- GSX / SimBrief Integration for WorkingTitle 787 Aircrafts
- Only a basic Payload & Fuel GSX Integration, not a single Automation
- You can check out my PilotsDeck/StreamDeck Profile for GSX on for Service Automations (requires the paid Version of FSUIPC)
Download under Releases
- Any WT based 787 (Stock, Kuro/Horizon, 4Simmers)
- FSUIPC7 latest installed (a registered Copy is not required, I think)
The WASM Module of FSUIPC has to be also installed & enabled!
- GSX Pro
- SimBrief Account
- .NET 7 Runtime (will be installed through the Installer)
- Run the Installer. Check Auto-Start as desired.
- AV Exclusions may be required
- Run as Admin is NOT required
- Set your SimBrief PilotID in the GUI (the Number, not the Username)
- Ensure that the Option 'Show MSFS Fuel and Cargo during refueling' is unchecked in the GSX Airplane Profile
- If the Fuel-Truck does not leave when planned Fuel is reached: uncheck 'Always refuel progressively' in the GSX Settings
- The Aircraft Type in SimBrief and the Simulator must match
- Start the Binary before MSFS or in the Main Menu (when you did not select an Auto-Start Option in the Installer)
- The Aircraft will shortly "shake" because it is reset to Empty on Startup (only when on Ground!)
- As soon as you switch on the Batteries the Binary will import Fuel & Payload from SimBrief
- Call GSX Refuel to fuel the Aircraft to the planned SimBrief Figures. Start the APU only after Refuel was completed.
- Call GSX Boarding to board Passengers and load Cargo/Bag as planned in SimBrief.
- When arrived, call GSX Deboarding to unload the Plane.
- When Deboarding was finished, SimBrief will be checked for new FlightPlan. If none is found, it will re-check every 60 Seconds. If a new FlightPlan is found, you can call Refueling/Boarding again.
Use the GUI for Configuration.
- This will NOT be a second Fenix2GSX for the Dreamliner
- It is Work in Progress and an "interim-Solution" at Max