A tool for testing and debugging mods in Elden Ring
Backup your saves before using this tool, and restore the backups before going online. Using this tool to skip around the game (for example going to the madness grace before talking to melina or killing margit) will cause you to get banned!
Disable EAC to use this tool. You will need to use something like Luke Yui's Offline Launcher.
and remove the two slashes from start of //0x40000000 false Items/Goods/SeamlessCoop.txt Seamless Coop
(line 10). This will load the Seamless Coop items the next time the debug tool is started.These are resource folders that expand the tool to work with overhauls, like Convergence.
To publish final output, run this command in the Elden-Ring-Debug-Tool
dotnet publish '.srcElden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPFElden-Ring-Debug-Tool-WPF.csproj' -c Release /p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile
and a definition in on of the files in Resources/Params/Pointers
. You can organize these files however you want. They will all be opened, read, split and added to the Param list, if there is a corresponding def. If the param has a shared def, you can optionally format like so Offset:Name:ParamDefName
and the tool will look for the correct paramdef.Resources/Params/Names
to add row names. Default name will just be the Row ID.ErdTools by Me, which uses:
Octokit by Octokit team
GlobalHotkeys by Marc Rousavy
SettingsProviders By Bluegrams
TKGP Author of DS Gadget Property Hook and SoulsFormats
vawser Author of Yapped Rune Bear and curator of knowledge.
Pav Author of one of the CE Tables I used to find pointers and offsets, as well as provided the pointer list
inuNorii Creator of The Grand Archives table, which I also used for this, and one of the admins at TGA Discord.
FrankvdStam Helped with the build action, MVVM stuff and general troubleshooting.
King Borehaha Who's local loading system has worked really well for a lot of things, including this project
jamesq7 For helping figure out the cheat for enabling the map during combat and his rewrite of Wulfs Target script
wulf2k Original author of the target script and various other contributions
Added Gestures tab
Fixed support for Japanese users
Updated to work with Elden Ring DLC.
Added DLC Items and Graces. Item event flags are not working yet for DLC items, sorry (this includes maps).
Fixed Debug Tool hooking the wrong program.
Added DLC Params as blank params. Needs updating.
Event flags and more bug fixes coming soon.
Updated AoBs and Offsets for 1.08
Possible fix for GUI freeze when forcing weather.
Added update for ERR items.
Fixed bug with strings not being pulled from resources if there is no string in memory for Param rows.
Updated paramdefs for AtkParam, SpEffect, GameSystemCommonParam, and SwordArtsParam + added FinalDamageRateParam
Fixed bug with max value and spawning multiple items
Fixed PlayerIns not reloading correctly and added lock to Chr and Team type.
Un-oofed the version number
Un-oofed the ERR magic.txt file
Updated to 1.07
Added current animation to Player and Target tab.
Params read strings from memory, if they are available.
Reloading the game now refreshes the param view, so old params/values aren't still present in the list
Cleaned up program icon thanks to Rayan
Target tab should now no longer miss any enemies when targeting them
Changed enemy handle to a long integer, and display it as hex
Can now lock target before acquiring one, and it will lock on
Fixed a bug where the grace view would freeze when locking/unlocking all graces.
Added ERR items to Resources as optional. You can access them by uncommenting them in the Resources/ItemCategories.txt
Added inventory counts to the Inventory page.
Spawn Untradeable is now enabled by default. Be careful spawning in cut content (hidden in ItemCategories.txt) and using it online in vanilla. Still useful to turn off for mass a item gibs.
Player panel with some info (Mainly the same as target). A compelete redesign of target and Player panel is coming soon!
Misc tab where you can set and unset event flags by ID.
Grace management tab where you can manage the graces that are open, set your last grace and warp to any grace.
Multi Item Spawning enabled.
Support for computers who's language setup couldn't find the Elden Ring process.
Item Gib now responds correctly and only gives you a message box if you haven't gotten the item before.
Bug fixes who's patch notes got deleted by clumsyness.
Continued re-coloring things.
Added each tab as it's own dockable pane that can be stacked like regular tabs, or put side by side. They can also be showns and hidden.
Fields now all have proper increment/decrement controls.
Fields that are multi-bit wide now work, for instance Bullet -> FollowType is now a 3 bit wide number, with a max of 7, instead of just a checkbox.
Fixed null values showing as 0
Fixed tooltips disappearing when user has scalled UI in Windows settings (.Net 6 Update may be required)
Fixed a glitch with the inventory not updating properly
Beautified the inventory datagrid
Fixed missing tooltips
Added translated paramdefs
Fixed weather cheat and added some labels
Added some info to the enemy tab
Made the hotkeys easier to make and added a system to reference parameters in other tabs
Hotkeys don't save at the moment. Currently looking into the options with the new upcoing dock system
Everything should load up much faster and the window shouldn't freeze while loading
Can now lock target as well as lock some stats on the target
Can double click on any of the labels in the enemy panel to copy the label to your clipboard.
Fixed a bug where some enemies didn't show up in target.
Fixed a bug where double clicking in the Inventory datagrid would cause the tool to crash.
Added target debug tab. Work in progress, but gives some basic information.
Fixed item list. Should be no more duplicates and the categories should make sense.
Fixed ash of war selection not updating infusion.
Added new events to items that are spawned, but don't give you the event attached to them (I.E. Maps)
Enable opening map in Combat in new Cheats tab.
Updated for patch 1.04
Inventory tab has been added, major thanks to inuNorii
Can now give yourself any item in the game, and add items to the list via the Resources/Items files and the Rsources/ERItemCategories.txt file.
Items are BY DEFAULT limited to only items that can be shared in multiplayer. You can turn this off with the checkbox in the panel next to the Give panel.
Panel on the right shows items currently in player inventory.
Added settings to local folder and added settings tab.
Added hotkeys tab in new settings tab.
Added a warning when the app starts up.
Can now save params using the games built-in function thanks to Pav! Params save to ELDEN RING/capture/param
Added drag and drop functionality to decrypt and re-encrypt regulation.bin to the exe.
Can reset params back to how they were when the tool loaded.
Reads ALL params, now.
Row Search
Field Search
UI Update
Optimized Field loading/saving fields of rows that are already loaded