This is a simple mock/practice app for viewing specific user's Instagram photos/videos. I will regularly update this app for a better mock the native iOS Instagram app.
I am currently using a public API:$USERNAME$/media/?&max_id=$LAST_ID$
InstaViewer can currently support:
Third-party libraries
InstaViewer uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Alamofire - an HTTP networking library written in Swift.
- AlamofireImage - an image component library for Alamofire.
- SwiftyJSON - SwiftyJSON makes it easy to deal with JSON data in Swift.
- Chameleon - a lightweight, yet powerful, color framework for iOS.
- Realm - Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones.
- Implement MVP design for lighter-weight ViewControllers
- UI tweaking
- Video players
- Custom image downloader cache options
- Write more tests