An Android application to help you learn Toki Pona!
Wow, I'm glad you asked, random person on the Internet! jan sonja explains it best on the website for Toki Pona
Toki Pona is a human language I invented in 2001. It was my attempt to understand the meaning of life in 120 words.
While the word count has changed a bit since its inception in '01, Toki Pona is still a minimalist language. Expressing complicated ideas in a language with such a small word count changes how you choose your words. Most English ideas can be represented in a variety of ways, depending on the speaker! For instance, for a person like me who hates coffee, I would say coffee is:
telo pimeja jaki
which could translate loosely to "nasty dark water"
A coffee lover might say coffee is instead:
telo pimeja pona mute
which could translate loosely to "very good dark water"
However, both of those could also be used to describe entirely other drinks! Or perhaps even a pond! The language is extremely contextual.
I learn best by doing, and creating an app to help me learn helped me learn even more!
Loosely translated, it means "Good Knowledge". The icon for the app is the glyph representation of the name.
Simply check out this project and import it into Android Studio! Gradle and Android Studio should take care of the rest!
You can install this app using:
./gradlew installDebug
Unit tests can be run with:
./gradlew check
UI tests can be run with:
./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest
This app uses ktlint for enforcing style constraints. Most ktlint errors can be fixed by running
./gradlew ktlintFormat
but not all. ktlint will output to console any errors it encounters.
Please read for the process for submitting pull requests to this project.
This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
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