ART 4 Windows is a retro drawing utility, original written in BBC Basic for Windows and latest version is written in Pure Basic compiled to EXE
Current Executable Versions:
- ART4EVA_PB_010_x86.exe - Current Release - Windows x86 executable
- ART4EVA_PB_007_x86.exe - Pre menu change build - Windows x86 executable
- ART4WIN_024.exe - Last Release of BBC Basic for Windows version - Windows x86 executable
- ART_EXA_PB_015_x86.exe - Exa Gear interface layout version - Windows x86 executable
- - Windows compatible executable and library files for BBC Basic for SDL version of Telepaint
Current Source Versions:
- - BBC SDL Mode 7 Art program, animated frames, sprites, import / export
- - Current BBC Basic for Windows version of Art, no longer actively developed but used as a reference point for other bbc basic versions
Current ART features (needs updating for each version):
- Configured for BBC Micro Mode 2 (160x256 16 colors)
- Save and load files in PNG format for PB version, BMP for BB4W version
- Save and load files in BBC RAW format, creates INF file for easy import to SSD
- New menu system to allow for more tools
- Added Gradient Editor
- Added Selection Transformation tools
- ART_PB_xxx supports flashing colours and colour cycling animation for colours 1-15, can configure which colours are used for flashing in animation menu
- ART_EXA_PB_xxx version has smaller screen footprint to suit mobile devices (EXA Gear)
Current TelePaint features:
- Requires BBC Basic for SDL 2.0
- Configured for BBC Micro Mode 7 (40x25 chars, 78x72 sixels)
- Save and load files in BIN and/or BMP format
- Configure up to 100 animation frames and 48 sprites
- Import sprites and BMP files (specific format required)
- Added Fonts, requires download of M7_FONTS folder
- Added Transformation tools
- Implemented gradients correctly
- Reworked sub menus system
- Added 5 new brushes
- Added hotkeys:
- CTRL + C : Open Selection Tool
- SHIFT + Cursors : Move selected region around in pixel increments
- CRTL + Left / Right : Copy current frame to prev / next frame