If you encounter No results found
(and are sure the prompt was correct) or any breaking issue, then make sure you are on latest version by typing
sudo ani-cli -U
to update on Linux, Mac and Android. On Windows, run ani-cli -U
If after this the issue persists then open an issue.
These Platforms have rock solid support and are used by maintainers and large parts of the userbase.
Native packages have a more robust update cycle, but sometimes they are slow to upgrade.
If the one for your platform is up-to-date we suggest going with it.
sudo apt install ani-cli
To install mpv (and vlc) you need RPM Fusion free enabled. Simply follow the instructions here: https://rpmfusion.org/Configuration To be able to install syncplay, you'll need to enable this copr repo (instructions included): https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/batmanfeynman/syncplay/.
To install ani-cli:
sudo dnf copr enable derisis13/ani-cli
sudo dnf install ani-cli
If for your distro uses rpm and you would like to see a native package, open an issue.
Build and install from the AUR:
yay -S ani-cli
Also consider ani-cli-git
Build and install from the GURU:
sudo eselect repository enable guru
sudo emaint sync -r guru
sudo emerge -a ani-cli
Consider using the 9999 ebuild.
sudo emerge -a =app-misc/ani-cli-9999
On Suse the provided MPV and VLC packages are missing features that are used by ani-cli. The only required is the "Only Essentials" repository which has versions for each Suse release. You can find instructions on this here.
To add the ani-cli copr repo, update then install ani-cli run (on both versions):
zypper addrepo https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/derisis13/ani-cli/opensuse-tumbleweed-x86_64/ ani-cli
zypper dup
zypper install ani-cli
You'll get a warning about Signature verification failed [4-Signatures public key is not available]
but this can be ignored from the prompt.
Note: package is noarch, so any architecture should work, even though the repo is labelled x86-64
Install dependencies (See below)
Install HomeBrew if not installed.
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git" && cd ./ani-cli
cp ./ani-cli "$(brew --prefix)"/bin
cd .. && rm -rf ./ani-cli
To install (with Homebrew) the dependencies required on Mac OS, you can run:
brew install curl grep aria2 ffmpeg git fzf yt-dlp &&
brew install --cask iina
Why iina and not mpv? Drop-in replacement for mpv for MacOS. Integrates well with OSX UI. Excellent support for M1. Open Source.
Install termux (Guide)
pkg up -y
pkg install ani-cli
If you're using Android 14 make sure to run this due to #1206:
pkg install termux-am
For players you can use the apk (playstore/fdroid) versions of mpv and vlc. Note that these cannot be checked from termux so a warning is generated when checking dependencies.
While officially supported (except FreeBSD), installation is more involved on these platforms and sometimes issues arise.
Reach out if you need help.
is on scoop. Please read further for setup instructions.
We will set up the bash.exe that comes with Git for Windows to be used with Windows Terminal. You may use terminals such as Wezterm or Alacritty, but this guide only covers Windows Terminal. The Git Bash terminal (i.e., mintty) has problems with fzf.
First, you'll need to install the scoop package manager. (Install) Follow quickstart.
Next, get Windows Terminal. It comes preinstalled on Windows 11. If you do not have it, install it by running the following commands in powershell.
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install extras/windows-terminal
Next, get git. If you have it, please update it. If you do not already have it, install it by running scoop install git
in powershell.
Ensure that Git Bash is present in the Windows Terminal tab drop down, as shown below.
If it is not there, please add it. To add it, first click the drop-down button beside the new tab button (shown above).
Then, navigate to Settings > Profiles > Add a new profile
. Click + New empty profile
%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%binbash.exe -i -l
, and set Icon as %GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%mingw64sharegitgit-for-windows.ico
.C:Program FilesGitbinbash.exe -i -l
, and set Icon as C:Program FilesGitmingw64sharegitgit-for-windows.ico
.Next, set Starting Directory to %USERPROFILE%
, and ensure that Hide profile from dropdown is set to "Off" (otherwise you won't be able to see this profile in the drop down).
Now save your changes.
You will use this profile to run ani-cli
in this bash shell.
Under Startup in Windows Terminal Settings, you may set this profile as the default so that you do not have to switch to it every time you want to run ani-cli
Now restart Windows Terminal. In the Git Bash profile, install ani-cli
by running the following commands.
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install ani-cli
Next, install its dependencies.
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install fzf ffmpeg mpv
Consider also installing yt-dlp
and aria2
for downloading to work.
Restart Windows Terminal. Go to the Git Bash profile and update ani-cli
with ani-cli -U
. You will use this keep ani-cli up-to-date.
Now you can use ani-cli. Read the output of ani-cli -h
for more help.
If you have a problem, please update ani-cli to the latest version with ani-cli -U
. If you still have a problem, please read further.
export MSYS=enable_pcon
before running ani-cli.%USERPROFILE%scoopshimsani-cli.cmd
. If you must use powershell or cmd, edit the %USERPROFILE%scoopshimsani-cli.cmd
file. In File Explorer, go to the C:UsersUSERNAMEscoopshims
directory and open the ani-cli.cmd
file with notepad. Next:
with @"%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%binbash.exe"
, or@bash
with @"C:Program FilesGitbinbash.exe"
This should be fixed if the ani-cli scoop manifest gets updated in this PR.7.83.1
and successfully with 7.86.0
. If you run into issues, try installing a newer one with scoop.C:UsersUSERNAMEscoopappsmpvcurrentportable_config
. See the mpv documentation regarding portable_config
for more details.Follow the installation instructions of your Linux distribution.
Note that the media player (mpv or vlc) will need to be installed on Windows, not WSL. See the justification for this in the comment (here). Instructions on how to use the media player from WSL instead are also included in the linked comment.
When installing the media player on Windows, make sure that it is on the Windows Path. An easy way to ensure this is to download the media player with a package manager (on Windows, not WSL) such as scoop.
Install iSH and VLC from the app store.
Make sure apk is updated using
apk update; apk upgrade
then run this:
apk add grep sed curl fzf git aria2 ncurses patch
apk add ffmpeg
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli ~/.ani-cli
cp ~/.ani-cli/ani-cli /usr/local/bin/ani-cli
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ani-cli
rm -rf ~/.ani-cli
note that downloading is going to be very slow. This is an iSH issue, not an ani-cli issue.
Button > Power > Switch to Desktop)Konsole
(Steam Deck Icon in bottom left corner > System > Konsole)[ ! -d ~/.local/bin ] && mkdir ~/.local/bin && echo "export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ".$(echo $SHELL | sed -nE "s|.*/(.*)$|1|p")rc"
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf
mkdir ~/.aria2c
curl -o ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0.tar.bz2 https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/releases/download/v1.36.0/aria2-1.36.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2
tar xvf ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0.tar.bz2 -C ~/.aria2c/
cp ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1/aria2c ~/.local/bin/
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/aria2c
curl -L https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -o ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
mkdir ~/.patch
curl -o ~/.patch/patch.tar.zst https://mirror.sunred.org/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/patch-2.7.6-10-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
tar xvf ~/.patch/patch.tar.zst -C ~/.patch/
cp ~/.patch/usr/bin/patch ~/.local/bin/
git clone https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git ~/.ani-cli
cp ~/.ani-cli/ani-cli ~/.local/bin/
flatpak install io.mpv.Mpv
press enter("A" button on Steam Deck) on questions
flatpak install io.mpv.Mpv
press enter("A" button on Steam Deck) on questions
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf
press enter("A" button on Steam Deck) on questions
[ ! -d ~/.local/bin ] && mkdir ~/.local/bin && echo "export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ".$(echo $SHELL | sed -nE "s|.*/(.*)$|1|p")rc"
mkdir ~/.aria2c
curl -o ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0.tar.bz2 https://github.com/q3aql/aria2-static-builds/releases/download/v1.36.0/aria2-1.36.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1.tar.bz2
tar xvf ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0.tar.bz2 -C ~/.aria2c/
cp ~/.aria2c/aria2-1.36.0-linux-gnu-64bit-build1/aria2c ~/.local/bin/
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/aria2c
curl -L https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest/download/yt-dlp -o ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
mkdir ~/.patch
curl -o ~/.patch/patch.tar.zst https://mirror.sunred.org/archlinux/core/os/x86_64/patch-2.7.6-10-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
tar xvf ~/.patch/patch.tar.zst -C ~/.patch/
cp ~/.patch/usr/bin/patch ~/.local/bin/
git clone https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git ~/.ani-cli
cp ~/.ani-cli/ani-cli ~/.local/bin/
echo '[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -c "source $HOME/.'$(echo $SHELL | sed -nE "s|.*/(.*)$|1|p")'rc && konsole --fullscreen -e ani-cli"
Name=ani-cli' > $HOME/.local/share/applications/ani-cli.desktop
The .desktop entry will allow to start ani-cli in Konsole directly from "Gaming Mode"
In Steam Desktop app:
Add game
> Add a non-steam game
> tick a box for ani-cli
> Add selected programs
sudo pkg install mpv fzf aria2 yt-dlp patch git
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git"
sudo cp ani-cli/ani-cli /usr/local/bin
rm -rf ani-cli
sudo pkg install mpv fzf aria2 yt-dlp patch
install git if you haven't already
sudo pkg install git
install from source:
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git"
sudo cp ani-cli/ani-cli /usr/local/bin
rm -rf ani-cli
This method works for any unix-like operating system and is a baseline for porting efforts.
Install dependencies (See below)
git clone "https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli.git"
sudo cp ani-cli/ani-cli /usr/local/bin
rm -rf ani-cli
sudo apt remove ani-cli
# to remove the repository from apt
sudo rm -f /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ani-cli.asc /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ani-cli-debian.list
sudo dnf remove ani-cli # for ani-cli
# disable the repo in dnf
dnf copr disable derisis13/ani-cli
You might want to uninstall RPM fusion if you don't use it otherwise
zypper remove ani-cli
zypper removerepo ani-cli
You might want to remove packman-essentials
if you don't need it otherwise
yay -R ani-cli
scoop uninstall ani-cli
sudo rm "/usr/local/bin/ani-cli"
rm "$(brew --prefix)/bin/ani-cli"
rm "/usr/bin/ani-cli"
pkg remove ani-cli
rm "$PREFIX/bin/ani-cli"
rm "~/.local/bin/ani-cli"
rm -rf ~/.ani-cli
optionally: remove dependencies:
rm ~/.local/bin/aria2c
rm ~/.local/bin/yt-dlp
rm -rf "~/.aria2"
rm -rf "~/.fzf"
flatpak uninstall io.mpv.Mpv
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ani-cli
To uninstall other dependencies:
apk del grep sed curl fzf git aria2 ffmpeg ncurses
To add tab completions using bash run the following command inside the ani-cli directory
cp _ani-cli-bash /path/to/your/completions
echo "source /path/to/your/completions/_ani-cli-bash" >> ~/.bashrc
To add tab completions using zsh run the following command inside the ani-cli directory
cp _ani-cli-zsh /path/to/your/completions
echo "source /path/to/your/completions/_ani-cli-zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
Ani-skip is a script to automatically skip anime opening sequences, making it easier to watch your favorite shows without having to manually skip the intros each time (from the original README).
For install instructions visit ani-skip.
Ani-skip uses the external lua script function of mpv and as such – for now – only works with mpv.
Warning: For now, ani-skip does not seem to work under Windows.
Note: It may be, that ani-skip won't know the anime you're trying to watch. Try using the --skip-title <title>
command line argument. (It uses the aniskip API and you can contribute missing anime or ask for including it in the database on their discord server).
or export ANI_CLI_PLAYER=vlc
.-q resolution
, for example ani-cli -q 1080
, it will download into your working directory.ANI_CLI_DOWNLOAD_DIR
to your desired location.Use -d -e firstepisode-lastepisode
, for example ani-cli onepiece -d -e 1-1000
.Note: All features are documented in ani-cli --help