Kubernetes Architecture Icons
A K8s and Cloud-Native icon set for building cloud-native architecture diagrams
Download Icons
You can download all icons as a single zip archive (Choose your format):
- PNGs 512px
- PNGs 256px
- PNGs 128px
- PNGs 64px
- SVGs
Latest and previous downloadable archive versions can found on the releases page
Included Tools
- How to use the SVG-to-PNG Conversion tool (supports any custom size)
- How to use the Package Release tool to aid in publishing new releases
Included Files
- How to use the original Illustrator file for mass svg export or to add your own icon.
Icon Directory
Cluster and Node Management
Cluster |
Controller Manager |
Cloud Controller Manager |
Control Plane Node |
Worker Node |
Custom Resource Defintion |
Namespace |
Scheduler |
API Server |
Kube CTL |
Generic Mainfest File |
Containers and Pods
Container |
Pod |
Pods |
Pod Spec File |
Container Runtime |
Deamon |
Container Close Look |
Deployment |
Replica Set |
Stateful Set |
Deamon Set |
Cron Job |
Job |
Admissions Controller |
Network Policy |
Ingress |
Service |
Headless Service |
IP Tables |
Endpoint Slice |
Endpoint |
Proxy |
Flux |
Argo |
Nginx Ingress Controller |
Core DNS |
Persistent Volume Claim |
Persistent Volume |
Ephemeral StoragP |
Projected Volum |
Volume Snapshot |
Storage Class |
Secrets |
Config Map |
Etcd |
Role Based Access Controls (RBAC)
Role |
Role Binding |
Cluster Role |
Cluster Role Binding |
Service Account |
User |
Group |
Open Standards
Container Storage Interface |
Container Network Interface |
Container Runtime Interface (ContainerD) |
Container Runtime Interface (CRI-O) |
Autoscaling and Limits
Vertical Pod Autoscaler |
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler |
Cluster Autoscaler |
Limit Range |
Resource Quotas |
Kubelet |
Readiness Probe |
Liveness Probe |
Startup Probe |