This program uses web scraping to pull market values for video games from without purchasing their API
Pricecharting uses eBay's APIs to query successful transactions over the past three months for video games, classifies each transaction, then averages these values to come up with fair market values for loose cartridges, complete in box games (cartridge + manual + box), and sealed games. They sell an API to query this data, but the information is also available online for free. This application uses web scraping to create a CSV file with games' fair market values.
which contains all the scraped dataUsing eBay's APIs, you can query active listings for these video games, compare their price to the values in the filled CSV files, and set up an application to notify you whenever there's a great deal.
Run this script daily to gather historical pricing information for these video games, then come up with future price predictions and invest in video games
Mark Foster – LinkedIn – [email protected]