Simple and efficient screen recording utility for Windows.
Get latest binary here: wcap-x64.exe or wcap-arm64.exe
WARNING: Windows Defender or other AV software might report false positive detection
pressCtrl + PrintScreento start recording current monitor (where mouse cursor currently is positioned)
pressCtrl + Win + PrintScreento start recording currently active window
pressCtrl + Shift + PrintScreento select & record fixed region on current monitor
press any of previous combinations to stop recording
right or double-click on tray icon to change settings
video encoded using H264/AVC, H265/HEVC or AV1, with 10-bit support for HEVC and AV1
audio encoded using AAC or FLAC
for window capture record full window area (including title bar/borders) or just the client area
window capture can record application local audio, no other system/process audio included
options to exclude mouse cursor from capture, disable recording indication borders, or rounded window corners
can limit recording length in seconds or file size in MB's
can limit max width, height or framerate - captured frames will be automatically downscaled
when limiting max width/height - can perform gamma correct resize
optional improved color conversion - adjust output YUV values to better match brightness to original RGB input
wcap uses Windows.Graphics.Capture API available since Windows 10 version 1903, May 2019 Update (19H1) to capture contents of window or whole monitor. Captured texture is submitted to Media Foundation to encode video to mp4 file with hardware accelerated codec. Using capture from compositor and hardware accelerated encoder allows it to consume very little CPU and memory.
You can choose in settings to capture only client area or full size of window - client area will not include title bar and borders for standard windows style. Recorded video size is determined by initial window size.
By default hardware encoder is enabled, you can disable it in settings Make sure your GPU drivers are updated if something is not working with hardware video encoding. Then video will be encoded using Microsoft Media Foundation H264 software encoder. You might want to explicitly use software encoder on older GPU's as their hardware encoder quality is not great.
Audio is captured using WASAPI loopback recording and encoded using Microsoft Media Foundation AAC encoder, or undocumented Media Foundation FLAC encoder (it seems it always is present in Windows 10 and 11).
Recorded mp4 file can be set to use fragmented mp4 format in settings (only for H264 codec). Fragmented mp4 file does not require "finalizing" it. Which means that in case application or GPU driver crashes or if you run out of disk space then the partial mp4 file will be valid for playback. The disadvantage of fragmented mp4 file is that it is a bit larger than normal mp4 format, and seeking is slower.
You can use settings dialog to restrict max resolution of video - captured image will be scaled down to keep aspect ratio if you set any of max width/height settings to non-zero value. Similarly framerate of capture can be reduced to limit maximum amount of frames per second. Setting it to zero will use compositor framerate which is typically monitor refresh rate. Lower video framerate will give higher quality video for same bitrate and reduced GPU usage. If you notice too many dropped frames during recording, try reducing video resolution and framerate.
Capture of mouse cursor can be disabled only when using Windows 10 version 2004, May 2020 Update (20H1) or newer.
On Windows 11 you can disable yellow recording borders, or rounded window corners.
HEVC encoding in software (on CPU) will require installing HEVC Video Extensions from Windows Store. It will support only 8-bit encoding. You can get direct download to installer package without using Windows Store application with following steps:
for Retail
download & run .appxbundle package it gives you
If you want to create gif file out of recorded mp4 file, you can use following .bat file:
ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -nostdin -loglevel fatal -stats -y -i %1 -filter_complex "[0]fps=15,split[v0][v1];[v0]palettegen=stats_mode=full[p];[v1][p]paletteuse" %~n1.gif
Or to create new palette every frame for more colors, but larger file size:
ffmpeg.exe -hide_banner -nostdin -loglevel fatal -stats -y -i %1 -filter_complex "[0]fps=15,split[v0][v1];[v0]palettegen=stats_mode=single[p];[v1][p]paletteuse=new=1" %~n1.gif
Put this line in make_gif.bat
file, place ffmpeg executable next to it and then simply drag & drop .mp4 file on top of it.
Change fps=15
to desired gif fps (or remove to use original video fps). Check the paletteuse filter arguments for
different dither methods.
To build the binary from source code, have Visual Studio installed, and simply run build.cmd
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Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.