DoughFlow, n
the state of flow while baking;
a cheesy cash-flow pun;
a cash flow web app.
DoughFlow is a client/server web application, built on EmberJS/Google Cloud Firebase respectively.
Back-end logic is implemented via Firebase Cloud Functions, using Firebase itself as a backing store for user data. This encapsulates business logic away from clients in a light-weight, server-less deployment.
The front-end is served as a static page from App Engine (TODO don't do this.... serve from GCS or something).
Hosted on Google App Engine, using its microservice framework:
Front-end implemented as service: default
The EmberJS files are served as static files (html & assets).
Back-end functions are implemented as Cloud Functions (NB: Firebase flavor, not "pure" Cloud; integration seems too alpha)
Back-end storage is straight-up Firebase
For convenience, let DOUGH_FLOW=/home/me/my_dough_flow_checkout
(e.g., add to shell rc, you need export
in zsh)
GAE project with GAE app (probably need billing set up)
Google Cloud SDK
NodeJS (I used 7.10 with nvm)
brew install nvm; nvm install v7.10
EmberJS (I used most recent as of 2017-05-26)
npm install -g [email protected]
npm install -g firebase-tools; npm install -g firebase-server
Firebase project associated with your Google Cloud project
Firebase Server & SDK
Go to src/frontend
ember build
(nb: is that it? does that auto install npm stuff?)
Go to gae/
. Copy the build artifact for GAE deployment.
ln -s ../src/frontend/dist
See the front-end readme for more information.
When building/deploying to actual AppEngine:
ember build --environment=production
Edit /etc/hosts
(or similar) to map: localhost.firebaseio.test
Firebase likes DB URLs being in a specific format, so you can't just use local ip or local host as the databaseURL
From the project root,
bin/start-doughflow-firebase# or for verbose debug: DEBUG=* bin/start-doughflow-firebase
(Note, you need to have DOUGH_FLOW
in your environment for this script to work.)
(NB: you can add
to your shell's path for convenience)
This will start a local Firebase-like server loaded with data from test/firebase.json
, available on localhost.firebaseio.test
port 5555
. The Ember app is set up to use this hostname when environment=development
Start the local Firebase server (see above). Then, from src/frontend
ember server
This will start a live-reloading web server listening on port 4200. Go to http://localhost:4200 to see the app.
Not sure if we actually need this. We'll need cloud functions for delicate/sensitive server logic that clients shouldn't control. For now we don't have anything like that. But it was a pain to figure out. So here are some notes for posterity.
Set up some functions in src/firebase/functions
, use samples, like helloWorld, should be src/firebase/functions/index.js
Set up auth in src/firebase/functions/config.json
file, for local you probably don't need actual credentials.
Run the local function emulator:
From the src/firebase/functions
export CLOUD_RUNTIME_CONFIG=`pwd`/config.json && firebase serve --only functions