LazyLoad is a lightweight (2.4 kB) and flexible script that speeds up your web application by deferring the loading of your below-the-fold images, animated SVGs, videos and iframes to when they will enter the viewport. It's written in plain "vanilla" JavaScript, it leverages the IntersectionObserver API, it supports responsive images, it optimizes your website for slower connections, and can enable native lazy loading. See all features for more.
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In order to make your content be loaded by LazyLoad, you must use some data-
attributes instead of the actual attributes. Examples below.
<img alt="A lazy image" class="lazy" data-src="lazy.jpg" />
<img alt="A lazy image" class="lazy" src="lazy-lowQuality.jpg" data-src="lazy.jpg" />
and sizes
alt="A lazy image"
data-srcset="lazy_400.jpg 400w,
lazy_800.jpg 800w"
To have a low quality placeholder, add the src
attribute pointing to a very small version of the image. E.g. src="lazy_10.jpg"
<source media="(min-width: 1200px)" data-srcset="lazy_1200.jpg 1x, lazy_2400.jpg 2x" />
<source media="(min-width: 800px)" data-srcset="lazy_800.jpg 1x, lazy_1600.jpg 2x" />
<img alt="A lazy image" class="lazy" data-src="lazy.jpg" />
To have a low quality placeholder, add the src
attribute pointing to a very small version of the image to the img
tag. E.g. src="lazy_10.jpg"
data-srcset="lazy_400.webp 400w,
lazy_800.webp 800w"
alt="A lazy image"
data-srcset="lazy_400.jpg 400w,
lazy_800.jpg 800w"
To have a low quality placeholder, add the src
attribute pointing to a very small version of the image to the img
tag. E.g. src="lazy_10.jpg"
IMPORTANT NOTE: To display content images on your pages, always use the img
tag. This would benefit the SEO and the accessibility of your website. To understand if your images are content or background, ask yourself: "would my website user like to see those images when printing out the page?". If the answer is "yes", then your images are content images and you should avoid using background images to display them.
<div class="lazy" data-bg="lazy.jpg"></div>
<div class="lazy" data-bg="lazy.jpg" data-bg-hidpi="[email protected]"></div>
linear-gradient(#fff, #ccc)"
linear-gradient(#fff, #ccc)"
data-bg-multi-hidpi="url([email protected]),
url([email protected]),
linear-gradient(#fff, #ccc)"
:<div class="lazy" data-bg-set="url('[email protected]') 1x, url('[email protected]') 2x">...</div>
url('[email protected]') 1x, url('[email protected]') 2x |
url('[email protected]') 1x, url('[email protected]') 2x
<object class="lazy" type="image/svg+xml" data-src="lazy.svg"></object>
<video class="lazy" controls width="620" data-src="lazy.mp4" data-poster="lazy.jpg">
<source type="video/mp4" data-src="lazy.mp4" />
<source type="video/ogg" data-src="lazy.ogg" />
<source type="video/avi" data-src="lazy.avi" />
Please note that the video poster can be lazily loaded too.
<iframe class="lazy" data-src="lazyFrame.html"></iframe>
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The latest, recommended version of LazyLoad is 19.1.3. Note that if you need to support Internet Explorer 11, you need to use version 17.9.0 or below.
Quickly understand how to upgrade from a previous version reading the practical upgrade guide.
The easiest way to use LazyLoad is to include the script from a CDN.
<script src="[email protected]/dist/lazyload.min.js"></script>
OR, if you prefer to import it as an ES module:
<script type="module">
import LazyLoad from "[email protected]/+esm";
Then, in your javascript code:
var lazyLoadInstance = new LazyLoad({
// Your custom settings go here
To be sure that DOM for your lazy content is ready when you instantiate LazyLoad, place the script tag right before the closing </body>
If more DOM arrives later, e.g. via an AJAX call, you'll need to call lazyLoadInstance.update();
to make LazyLoad check the DOM again.
scriptIf you prefer, it's possible to include LazyLoad's script using async
script and initialize it as soon as it's loaded.
To do so, you must define the options before including the script. You can pass:
an object to get a single instance of LazyLoad[{}, {}]
an array of objects to get multiple instances of LazyLoad, each one with different options.<script>
// Set the options globally
// to make LazyLoad self-initialize
window.lazyLoadOptions = {
// Your custom settings go here
Then include the script.
src="[email protected]/dist/lazyload.min.js"
Possibly place the script tag right before the closing </body>
tag. If you can't do that, LazyLoad could be executed before the browser has loaded all the DOM, and you'll need to call its update()
method to make it check the DOM again.
script + getting the instance referenceSame as above, but you must put the addEventListener
code shown below before including the async
// Set the options globally
// to make LazyLoad self-initialize
window.lazyLoadOptions = {
// Your custom settings go here
// Listen to the initialization event
// and get the instance of LazyLoad
function (event) {
window.lazyLoadInstance = event.detail.instance;
Then include the script.
src="[email protected]/dist/lazyload.min.js"
Now you'll be able to call its methods, like:
DEMO - SOURCE ← for a single LazyLoad instance
DEMO - SOURCE ← for multiple LazyLoad instances
If you prefer to install LazyLoad locally in your project, you can!
npm install vanilla-lazyload
bower install vanilla-lazyload
Download one the latest releases. The files you need are inside the dist
folder. If you don't know which one to pick, use lazyload.min.js
, or read about bundles.
Should you install LazyLoad locally, you can import it as ES module like the following:
import LazyLoad from "vanilla-lazyload";
It's also possible (but unadvised) to use the require
commonJS syntax.
More information about bundling LazyLoad with WebPack are available on this specific repo.
Take a look at this example of usage of React with LazyLoad on Sandbox.
This implementation takes the same props that you would normally pass to the img
tag, but it renders a lazy image. Feel free to fork and improve it!
Inside the dist
folder you will find different bundles.
Filename | Module Type | Advantages |
lazyload.min.js |
UMD (Universal Module Definition) | Works pretty much everywhere, even in common-js contexts |
lazyload.iife.min.js |
IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) | Works as in-page <script src="..."> , ~0.5kb smaller than UMD version |
esm/lazyload.js |
ES Module | Exports LazyLoad so you can import it in your project both using <script type="module" src="..."> and a bundler like WebPack or Rollup |
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This is the section where you can find ready to copy & paste code for your convenience.
Use case: when your lazily loaded images show their
text and the empty image icon before loading.
img:not([src]):not([srcset]) {
visibility: hidden;
Just that, really.
Use case: when you want to prevent showing unexisting/broken images on your website.
var myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
// Other options here...
callback_error: (img) => {
// Use the following line only if your images have the `srcset` attribute
img.setAttribute("srcset", "[email protected] 1x, [email protected] 2x");
img.setAttribute("src", "[email protected]");
NOTE: if the error was generated by a network down (navigator if temporarily offline), vanilla-lazyload will try and load the images again when the network becomes available again.
Use case: when you want to lazily load images, but the number of images change in the scrolling area changes, maybe because they are added asynchronously.
var myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad();
// After your content has changed...
Use case: you want to use the
option to delegate the loading of images, iframes and videos to the browsers engine where supported, but you also want to lazily load background images.
<img class="lazy" alt="A lazy image" data-src="lazy.jpg" />
<iframe class="lazy" data-src="lazyFrame.html"></iframe>
<video class="lazy" controls data-src="lazy.mp4" data-poster="lazy.jpg">...</video>
<object class="lazy" type="image/svg+xml" data-src="lazy.svg"></object>
<div class="lazy" data-bg="lazy.jpg"></div>
// Instance using native lazy loading
const lazyContent = new LazyLoad({
use_native: true // <-- there you go
// Instance without native lazy loading
const lazyBackground = new LazyLoad({
// DON'T PASS use_native: true HERE
Use case: when your scrolling container is not the main browser window, but a scrolling container.
<div class="scrollingPanel">
<!-- Set of images -->
var myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
container: document.querySelector(".scrollingPanel")
If you have multiple scrolling panels, you can use the following markup and code.
<div id="scrollingPanel1" class="scrollingPanel">
<!-- Set of images -->
<div id="scrollingPanel2" class="scrollingPanel">
<!-- Set of images -->
var myLazyLoad1 = new LazyLoad({
container: document.getElementById("scrollingPanel1")
var myLazyLoad2 = new LazyLoad({
container: document.getElementById("scrollingPanel2")
Use case: when you want to execute arbitrary scripts or functions when given elements enter the viewport
<div class="lazy" data-lazy-function="foo">...</div>
<div class="lazy" data-lazy-function="bar">...</div>
<div class="lazy" data-lazy-function="buzz">...</div>
<div class="lazy" data-lazy-function="booya">...</div>
// It's a best practice to scope the function names inside a namespace like `lazyFunctions`.
window.lazyFunctions = {
foo: function (element) { = "red";
bar: function (element) {
buzz: function (element) {
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = " - buzz!";
booya: function (element) {
function executeLazyFunction(element) {
var lazyFunctionName = element.getAttribute("data-lazy-function");
var lazyFunction = window.lazyFunctions[lazyFunctionName];
if (!lazyFunction) return;
var ll = new LazyLoad({
unobserve_entered: true, // <- Avoid executing the function multiple times
callback_enter: executeLazyFunction // Assigning the function defined above
Use unobserve_entered
to avoid executing the function multiple times.
That's it. Whenever an element with the data-lazy-function
attribute enters the viewport, LazyLoad calls the executeLazyScript
function, which gets the function name from the data-lazy-function
attribute itself and executes it.
Use case: when you have a lot of horizontally scrolling containers and you want to instantiate a LazyLoad instance on them, but only when they entered the viewport.
<div class="horizContainer">
alt="Row 01, col 01"
alt="Row 01, col 02"
<!-- ... -->
<div class="horizContainer">
alt="Row 02, col 01"
alt="Row 02, col 02"
<!-- ... -->
var lazyLoadInstances = [];
var initOneLazyLoad = function (horizContainerElement) {
// When the .horizContainer element enters the viewport,
// instantiate a new LazyLoad on the horizContainerElement
var oneLL = new LazyLoad({
container: horizContainerElement
// Optionally push it in the lazyLoadInstances
// array to keep track of the instances
// The "lazyLazy" instance of lazyload is used to check
// when the .horizContainer divs enter the viewport
var lazyLazy = new LazyLoad({
elements_selector: ".horizContainer",
callback_enter: initOneLazyLoad,
unobserve_entered: true // Stop observing .horizContainer(s) after they entered
That's it. Whenever a .horizContainer
element enters the viewport, LazyLoad calls the initOneLazyLoad
function, which creates a new instance of LazyLoad on the .horizContainer
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Didn't find the recipe that exactly matches your case? We have demos!
The demos folder contains 30+ use cases of vanilla-lazyload. You might find there what you're looking for.
Type | Title | Code | Demo |
Content | Simple lazy loaded images, not using any placeholder | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy images that use an inline SVG as a placeholder | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy images that use an external SVG file as a placeholder | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy responsive images with srcset
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy responsive images with the <picture> tag and the media attribute (art direction) |
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy responsive images with srcset and sizes (using data-sizes ) |
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy responsive images with srcset and sizes (using plain sizes ) |
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy video with multiple <source> tags, different preload options, NO autoplay |
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy video with multiple <source> tags, different preload options, WITH autoplay |
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy loading background images | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy loading multiple background images | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy loading background images with image-set()
Code | Live |
Content | Lazy loading iframes | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy loading animated SVGs and PDF files | Code | Live |
Content | Lazy WebP images with the <picture> tag and the type attribute for WebP |
Code | Live |
Loading | Asynchronous loading LazyLoad with <script async>
Code | Live |
Loading | Asynchronous loading multiple LazyLoad instances with <script async>
Code | Live |
Error | Test error loading behaviour when restore_on_error is false
Code | Live |
Error | Test error loading behaviour when restore_on_error is true
Code | Live |
Technique | Fade in images as they load | Code | Live |
Technique | Lazy load images in CSS-only horizontal sliders (Netflix style) | Code | Live |
Technique | Lazily create Swiper instances and lazily load Swiper images | Code | Live |
Technique | Lazily execute functions as specific elements enter the viewport | Code | Live |
Technique | How to manage the print of a page with lazy images | Code | Live |
Technique | A popup layer containing lazy images in a scrolling container | Code | Live |
Settings | Multiple scrolling containers | Code | Live |
Settings | Single scrolling container | Code | Live |
Methods | How to restore() DOM to its original state, and/or destroy() LazyLoad |
Code | Live |
Methods | Adding dynamic content, then update() LazyLoad |
Code | Live |
Methods | Adding dynamic content, then update() LazyLoad passing a NodeSet of elements |
Code | Live |
Methods | Load punctual images using the load() method |
Code | Live |
Methods | Load all images at once using loadAll()
Code | Live |
Test | Test for multiple thresholds | Code | Live |
Test | Test behaviour with hidden images | Code | Live |
Test | Test performance, lazy loading of hundreds of images | Code | Live |
Native | Test the native lazy loading of images WITHOUT any line of javascript, not even this script | Code | Live |
Native | Test the native lazy loading of images conditionally using the use_native option (see API) |
Code | Live |
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