SkyChat Chinese Chatbot GPT3
For more details, please see the official website documentation of Singularity Intelligence
For experience and trial, please visit Singularity Intelligence Source API Trial
conda create -n semantic
creates a new environmentconda info --envs
view environmentactivate semantic
startup environmentcd C:你的路径semantic_score_cleansemantic_score_clean
cd to the unzipped semantic_score_clean folderpython -m pip uninstall numpy
deletes the initial numpypython -m pip install -r requirements.txt
or pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the required dependency packagespython
runs the serviceconda create -n userprofile
creates a new environmentconda info --envs
view environmentactivate userprofile
start environmentcd C:你的路径user_profile_cleanuser_profile_clean
cd to the unzipped user_profile_clean folderpython -m pip uninstall numpy
deletes the initial numpypython -m pip install -r requirements.txt
or pip install -r requirements.txt
to install the required dependency packagespython -m pip install torch==1.11.0+cu115 -f
download cuda version torchpython
runs the service 你的路径
fill in api-key and api-secret in the corresponding locations and modify the parameters that need to be modified. conda create -n talk
creates a new environmentconda info --envs
view environmentactivate talk
startup environmentcd C:你的路径OpenAPIDemoPythonDemo
navigate to the folder where the code is locatedpython -m pip install requests
download dependent resourcespython
starts chatting (need to confirm 2 services to start) If you have any questions, you may wish to scan the QR code on WeChat to join the developer group——
Don’t forget to star if you are interested~