It is prohibited to use this project for illegal and illegal businesses containing viruses, Trojan horses, pornography, gambling, fraud, illegal goods, counterfeit products, false information, digital currency, finance, etc.
The current project is only for personal learning and testing. All online commercial activities and all illegal uses are prohibited! ! !
Golang language open source customer service system mainly uses gin + jwt-go + websocket + go.uuid + gorm + cobra + VueJS + ElementUI + MySQL and other technologies
create database gofly charset utf8mb4;
" Server " :" 127.0 . 0.1 ",
" Port " :" 3306 ",
" Database " :"gofly",
" Username " :"go-fly",
" Password " :"go-fly"
wget https: //
tar - C /usr/local -xvf go1. 20.2 .linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv go1. 20.2 .linux-amd64.tar.gz /tmp
echo " PATH= $ PATH:/usr/local/go/bin " >> /etc/profile
echo " PATH= $ PATH:/usr/local/go/bin " >> ~/ . bashrc
source /etc/profile
go version
go env -w GO111MODULE =on
go env -w GOPROXY =,direct
Download code
git clone in any directory
Enter the go-fly directory
Import the database go run go-fly.go install
Source code runs go run go-fly.go server
Source code packaging go build -o kefu will generate kefu executable file
Binary file running
linux: ./kefu server [optional -p 8082 -d]
windows: kefu.exe server [optional -p 8082 -d]
close program
killall kefu
After the program runs normally, it listens to port 8081 and can be accessed directly by IP + port 8081.
You can also configure domain name access and reverse proxy to port 8081 to hide the port number.
chat link
Pop-up window usage
(function(a, b, c, d) {
let h = b.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];let s = b.createElement('script');
s.type = 'text/javascript';s.src = c+"/static/js/kefu-front.js";s.onload = s.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete") d(c);
})(window, document,"",function(u){
KEFU_KEFU_ID: "kefu2",
The current project is a complete functional code, but it still only supports personal demonstration testing, does not include online use, and all commercial activities are prohibited. When using this software, please abide by local laws and regulations. Please bear all consequences of any illegal use yourself.