Tutorial guide on how to use Google Earth with the Oculus/Meta Quest 2 Headset.
Windows 10+ Computer
USB Cable (Headset to Computer)
Graphics Card (Preferable)
Meta Quest 2
"To play Oculus Rift content on Quest 2, install the Oculus App on a compatible gaming computer, then connect your headset using Air Link, the Link Cable or similar high-quality USB 3 cable."
Direct Download Link: https://www.oculus.com/download_app/?id=1582076955407037
Save OculusSetup.exe
on your Desktop and Run the Installer. Follow installer instructions.
Sign in with a Facebook Account.
Select your Headset: Quest 2
Select a connection method: Link (Cable)
Select Install Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/about/
You will also need to create a Steam Account for this to work.
SteamVR Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/250820/SteamVR/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjvaYBhDlARIsAO8PkE3IfUcqA56x-kwS-cGeyYlyp2fHs6VodQopHWoCdJszo4d1LRgJafMaAt2IEALw_wcB
Select "Play Game" (Requires Windows OS)
Enable Oculus Link
We can now run games from the PC on the Headset
Go to https://store.steampowered.com/app/348250/Google_Earth_VR/ and select "Play"