaderLabel UserHeaderLabel [DataRecord|BalanceRecord] UserTrailerLabel
Please report bugs and open pull requests on GitHub.
To work on changes to this library, it’s recommended to install it in editable mode into a virtual environment,
i.e. pip install --editable .
Use python -m tests
to run all tests locally.
Alternatively, you can use tox
if you have multiple python versions.
[Only for GitHub team members] Distribute a new version to PyPI by:
tuple in bankline_parser/
python -m build; twine upload dist/*
locallyCopyright (C) 2023 HM Government (Ministry of Justice Digital & Technology). See LICENSE.txt for further details.