A voice chatbot that can imitate your expression.
This is a Unity project (just for Android now), which has two modules.
English | 简体中文
(Facial Landmark Detector) and Facemoji_Plugins_Assets_1.5.0.unitypackage
(Streamlined OpenCV, Dlib, Live2D and Iflytek Assets Library) from Drive.Google or Pan.Baidugit clone https://github.com/huihut/Facemoji.git
and Facemoji/ProjectSettings
to your unity project (FacemojiDemo/
to your FacemojiDemo/Assets/StreamingAssets/
Using OpenCV and Dlib to detects facial expressions, converts them into Live2D model.
She can move with your face and you can try shaking your head.
The middle of the above is the record button, you can record 3 seconds gif.
Recorder State : Recording(Ready to record) -> PreProcessing(Is recording) -> Paused(Compressing gif) -> Recording(Ready to record)
Save the gif in Application.dataPath
(Android in /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.huihut.facemoji/files/
Using Turing Robot, Iflytek IAT and Iflytek TTS.
You can chat with her by voice or text.
She's a great AI (robot), and she can:
But because she is a Chinese robot(Turing robot only supports Chinese), she can only chat in Chinese.
She will chat in English later.
Come On !
No~ No~
Wink !
GPL v3.0