librus apix
pip install librus-apix
It's advised to run all tests before trying everything out. Some schools have different librus setups which may cause errors/warnings If you find any open an issue or contribute with a PR
pip install pytest
pytest --token {output of token.API_Key}
For developing purposes I've created a simple mock html server
# generate all html pages and run server
python scripts/
# now unless you've changed the default port you should be good to go and run
# if you did change the port, you have to edit the tests/ file accordingly
from librus_apix.client import Client, Token, new_client
# create a new client with empty Token()
client: Client = new_client()
# update the token
_token: Token = client.get_token("username", "password")
# now you can pass your client to librus-apix functions
from librus_apix.client import Token, Client, new_client
key = client.token.API_Key
# you can store this key and later load it in ways like this:
## Load directly into token object
token = Token(API_Key=token_key)
client: Client = new_client(token=token)
## or put it into existing client
client.token = token
## or into empty token
client.token.API_Key = key
from librus_apix.grades import get_grades
grades, average_grades, descriptive_grades = get_grades(client)
for semester in grades:
for mark in semester["Mathematics"]:
for semester in descriptive_grades:
for mark in semester["Emotional development"]:
from librus_apix.announcements import get_announcements
announcements = get_announcements(client)
for a in announcements:
from librus_apix.attendance import get_attendance
first_semester, second_semester = get_attendance(client)
for attendance in first_semester:
from librus_apix.attendance import get_attendance_frequency
first, second, overall = get_attendance_frequency(client)
from librus_apix.homework import get_homework, homework_detail
# date from-to up to 1 month
date_from = '2023-03-02'
date_to = '2023-03-30'
homework = get_homework(client, date_from, date_to)
for h in homework:
print(h.lesson, h.completion_date)
href = h.href
details = homework_detail(client, href)
from librus_apix.messages import recipient_groups, get_recipients, send_message
groups = recipient_groups(client)
recipients = get_recipients(client, groups[0])
my_recipient = recipients["John Brown"]
my_second_recipient = recipients["Barbara Brown"]
sent = send_message(client,
"Message Title",
"Messagen content",
[my_recipient, my_second_recipient]
if sent == True:
print("Error sending a message!")
from librus_apix.messages import get_received, message_content
messages = get_received(client, page=1)
for message in messages:
href = message.href
print(message_content(client, href))
from librus_apix.schedule import get_schedule, schedule_detail
month = '2'
year = '2023'
schedule = get_schedule(client, month, year)
for day in schedule:
for event in schedule[day]:
prefix, href = event.href.split('/')
details = schedule_detail(client, prefix, href)
from datetime import datetime
from librus_apix.timetable import get_timetable
monday_date = '2023-04-3'
monday_datetime = datetime.strptime(monday_date, '%Y-%m-%d')
timetable = get_timetable(client, monday_datetime)
for weekday in timetable:
for period in timetable[weekday]:
print(period.subject, period.teacher_and_classroom)
# initial should be always called with a new token
initial_notifications, new_ids = get_initial_notification_data(client)
# after that you retrieve the new Notifications with new_ids filtered out
new_notifications, new_ids = get_new_notification_data(client, new_ids)
# see more in docs
from librus_apix.student_information import student_information
info = student_information(client)
# Proxy can be added with
client = new_client(proxy={"https": ""})
# or
client.proxy = {"https": ""}
git clone
cd librus-apix
python -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install requirements.txt
# Installing library with editable flag
pip install -e .