About the author
- The WeChat official account, Toutiao account, and CSDN account are all programmer Xinchen
- Former Tencent and Alibaba employee, engaged in Java backend work;
- Passionate about Docker and Kubernetes;
- All articles are original by the author;
About this code repository
- CSDN blog address: http://blog.csdn.net/boling_cavalry
- This code repository contains the source code, files, etc. involved in the blog
- If it is helpful to you, please give it a star, thank you!
Article classification
Generally speaking, it is divided into the following categories. If there is anything you are interested in, I would be honored:
- Java;
- background middleware;
- Docker;
- Kubernetes;
- big data;
- Comprehensive interests, such as LeetCode, Raspberry Pi, Synology System, etc.;
- DevOps;
- Common tools and techniques;
- Problem handling memo;
Java field
Cloud native technology, Quarkus album
quarkus long series
Comprehensive actual combat
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part One: Preparation"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 2: Application Creation, Construction, and Deployment"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 3: Development Mode (Development Mode)"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 4: Remote Hot Deployment"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 5: Detailed Description of the Maven Plug-in"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 6: Configuration"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 7: Using Configuration"
- "Quarkus Practical Combat Part 8: Profile"
virtual thread
- Web framework that supports JDK19 virtual threads, Part 1: Experience
- Web framework that supports JDK19 virtual threads, Part 2: Complete development of a quarkus application that supports virtual threads
- Web framework supporting JDK19 virtual threads, Part 3: Observing running virtual threads
- Web framework that supports JDK19 virtual threads, Part 4: Look at the source code to understand how quarkus supports virtual threads
- Web framework supporting JDK19 virtual threads, Part 5 (final): ThreadLocal making waves
dependency injection
- "quarkus dependency injection one: creating beans"
- "quarkus dependency injection part 2: bean scope"
- "Quarkus Dependency Injection Part 3: Use Annotations to Select Injection Beans"
- "Quarkus Dependency Injection Part 4: Selecting Advanced Methods to Inject Beans"
- "quarkus Dependency Injection Part 5: Interceptor"
- "quarkus dependency injection six: publishing and consuming events"
- "quarkus dependency injection part 7: life cycle callback"
- "quarkus Dependency Injection Part 8: Decorator"
- "quarkus dependency injection nine: bean read-write lock"
- "Quarkus Dependency Injection No. 10: Learning and Changing Bean Lazy Loading Rules"
- "Quarkus Dependency Injection Part 11: Advanced Interceptor Features Part 1 (Attribute Setting and Reuse)"
- "quarkus dependency injection no. 12: disabling class-level interceptors"
- "quarkus dependency injection 13: a series of other important knowledge points (final part)"
- "quarkus database part one: simpler basic operations than the official demo"
- "quarkus database part two: you can run additions, deletions, modifications and queries without a database (dev mode)"
- "Quarkus Database Chapter 3: A single application operates multiple databases at the same time"
- "quarkus database part 4: local cache"
basic knowledge
- "CentOS7 Installation JDK8"
- "Installing OpenJDK10 under Ubuntu"
- "Download OpenJDK11 source code for Ubuntu environment"
- "Experience RxJava and lambda"
- "Actual Rate Limiting (guava's RateLimiter)"
- "java.util.Optional Study Notes"
- "org.springframework.util.StopWatch: A simple time-consuming statistical tool"
- "Experience IntelliJ IDEA's remote development (Remote Development)"
- "After 20 days of waiting, the application was finally approved, install and experience the new UI preview version of IntelliJ IDEA"
- "Write code in the browser, use 4-core 8G Microsoft server for free, Codespaces is really delicious"
- "Codespaces Personalized Backend Server Configuration Guide"
- "The desktop version of vscode uses a free Microsoft 4-core 8G server for remote development (compilation and running are all on the cloud, and docker services can be created freely)"
Advanced actual combat
- "Java Practical Operation MongoDB Cluster (Replica Set)"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Java File Upload Services under Docker: Preparing the Environment"
- "Java File Upload Service under Docker Part Two: Server-side Development"
- "The third part of the trilogy of Java file upload services under Docker: wireshark packet capture analysis"
- "Practical Redis Serialization Performance Test (Kryo and String)"
- "JavaCPP Quick Start (Official Demo Enhanced Version)"
Travel the world of JVM
- "Minimalist, use Docker to download and compile OpenJDK11 with just two lines of commands"
- "Using Docker to quickly download OpenJDK11 source code"
- "Making a Docker image to download the OpenJDK11 source code"
- "Making Docker images to compile OpenJDK11 source code"
- "Ubuntu environment editing OpenJDK11 source code"
- "tag description of openjdk image"
- "Under the ARM64 architecture, why does the official Docker image of OpenJDK not have version 8? 》
- "In the Docker environment under ARM architecture, OpenJDK does not officially have version 8 images. How to solve it perfectly?" 》
- "Extremely fast experience compiling openjdk8 (docker environment)"
- "Compiling openjdk8 on docker"
- "Modify, compile, GDB debug openjdk8 source code (in docker environment)"
- "Environment variable_JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG, it can give you more jvm information"
- "Java Virtual Machine Learning: Bytecode Instructions for Method Calls"
- "Java wait(), notify() learning trilogy one: JVM source code analysis"
- "Java's wait(), notify() learning trilogy part two: modify the JVM source code to see parameters"
- "Java's wait(), notify() learning trilogy three: Modify the JVM source code control lock grabbing sequence"
Play with Maven
- "Ubuntu Deployment and Experience Nexus3"
- "Without JDK and Maven, Maven projects can also be built using Docker"
- "Maven Building Docker Image Trilogy Part One: Preparing the Environment"
- "Maven builds docker image trilogy part two: coding and building image"
- "Maven Building Docker Image Trilogy Three: Push to Remote Warehouse (Intranet and Alibaba Cloud)"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Practical Maven Private Warehouses: Construction and Use"
- "Practical Maven Private Warehouse Trilogy Part 2: Upload to Private Warehouse"
- "Practical Maven Private Warehouse Trilogy Part Three: Building a Maven Private Warehouse under Docker"
- "Modify gradle script to speed up spring4.1 source code compilation and build speed"
- "Docker and Jib (maven plug-in version) actual combat"
- "Jib usage summary (Maven plug-in version)"
- "Jib build mirror problem from positioning to in-depth analysis"
- "How to set up maven for jenkins under kubernetes"
- "Jenkins actual maven project compilation and construction under kubernetes"
- "Nexus3 Frequently Used Function Memo"
- "I published my java library to the maven central repository. From now on, I can use it like Jackson and Spring jars."
Play with Gradle
- Gradle builds multi-module SpringBoot application
- "Publish the Gradle project's jar to a private warehouse"
Jackson Learning Special
- "Jackson Learning 1: Basic Information"
- "Jackson Learning Part 2: jackson-core"
- "Jackson Learning Part 3: Common API Operations"
- "Jackson Learning 4: WRAP_ROOT_VALUE (root object)"
- "Jackson Learning Part 5: JsonInclude Annotation"
- "Jackson Learning Part 6: Common Class Annotations"
- "Jackson Learning Part 7: Common Field Annotations"
- "Jackson Learning Part 8: Annotations on Common Methods"
- "Jackson Learning No. 9: Springboot Integration (Configuration File)"
- "Jackson Learning No. 10 (Final): Springboot Integration (Configuration Class)"
JUnit5 Learning Special
The "JUnit5 Learning" series aims to improve unit testing skills in the SpringBoot environment through actual combat. There are eight articles in total. The link is as follows:
- "JUnit5 Learning One: Basic Operations"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 2: Assumptions Class"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 3: Assertions Class"
- "JUnit5 Learning 4: Execute Conditionally"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 5: Tags and Custom Annotations"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 6: Basics of Parameterized Tests"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 7: Advanced Parameterized Tests"
- "JUnit5 Learning Part 8: Comprehensive Advancement (Final)"
jetcd learning special
- jetcd actual combat one: extremely fast experience
- jetcd practice part 2: basic operations
- jetcd practice part 3: advanced operations (transactions, monitoring, leases)
Disruptor Learning Special
- Quick start
- Disruptor class analysis
- Basic operations of ring queue (without Disruptor class)
- Summary of event consumption knowledge points
- Event consumption practice
- Common scenarios
- wait strategy
- Supplementary knowledge points (final part)
MyBatis Learning (Junior Edition)
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice One: Spring Boot Integration"
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice Part 2: Add, Delete, Modify and Check"
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice Part Three: Springboot Integrated Druid"
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice Part 4: Druid Multiple Data Sources"
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice Part 5: One-to-One Related Query"
- "MyBatis Elementary Practice Part 6: One-to-Many Related Query"
Java version of gRPC practical album
- Generate code using proto
- Service publishing and invocation
- Server stream
- client stream
- bidirectional flow
- The client dynamically obtains the server address
- Registration discovery based on eureka
Java extension Nginx album
- "One of the Java extensions for Nginx: Hello, nginx-clojure"
- "Java Extending Nginx Part 2: Compiling nginx-clojure Source Code"
- "Java Extension Nginx Part 3: Basic Configuration Items"
- "Java Extension Nginx Part 4: Remote Debugging"
- "Java Expansion Nginx Part 5: Five Handlers (The Core of the Series)"
- "Java Extension Nginx Six: Two Major Filters"
- "Java Extension Nginx Part 7: Shared Memory"
- "Selected Edition: Extending Nginx with Java (Introduction to nginx-clojure)"
view neighborhood
- Java version streaming codec and image processing (JavaCPP+FFmpeg)
- "Compiling and installing OpenCV4 for Ubuntu16 desktop version"
- "Ubuntu16 desktop version compiles OpenCV4's java library and so library"
Spring field
Spring basics
- "Practical Spring Custom Attributes (schema): Quick Experience"
- "Spring's BeanFactory and ApplicationContext"
- "The difference between ImportSelector and DeferredImportSelector (spring4)"
- "Practical spring custom attributes (schema)"
Spring extension practical topic
- "Spring 4.1.8 Extended Practice One: Custom Environment Variable Verification"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Expansion Practice Part 2: Aware Interface Revealed"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Extended Practical Combat Part Three: Broadcasting and Monitoring"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Expansion Practice Part 4: Perceiving Spring Container Changes (SmartLifecycle Interface)"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Expansion Practice Part 5: Changing the Definition of Bean (BeanFactoryPostProcessor Interface)"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Expansion Practice Part 6: Registering beans to the spring container (BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor interface)"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Extended Practice Part 7: Control Bean (BeanPostProcessor Interface)"
- "Spring 4.1.8 Extended Practice Part 8: Import Annotations"
Explore the world of Spring source code
- "Modify and compile spring source code and build jar (spring-context-4.0.2.RELEASE)"
- "spring+mybatis starts NoClassDefFoundError exception analysis trilogy one: stable reproduction of the problem"
- "spring+mybatis starts NoClassDefFoundError exception analysis trilogy part two: positioning error"
- "Spring+mybatis starts NoClassDefFoundError exception analysis trilogy three: change the spring source code and get detailed errors"
- "SpringMVC Source Code Analysis: File Processing in POST Requests"
- "Download the Spring4.1.x source code and open it with IntelliJ IDEA"
- "Modify, compile and build spring-framework4.1.8.RELEASE source code under windows"
- "Spring4.1.8 Initialization Source Code Learning Trilogy One: AbstractApplicationContext Construction Method"
- "Spring4.1.8 Initialization Source Code Learning Trilogy Part Two: setConfigLocations Method"
- "Spring4.1.8 Initialization Source Code Learning Trilogy Three: AbstractApplicationContext.refresh Method"
SpringBoot basics
- "Customized Spring Boot Starter Trilogy Part One: Preparation"
- "Customized spring boot starter trilogy part two: practical development"
- "Customized spring boot starter trilogy three: source code analysis spring.factories loading process"
- "Accessing zookeeper based on spring boot framework"
- "Running springboot under Docker"
- "The use and expansion of springboot thread pool"
- "Using Kyro as a Redis serialization tool under SpringBoot"
- "Springboot application to query city weather"
- "Immediately available practical source code (springboot+redis+mybatis+restTemplate)"
- "Why SpringBoot-2.3 mirroring solution requires multiple layers"
- "Experience SpringBoot (2.3) application production Docker image (official solution)"
- "Detailed explanation of SpringBoot (2.3) application to create Docker image (official solution)"
- "Mastering the Container Probe of SpringBoot-2.3: Basics"
- "Mastering the Container Probe of SpringBoot-2.3: In-depth"
- "Mastering the Container Probe of SpringBoot-2.3: Practical Combat"
- "Why springboot's jar can run independently"
- "SpringBoot (2.4) application production Docker image (Gradle version official solution)"
SpringBoot advanced practice
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Redis and Springboot under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Redis and springboot trilogy under Docker Part 2: Installing redis master-slave and sentinel"
- "The third part of the trilogy of redis and springboot under Docker: accessing redis sentinel under springboot"
- "SpringBoot application uses custom ApplicationContext implementation class"
- "Spring Boot application in kubernetes sidecar design and practice"
- "Spring Native Practical Combat (Enjoy the smooth experience of starting the springboot application in 79 milliseconds)"
- "Three Minutes Experience: SpringBoot uses deep learning model to recognize numbers"
- "SpringBoot uses deep learning model to recognize numbers: development details"
SpringCloud basics
- "Quickly Experience SpringCloud Gateway"
- "Precautions when upgrading the Spring Cloud version of the application (Dalston upgrade to Edgware)"
SpringCloud actual combat
- "Part One of Spring Cloud Trilogy under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Spring Cloud Trilogy under Docker Part 2: Detailed Description of Spring Cloud Development"
- "Spring Cloud Trilogy Three under Docker: Online Horizontal Scaling"
- "Practical Combat of SpringCloud Microservices in Local Service Calling K8S Environment"
Eureka source code analysis topic
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 1: Preparation"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 2: Annotation EnableEurekaServer on the Registration Center Startup Class"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 3: The Difference between EnableDiscoveryClient and EnableEurekaClient (Edgware Version)"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 4: How Service Registration is Initiated"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 5: Update Service List"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 6: Service Registration"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 7: Renewal"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 8: The Origin of Service Registration Names"
Spring Cloud Gateway from entry to improvement
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Practical Combat One: A Preliminary Study"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Practical Combat Part 2: More Routing Configuration Methods"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Practical Combat Part 3: Dynamic Routing"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Practical Combat Part 4: Summary of Built-in Predicate"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Practical Combat Part 5: Built-in Filter"
- "CircuitBreaker function of Spring Cloud Gateway"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Custom Filter Practice (Observing Circuit Breaker Status Changes)"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Current Limiting Practice"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway modifies the content of request and response body"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway Filter Precisely Controls Exception Returns (Analysis)"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway filter accurately controls exception returns (actual combat, controlling http return code and message field)"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway filter accurately controls exception returns (actual combat, fully customized return body)"
- "Spring Cloud Gateway coding to implement arbitrary address jump"
spring-cloud-alibaba actual combat
- "Under Docker, experience Nacos in two minutes";
- "Nacos environment development under Docker";
- "Under Docker, experience the Nacos configuration center in two minutes";
- "Nacos configuration application development under Docker";
- "Nacos persistence configuration under Docker";
spring-cloud-kubernetes special edition
- "Spring-cloud-kubernetes official demo running practice"
- "Hello spring-cloud-kubernetes"
- "Three key knowledge points behind spring-cloud-kubernetes"
- "Service discovery and polling practice of spring-cloud-kubernetes (including circuit breaker)"
- "spring-cloud-kubernetes and SpringCloud Gateway"
- "Spring-cloud-kubernetes and k8s configmap"
- "spring-cloud-kubernetes automatically synchronizes k8s configmap updates"
spring-cloud-square special
- Understand spring-cloud-square in five minutes
- Spring-cloud-square development practice (all three types covered)
- Spring-cloud-square source code quick reading (spring-cloud-square-okhttp article)
- Quick reading of spring-cloud-square source code (retrofit + okhttp)
dubbo combat special
- Preparation and first experience
- Integrate with SpringBoot
- Using Zookeeper registration center
- Management console dubbo-admin
java cloud native series
- Strimzi Combat Part 1: Introduction and Preparation
- Strimzi Practical Combat Part 2: First Experience of Deployment and Messaging Functions
- Strimzi Practical Combat No. 3: Prometheus+grafana Monitoring (Can’t monitor according to the official documents? You might as well read this article, you have already stepped on the trap)
- Strimzi Kafka Bridge (Bridge) Practical Combat One: Introduction and Deployment
- Strimzi Kafka Bridge (Bridge) Practical Combat Part 2: Producing and Sending Messages
- Strimzi Kafka Bridge (Bridge) Practical Combat Three: Homemade SDK (golang version)
basic knowledge
- "Docker Preparation, Installation, and First Experience"
- "CentOS7 installation docker"
- "What should I do if docker is slow to download the image?" daocloud accelerator is here to help you》
- "Practical Construction and Use of Docker Private Warehouse"
- "Maven Building Docker Image Trilogy Part One: Preparing the Environment"
- "Maven builds docker image trilogy part two: coding and building image"
- "Maven Building Docker Image Trilogy Three: Push to Remote Warehouse (Intranet and Alibaba Cloud)"
- "View Docker container information"
- "Docker Image Production Practice: Setting Time Zone and System Encoding"
- "What is none:none in the Docker image list"
- "Docker multi-stage build practice (multi-stage builds)"
- "Docker's /var/run/docker.sock parameters"
- "docker and gosu"
- "Docker remote connection settings"
- "TLS encrypted remote connection to Docker"
- "CentOS Deployment of Harbor Mirror Repository"
- "Notes on Commonly Used Docker Commands"
- "One-line command to install docker and docker-compose (CentOS7)"
- "Quickly Experience Docker Container Health"
- "Java application configures container health check in docker environment"
- "One of Two Parts of Java Application Startup Sequence under docker-compose: Problem Analysis"
- "Java Application Startup Sequence under docker-compose Part Two: Practical Combat"
- "Set up a non-root account to directly execute docker commands without sudo"
- "Why SpringBoot-2.3 mirroring solution requires multiple layers"
Advanced actual combat
- "Web development and Tomcat deployment under Docker"
- "Practical Docker, writing Dockerfile to customize tomcat image, and realizing online deployment of web applications"
- "Practical docker, build nginx reverse proxy tomcat, learn link and docker-compose"
- "Compiling openjdk8 on docker"
- "Modify, compile, GDB debug openjdk8 source code (in docker environment)"
- "Let mysql in docker automatically execute sql when it starts"
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, part one of a trilogy: building disconf quickly"
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, part two of a trilogy: quickly building a disconf image locally"
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, Part Three of a Trilogy: Detailed description of the construction process"
- "Using disconf under docker: Extremely fast experience"
- "Using disconf under docker: Detailed description of demo development"
- "Introduction to using jedis (under Docker environment)"
- "Learning Kafka under Docker, Part One of the Trilogy: Experience Kafka at Extreme Speed"
- "Learning Kafka under Docker, Part Two of Trilogy: Building a Local Environment"
- "Learning Kafka under Docker, Part Three of the Trilogy: Java Development"
- "The problem of deploying dubbo under Docker and consumer applications cannot use the link parameter"
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part One of the Trilogy: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part Two of Trilogy: Building a Local Environment"
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part Three of the Trilogy: Java Development"
- "Part One of the Practical Zabbix Trilogy under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Practical Zabbix Trilogy under Docker Part 2: Monitoring Other Machines"
- "Practical Zabbix Trilogy Part Three under Docker: Customized Monitoring Items"
- "Extremely fast experience compiling openjdk8 (docker environment)"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part One of the Trilogy: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part Two of the Trilogy: Cluster HBase Construction"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part Three of the Trilogy: Java Development"
- "Experience mongodb quickly under Docker"
- "Making mongodb Docker image file"
- "Under Docker, actual mongodb replica set (Replication)"
- "Install Rockmongo under Docker and operate mongodb graphically"
- "Kafka Learning under Docker Part 1: Making Image Files for Clusters"
- "Learning Kafka under Docker Part 2: Building a Cluster Environment"
- "Kafka Learning under Docker Part 3: Java Development in a Cluster Environment"
- "Under Docker, quickly experience compiling the pinpoint1.6.x branch"
- "Make the pinpoint compilation environment into a Docker image file"
- "Under Docker, experience pinpoint1.6.3 at high speed"
- "Building pinpoint environment under Docker"
- "Pinpoint plug-in development part one: a quick test, adjusting the gson plug-in"
- "Pinpoint Plug-in Development Part 2: Create a New Plug-in from Scratch"
- "Jenkins installation and experience under docker"
- "Running springboot under Docker"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Redis and Springboot under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Redis and springboot trilogy under Docker Part 2: Installing redis master-slave and sentinel"
- "Trilogy 3 of redis and springboot under Docker: Accessing redis sentinel under springboot"
- "Practical Maven Private Warehouse Trilogy Part Three: Building a Maven Private Warehouse under Docker"
- "Part One of Spring Cloud Trilogy under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Spring Cloud Trilogy under Docker Part 2: Detailed Description of Spring Cloud Development"
- "Spring Cloud Trilogy under Docker Part 3: Online Horizontal Scaling"
- "Part One of the OpenResty Trilogy under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "OpenResty Trilogy under Docker Part 2: Detailed Development"
- "The third part of the OpenResty trilogy under Docker: OpenResty plus Tomcat service"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Java File Upload Services under Docker: Preparing the Environment"
- "Java File Upload Service under Docker Part Two: Server-side Development"
- "The third part of the trilogy of Java file upload services under Docker: wireshark packet capture analysis"
- "Manual configuration of MySQL master and slave under Docker"
- "MySQL Master-Slave Trilogy Part One under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "MySQL Master-Slave Trilogy under Docker Part 2: Detailed Description of Mirror Production"
- "MySQL Master-Slave Trilogy Part Three under Docker: Practical Combat of Binlog Log Parameters"
- "Part One of ELK Trilogy under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "The second part of ELK trilogy under Docker: Development in detail"
- "The third part of ELK trilogy under Docker: ELK and application log reporting on K8S"
- "Docker Image Production Practice: Setting Time Zone and System Encoding"
- "Without JDK and Maven, Maven projects can also be built using Docker"
- "One of Two Parts of Practical Combat of RabbitMQ Delay Queue under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "RabbitMQ Delay Queue Practical Combat under Docker Part Two: Development in Detail"
- "Using Docker to quickly download OpenJDK11 source code"
- "Minimalist, use Docker to download and compile OpenJDK11 with just two lines of commands"
- "kafka Docker image usage instructions (wurstmeister/kafka)"
- "How to use the kafka service within Docker"
- "Make your own Docker image of elasticsearch-head"
- "Make your own Docker image of elasticsearch's ik word segmenter"
- "Under docker, build an elasticsearch6.5.0 cluster with one line of commands (with head plug-in and ik word segmenter)"
- "Under docker, quickly build a spark cluster (including HDFS cluster)"
- "Spark cluster under docker, adjust parameters to squeeze out hardware"
- "Run the project with golang official Docker image"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Prometheus and Grafana under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Prometheus and Grafana under Docker Trilogy Part 2: Detailed Description of Docker Orchestration"
- "Part Three of Prometheus and Grafana under Docker: Development and Configuration of Custom Monitoring Items"
- "Docker and Jib (maven plug-in version) actual combat"
- "Under Docker, experience Nacos in two minutes"
- "Nacos environment development under Docker"
- "Under Docker, experience the Nacos configuration center in two minutes"
- "Nacos configuration application development under Docker"
- "Nacos persistence configuration under Docker"
- "Password-free SSH login for multiple machines under Docker"
- "IDEA's Docker plug-in practice (Dockerfile)"
- "IDEA's Docker plug-in practice (Docker Image)"
- "IDEA's Docker plug-in practice (Docker-compose)"
- "Docker Swarm from deployment to basic operations"
- "Under the ARM64 architecture, why does the official Docker image of OpenJDK not have version 8? 》
- "In the Docker environment under ARM architecture, OpenJDK does not officially have version 8 images. How to solve it perfectly?" 》
- "Docker Deployment Flink Memo"
- "Creating Docker Images with GitHub Actions"
- "Deployment, expansion, and basic operation of elasticsearch8 under Docker (including kibana)"
- "Docker-compose quickly deploys elasticsearch-8.x cluster + kibana"
- "Synology DS218+ deploys PostgreSQL (docker)"
kubernetes basics
- "Kubernetes Persistence Volume Practical Part One: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Kubernetes Persistence Volume Practical Part Two: Development in Detail"
- "Practical Kubernetes Dynamic Volume Storage (NFS)"
- "Spring Boot application in kubernetes sidecar design and practice"
- "Kubernetes Source Code Learning Part 1: Download and Compile Source Code"
- "Kubernetes in-depth learning part 2: compiling and deploying images (api-server)"
- "K8s Custom Controller Trilogy Part One: Creating CRD (Custom Resource Definition)"
- "K8s Custom Controller Trilogy Part 2: Automatically Generate Code"
- "K8s Custom Controller Trilogy Part Three: Writing Controller Code"
- "View etcd data of k8s"
- "kubernetes deployment metrics-server"
- "Notes on the use of Local Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes"
- "In the development stage, quickly deploy SpringBoot applications to K8S"
- Quickly build a cloud-native development environment (k8s+pv+prometheus+grafana)
kubernetes installation and deployment
- "kubeadm builds one of the kubernetes clusters: building standardized images"
- "kubeadm builds kubernetes cluster part 2: creating master node"
- "kubeadm builds kubernetes cluster part 3: adding node nodes"
- "One of Kubernetes under Rancher: Building a standardized vmware image"
- "Kubernetes under Rancher Part 2: Install Rancher and Kubernetes"
- "Kubernetes under Rancher Part 3: Installing the kubectl tool on Linux"
- "Part One of Four Steps to Install Kubernetes in CentOS7 Environment: Standardized Machine Preparation"
- "Part Two of Four Steps to Installing Kubernetes in CentOS7 Environment: Configuring Templates and Installing Master"
- "Part Three of the Four Steps to Installing Kubernetes in CentOS7 Environment: Adding Nodes"
- "Fourth Step of Installing Kubernetes in CentOS7 Environment: Installing the kubectl Tool"
- "Part One of Five Steps to Deploying Kubenetes 1.12 Version in CentOS7 Environment: Standardized Machines"
- "Part 2 of Five Steps to Deploying Kubenetes 1.12 Version in CentOS7 Environment: Creating the Master Node"
- "Part Three of Five Steps to Deploying Kubenetes 1.12 Version in CentOS7 Environment: Node Node Joining"
- "Five Steps to Deploying Kubenetes 1.12 Version in CentOS7 Environment Part 4: Install Dashboard"
- "Five steps of deploying kubenetes1.12 version in CentOS7 environment Part 5: Installing kubectl"
- "Extremely fast installation and experience of k8s (Minikube)"
- "Linux Installation Minikube Guide"
- "kubespray2.11 installs kubernetes1.15"
- "Quick installation of kubernetes-1.22.0 (three CentOS7 servers)"
kubernetes advanced practice
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Nginx and Tomcat under Kubernetes: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Nginx plus Tomcat under kubernetes Trilogy Part 2: Detailed Development"
- "Nginx plus Tomcat Trilogy Part Three under Kubernetes: Practical Expansion and Upgrade"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Performance Testing of Web Services under Kubernetes: Preparation"
- "Part 2 of the Performance Testing Trilogy of Web Services under Kubernetes: Vertical Scaling"
- "Trilogy Three of Performance Testing of Web Services under Kubernetes: Horizontal Scaling"
- "Configuring kubectl to remotely operate kubernetes on a Windows computer"
- "Practical Combat of SpringCloud Microservices in Local Service Calling K8S Environment"
- "How to set up maven for jenkins under kubernetes"
- "Handling Jenkins Performance Issues in K8S Environment"
- "Kubernetes1.15 rapid deployment of prometheus and grafana"
- "Sequel to handling Jenkins performance issues in K8S environment (Task Pod settings)"
- "StorageClass Practical Combat of K8S (NFS)"
- "Quick Deployment of Kafka in K8S Environment (K8S External Accessible)"
- "K8S Kafka Monitoring (Prometheus+Grafana)"
- "Kubernetes Group, Version, Resource Learning Notes"
- "Kubernetes Affinity Learning Notes"
- "Quick installation of kubernetes-1.22.0 (three CentOS7 servers)"
kubernetes official java client special
- "One of the Kubernetes official java clients: preparation"
- "Kubernetes Official Java Client Part 2: Serialization and Deserialization Issues"
- "Kubernetes Official Java Client Part 3: External Application"
- "Kubernetes Official Java Client Part 4: Internal Application"
- "Kubernetes official java client part 5: basic proto operations"
- "Kubernetes Official Java Client Part 6: Basic OpenAPI Operations"
kubernetes official go client special
- Client-go practice one: preparation work
- client-go practice part 2: RESTClient
- Client-go actual combat three: Clientset
- client-go practice part 4: dynamicClient
- Client-go practice part 5: DiscoveryClient
- Client-go Practical Combat Part 6: After two years, refresh the version and continue the actual combat
- Client-go Practical Combat Part 7: Prepare a project management code for subsequent practical combat
- Client-go Practical Combat Part 8: Conflict Error Handling when Updating Resources
- Client-go Practical Combat No. 9: Handwriting a kubernetes controller
Operator Practical Special
- kubebuilder practice one: preparation work
- kubebuilder practice part 2: first experience with kubebuilder
- kubebuilder practical experience three: quick overview of basic knowledge
- Kubebuilder Practical Combat Part 4: Operator Requirements Description and Design
- kubebuilder practice part 5: operator coding
- kubebuilder Practical Combat No. 6: Build, Deploy and Run
- kubebuilder actual combat part 7: webhook
- kubebuilder Practical Combat Part 8: Notes on Knowledge Points
helm actual combat
- "helm Practical Development Chart"
- "Deploying and experiencing Helm (version 2.16.1)"
- "Helm Deployment and Experience Jenkins"
- "How to modify the configuration of services deployed by Helm"
- "helm deploys mysql"
Special Edition of OpenFaaS in Serverless Field
- deploy
- Introduction to functions
- Java function
- Template operation (template)
- Big talk watchdog
- of-watchdog (born for performance)
- java11 template parsing
- OpenFaaS Practical Combat Part 8: Homemade Template (maven+jdk8)
- OpenFaaS Practical Combat Part 9: Final Chapter, Self-made Template (springboot+maven+jdk8)
big data
hive study notes
- Basic data types
- complex data types
- Internal and external tables
- partition table
- bucket
- HiveQL basics
- built-in functions
- Sqoop
- Basic UDF
- User-defined aggregate function (UDAF)
- "CDH5 Deployment Trilogy Part 1: Preparation"
- "CDH5 Deployment Trilogy Part 2: Deployment and Setup"
- "CDH5 Deployment Trilogy Three: Problem Summary"
- "Super simple CDH6 deployment and experience (stand-alone version)"
- "Flink1.7 from installation to experience"
- "Developing the First Flink Application"
- "Without the available Task slot, what will happen if Flink adds new tasks?" 》
- "Flink in action: consuming Wikipedia real-time news"
- "Raspberry Pi 3B builds Flink cluster"
- "Flink data source disassembly analysis (WikipediaEditsSource)"
- "Flink consumption kafka message practice"
- "Docker Deployment Flink Memo"
- "Flink on Yarn Trilogy Part One: Preparation"
- "Flink on Yarn Trilogy Part 2: Deployment and Setup"
- "Flink on Yarn Trilogy Part Three: Submitting Flink Tasks"
- "Running Flink tasks on IDEA"
- "Flink1.9.2 source code compilation and use"
- "Part One of Flink's DataSource Trilogy: Direct API"
- "Flink's DataSource Trilogy Part 2: Built-in Connector"
- "Flink's DataSource Trilogy Part Three: Customization"
- "Flink's Sink Practical Combat One: A Preliminary Study"
- "Flink's Sink Practice Part 2: kafka"
- "Flink's Sink Practical Combat Part 3: cassandra3"
- "Flink's Sink Practical Combat Part 4: Customization"
- "A Preliminary Study of Flink SQL Client"
- "Preparing data sets for flink learning"
- "Send CSV data to kafka (java version)"
- "Flink SQL Client Comprehensive Practice"
- "Flink Native Kubernetes Practical Combat"
- "Flink Processing Function Practical Combat Part 1: In-depth understanding of ProcessFunction's state operations (Flink-1.10)"
- "Flink Processing Function Practical Combat Part 2: ProcessFunction Class"
- "Flink Processing Function Practical Combat Part 3: KeyedProcessFunction Class"
- "Flink Processing Function Practical Combat Part 4: Window Processing"
- "Flink Processing Function Practical Combat Part 5: CoProcessFunction (Dual-Stream Processing)"
- "Understanding the Timer logic of ProcessFunction"
Dual-stream processing practical special
- "CoProcessFunction Practical Trilogy Part One: Basic Functions"
- "CoProcessFunction Practical Trilogy Part 2: State Processing"
- "CoProcessFunction Practical Trilogy Part Three: Timer and Side Output"
- "Deploying spark2.2 cluster (standalone mode)"
- "Detailed explanation of the first spark application development (java version)"
- "Deploying Spark2.2 Cluster (on Yarn Mode)"
- "Under docker, quickly build a spark cluster (including HDFS cluster)"
- "Spark Practical Combat: Analyzing Wikipedia website statistics (java version)"
- "Spark cluster under docker, adjust parameters to squeeze out hardware"
- "Practical Development of Spark Applications with IDEA (Scala)"
- "View Spark task details"
- "Mac Deployment spark2.4.4"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy Part 1: Preparation"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy Part 2: Deployment and Setup"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy Part 3: Kylin Official Demo"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part One of the Trilogy: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part Two of the Trilogy: Cluster HBase Construction"
- "Learning HBase under Docker, Part Three of the Trilogy: Java Development"
- "Installing and experiencing hive"
- "Linux Deployment of Hadoop2.7.7 Cluster"
- "Mac deployment hadoop3 (pseudo-distributed)"
- "Finding massive data sets for practical big data development (Wikipedia website statistics)"
Configuration center
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, part one of a trilogy: building disconf quickly"
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, part two of a trilogy: quickly building a disconf image locally"
- "Building a disconf environment with Docker, Part Three of a Trilogy: Detailed description of the construction process"
- "Using disconf under docker: Extremely fast experience"
- "Using disconf under docker: Detailed description of demo development"
- "Accessing zookeeper based on spring boot framework"
- "Introduction to using jedis (under Docker environment)"
- "Part One of the Trilogy of Redis and Springboot under Docker: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Redis and springboot trilogy part two under Docker: Installing redis master-slave and sentinel"
- "Trilogy 3 of redis and springboot under Docker: Accessing redis sentinel under springboot"
- "Practical Redis Serialization Performance Test (Kryo and String)"
Registration center
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part One of the Trilogy: Extreme Speed Experience"
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part Two of Trilogy: Building a Local Environment"
- "Dubbo Development under Docker, Part Three of the Trilogy: Java Development"
- "Under Docker, experience Nacos in two minutes"
- "Nacos environment development under Docker"
- "Under Docker, experience the Nacos configuration center in two minutes"
- "Nacos configuration application development under Docker"
- "Nacos persistence configuration under Docker"
- "Eureka's TimedSupervisorTask class (periodic tasks that automatically adjust intervals)"
- "Practical monitoring of cache updates of Eureka client"
- "Eureka's InstanceInfoReplicator class (service registration auxiliary tool)"
- "Eureka Registration Information Configuration Memo"
- "Wireshark packet capture analysis Eureka registration discovery protocol"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 1: Preparation"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 2: Annotation EnableEurekaServer on the Registration Center Startup Class"
- "Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis of Eureka Chapter 3: The Difference between EnableDiscoveryClient and EnableEurekaClient (Edgware Version)"
- "EUREKA Chapter 4 of Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis Chapter 4: How Launches Service Registration"
- "EUREKA Chapter 5 of Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis Chapter 5: Update Service List"
- "EUREKA Chapter 6 of Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis Chapter 6: Service Registration"
- "Eureka, Chapter 7 of Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis: Renewal"
- "Eureka, Chapter 8 of Spring Cloud Source Code Analysis: The Origin of Service Registration Name"
message queue
- "Docker under KAFKA Learning, One of the Trilogy: Speed Experience Kafka"
- "Docker under KAFKA Learning, Trilogy: Local Environment Construction"
- "Docker under KAFKA Learning, Trilogy: Java Development"
- "One of the Kafka learning under docker: Mirror file for making clusters"
- "Kafka Learning 2: Create a Cluster Environment"
- "Kafka Learning III under Docker: Java Development in the Cluster Environment"
- "Kafka's Docker Mirror Instructions (WURSTMEISTER/KAFKA)"
- "How to use the Kafka service in Docker"
- "K8S Environment Quickly Deploy Kafka (K8S External Access)"
- "Prometheus+Grafana"
- "One of the Rabbitmq 4 parts under Docker: Speed Experience (Single Machine and Cluster)"
- "Docker Under Rabbitmq Two: Two of RabbitMQ Mirror Making"
- "Three of the Rabbitmq Fourth Martial Arts under Docker: Talk about Java Development"
- "Docker Under Rabbitmq Fourth Fourth Fourth: Gao Available Actual Combat"
- "Docker Under Rabbitmq delay queue, one of the actual combat two parts: Speed Experience"
- "Docker Under Rabbitmq delay queue actual combat two -piece two departments: Talk about development"
- "Automatically execute SQL when Mysql in Docker starts"
- "Under Docker, Speed Experience MongoDB"
- "Docker Mirror File of MongoDB"
- "Under Docker, Replication"
- "Install RockMongo under docker, graphical operation mongoDB"
- "Java actual operation mongodb cluster (copy set)"
- "MySQL settings character set"
- "Docker is hand -made Mysql Master Cong"
- "Mysql Master and Student in Docker: One of the Trilogy: Speed Experience"
- "Mysql under Docker Main Trilogy: Talk about Mirror Making"
- "Mysql Main Third Mission: Binlog log parameter combat" under the Docker
- "Storage of InnoDB Table Data and Index Data"
Elasticsearch actual combat
- "CENTOS7 Construction Elk-6.2.3"
- "One of the ELK trilogy under Docker: Speed Experience"
- "Docker Under ELK Trilogy: Talk about Development"
- "Docker under ELK Trilogy: ELK and Application Log on K8S"
- "Linux environment quickly builds Elasticsearch6.5.4 cluster and head plug -in" "
- "Elasticsearch Installation and Use IK Words"
- "Docker Mirror of Elasticsearch-Head" by yourself
- "Docker Mirror of IK Words of Elasticsearch by yourself"
- "Under Docker, a line command to set up Elasticsearch 6.5.0 clusters (with the head plug -in and IK segmentor)"
- "Elasticsearch6.1.2 Source Code Download and Compile Construction"
- "Intellij Idea Remote Debugging Elasticsearch6.1.2"
- "Test Data of Elasticsearch Test"
Elasticsearch basic skills
- "Elasticsearch Actual Trilogy: Index Operation"
- "Elasticsearch Real Trilogy: Document Operation" 3 "Elasticsearch Real Trilogy: Search Operation"
- "One of the ElasticSearch aggregates: Basic Operation"
- "Elasticsearch Judie Gathering Learning II: Division Jugglers"
- "ElasticSearch Juggling Learning III: Limited Scope"
- "ElasticSearch Juggling Learning IV: Result Sorting"
- "ElasticSearch Juggling Learning Five: Analysis of the Procedure of Search Results"
- "How to Sorting ElasticSearch Jet Barrels"
- "Post_filter of Elasticsearch"
- "ElasticSearch String Dynamic Map"
- "Join Types of Real Elasticsearch6"
Tools and techniques
- "Generate UML Figures according to Java Code"
- "Set Intellij IDEA and Maven, Support Lambda expression"
- "Project of Installing Genymotion Mixture to Run Android Studio"
- "Intellij Idea Remote Debug connect to Tomcat to implement single -step debugging"
- "What should I do if the Docker download mirror image is slow? Daocloud accelerator to help you ""
- "MySQL settings character set"
- "Look at Java Class Maps with Intellij ID"
- "How to correspond to the http request package and response package of Wireshark"
- "Wireshark Package Analysis Eureka Registration Discovery Agreement"
- "Free Application and Intellij Idea Business Edition License Guide"
- "SHELL Script Sending Kafka Message"
- "GitHub Search Skills Summary"
Problem solving
- "Dubbo service provider's failure to start at Tomcat"
- "Problem to deploy dubbo under docker, consumer applications cannot use Link parameters"
- "ADB Shell cannot connect to the problem of virtual equipment on Genymotion"
- "Spring+MyBatis Starts NoclassDeffounderror Out of Ancient Analysis Trilogy: Stable Reappearing Question"
- "Spring+MyBatis Starts NoclassDeffounderror Announcement Trilogy: Two of the Trilogy: Positioning Error"
- "Spring+MyBatis Starts NoclassDeffounderror Out of Analysis Trilogy: Change the Spring source code, take detailed errors"
- "Problem to Start Mirror Failure in Docker-Compose"
- "No Module Named 'Pymonogo' Problem"
- "SpringBoot's failure to launch failure ('Hibernate.dialet' Not Set)"
- "SpringBoot's JPA in mysql 8 new records failed"
- 《Win10环境编译spring-framework4.1.9版本,报错"Failed to capture snapshot of input files for task 'distZip'"》
- "Maven compiles encountered" The Treatment of "Unable to Map the GBK" warning "
- "Docker Memorandum:" RPC Error: Code = 2 Desc = Containerd: Container Not Found ""
- "No Plugin Found for Prefix 'Fabric8')
- "IT SEEMS Like The Kubelet is Running or Healthy)"
- "Memorandum of Ubuntu18 Reap Docker Service Failure"
- "Hadoop2.7 cluster has no DATANODE problem after initialization"
- "Ansible2.4 Installation and Experience"
- "Super simple CDH6 deployment and experience (stand -alone version)"
- "FLINK On Yarn Trilogy: Preparation"
- "Flink on Yarn Trilogy: Deployment and Settings"
- "Flink on Yarn Trilogy: Submit Flink Mission"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy: Preparation"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy: Deployment and Settings"
- "CDH+Kylin Trilogy: Kylin Official Demo"
- "ANSIBLE quickly deploy Cassandra3 cluster"
- "Maven builds one of the Docker mirror trilogy: preparation environment"
- "Maven Construct Docker Mirror Trilogy: Code and Construct Mirror"
- "Maven builds Docker mirror trilogy: push to remote warehouse (inner network and Alibaba Cloud)"
- "Jenkins Installation and Experience"
- "One of the trilogy of actual Maven Private Warehouse: Construction and Use"
- "Real Maven Private Warehouse Trilogy: Upload to Private Warehouse"
- "Actual Maven Private Warehouse Trilogy: Docker Under the Maven Private Warehouse"
- "Actual combat: triggers Jenkins Automatically Construction when submitting code to github"
- "Modify the Gradle script, accelerate the Spring4.1 source code compilation and construction speed"
- "Docker and JIB (Maven plug -in version) actual combat" combat "
- "JIB Use Summary (Maven Plug -in Version)"
- "JIB Construction Mirror problem from positioning to in -depth analysis"
- "How to set Maven under Kubernetes"
- "Compilation and Construction of the Jenkins Real Maven Project in Kubernetes"
- "Start the Jenkins Mission through HTTP request"
- "Jenkins Filial Wir
- "Let Jenkins execute the pipeline script on github"
- "Jenkins makes the GitHub project into a Docker Mirror"
- "Fasting Jenkins Cluster"
- "PIPELINE Practical Combat in Jenkins"
- "How to set Maven under Kubernetes"
- "Jenkin Performance Problem of the K8S Environment"
- "Jenkin Performance Processing Sequels of K8S Environment (Mission POD Settings)"
- "PIPELINE Mission of Remote Trigger Jenkins"
- "Remote Triggement to Jenkins's PIPELINE Mission Concorded Problem"
- "Gitlab Runner Deployment (Kubernetes Environment)"
- "Gitlab CI Construction SpringBoot-2.3 Application"
- "Distributed cache actual combat of gitlab runner"
- "Make Docker Mirror with Github Actions"
- "One of the Trilogy of Prometheus and Grafana under Docker: Speed Experience"
- "Docker and Grafana Trilogy: Two of the Docker Chop"
- "Three of Prometheus and Grafana Trilogy under Docker: Custom Development and Configuration of Monitoring items"
- "Kubernetes1.15 Speed Speed ProOMETHEUS and Grafana"
- "Prometheus+Grafana"
- "Docker Under the actual Zabbix Trilogy: Speed Experience"
- "Docker Under Real Zabbix Trilogy: Monitor Other Machines"
- "Docker Under the Reality ZABBIX Trilogy: Custom Monitoring item"
- "Under Docker, Type Pinpoint1.6.x Branch"
- "Compile the Pinpoint environment into a Docker mirror file"
- "Under Docker, Experience Pinpoint1.6.3"
- "Under Docker, Pinpoint Environment Construction"
- "One of the development of Pinpoint plug -in: a small test, adjust the GSON plug -in"
- "Pinpoint plug -in development 2: Create a new plug -in from scratch"
- "Distributed system quickly access Pinpoint1.8.3 Guide"
- "Distributed call chain tracking tool Jaeger? Two -minute Speed Experience "
- "Jaeger Development (Java Edition)"
- "How to associate with Jaeger's Trace"
- "Jaeger's Client Sampling Configuration"
- "Minimalist! A note can create Jaeger's span ""
- "Jaeger Knowledge Point Supplement"
- One of the trilogy of "LOTCODE LONGEST SUBSTRING with Reperation Characters)
- Trilogy of "LEETCODE LONGEST SUBSTRING with Reperation Character)
- "LONGEST SUBSTRING Without Reperation Characters) trilogy 3: Two Optimization"
- "LeetCode46 Full Arrangement (Back Tracing)"
- "Leetcode952 Trilogy: Problem Solving ideas and primary solution (137ms, over 39%)"
- "Leetcode952 Trilogy: Two Optimization (137ms-> 122MS, Over 39 %-> Super 51%)"
- "Leetcode952 Trilogy: Optimize again (122ms -> 96ms, over 51% -> over 91%)"
- "One One of the Leetcode Sale of Stocks: Basic Routine (122)"
- "LEETCODE297: The simplest existence in HARD level, the Java version, defeated 98%when used
- "LEETCODE279: Complete square number, dynamic planning and solution method exceeds 46%, but cheating solution is more than 97%"
- "LEETCODE155: The smallest stack, the simplest medium difficulty question, the time defeats 100%, the memory is lower than the official"
- "LEETCODE98: Verifying the binary search tree, there is such a simple and medium difficulty, picking up (defeat 100%)"
- "Ubuntu16 Environment Installation and Use NFS"
- "CENTOS7 Install Nginx1.10.1"
- "CENTOS7 Install JDK8"
- "Install Openjdk10 under ubuntu"
- "Ubuntu Environment Download Openjdk11 Source Code"
- "Ubuntu16 Install Nodejs10"
- "LINUX Server side network pack package and analytical actual combat"
- "Linux configuration SSH password -free login (non -root account)"
- "CENTOS7 Install Python3 and PIP3"
- "Vagrant from MAC from Installation to Experience"
- "Vagrant Customized Personalized CentOS7 Template"
- "MacBookPro (14 -inch M1) Memorandum of MacBookPro (14 -inch M1)"
- "Win11 Install Ubuntu (by WSL2)"
- "Ubuntu16 Install Go Language Environment"
- "Golang's Flag Pack"
- "Running Project with Golang Official Docker Mirror"
- "VIM Set up Go Syntrophine"
- Development of the cloud Golang, no local configuration, can develop and operate on the Internet
- One of the trilogy of the Go Language Standards (Benchmark): Basic Article
- GO language benchmark test (Benchmark) Trilogy: Memory Article
GRPC Special
- "One of GRPC learning: deployment and setting GO in CentOS7"
- "GRPC Learning 2: GO's GRPC Development Environment Preparation"
- "GRPC Learning III: First Test GO Version GRPC Development"
- "GRPC Learning IV: Four Service Methods of Practical Combat"
- "GRPC Learning 5: GRPC-Gateway Real Combat"
- "GRPC Learning 6: GRPC-Gateway Integrated Swagger"
machine learning
- "Preparation for the Development Environment of Machine Learning"
- "Under Docker, five minutes of speed experience machine learning"
- "Python Novice Getting Starting for Java Programmers"
- "Numpy Learning Notes"
- "Ubuntu16 Install NVIDIA Drive (GTX1060 Graphics Card)"
- "Anaconda3+CUDA10.1+CUDNN7.6+TensorFlow2.6 Installation (Ubuntu16)"
deep learning
DL4J actual combat special
- "One of the actual combat DL4J: Preparation"
- "DL4J Real Fight: Iris Classification"
- "DL4J Actual Battle 3: Classic convolution instance (LENET-5)"
- "DL4J's Fourth Fight: Classic Convolutionary Examples (GPU Version)"
- "Five of DL4J Actual combat: Basic Gong of Matrix Operation"
- "DL4J Actual Battle 6: Graphical Display Training Process"
Deep learning engineering
- "Pure Ubuntu16 Install CUDA (9.1) and CUDNN"
- "Three -minute experience: SpringBoot to identify the number with deep learning model"
- "SpringBoot uses deep learning model identification numbers: development detailed explanation"
- "Three -minute Speed Experience: Java Edition Face Test"
- "Java Edition Face Test Detailed Explanation above: Docker Mirror (CentOS+JDK+OpenCV)" of the operating environment "
- "Java Edition Face Test Detailed Explanation Next: Code"
- "Three minutes: Speed Experience Java version target detection (YOLO4)"
- "CENTOS7+JDK8+Opencv4)"
- "Super detailed encoding actual combat, let your SpringBoot applied to identify the pedestrians, cars, dogs, cats (javacv+yolo4) in the picture"
- "One of the actual combat of KURENTO: KMS deployment and experience"
- "Kurento's actual combat: Quick Deployment and Experience"
- "Kurento Third: Little Guide of Knowledge Point"
- "Kurento Fourth: Application Development Guide"
- "WeChat Mini Program+Tencent Cloud Live Real -time Audio Video Combat Notes"
- "Kurento Fifth Fight: Media Play"
- "Kurento's actual combat 6: cloud recording"
Javacv special
- "Javacv Push Push Real Combat (MP4 File)"
- "Javacv's camera actual combat: Basic"
- "Javacv's Camera Actual Combat: Preview of Local Windows"
- "Javacv's camera actual combat: saved as mp4 file"
- "Javacv's Camera Fourth Fourth: Grab Map"
- "Javacv's Camera Fight: Push Flow"
- "Javacv's camera actual combat 6: saved as mp4 file (sound)"
- "Javacv's camera actual combat seven: push flow (with sound)"
- "Javacv's Camera Eighth: Human Face Test"
- "Javacv Face recognition trilogy: The face of the face in the video is saved as a picture"
- "Javacv Face recognition trilogy: Training"
- "Javacv Face recognition trilogy: Identification and Preview"
- "Javacv's Camera Twelve: Gender Test"
- "Javacv's Camera Thirteen: Age Test"
- "The easiest face detection (free call Baidu AI open platform interface)"
- "Javacv's Camera Fourteen: Mask Test"
- "Java version of Face Tracking Trilogy: Speed Experience"
- "Java Edition Face Tracking Trilogy: Development Design"
- "Java version of Face Tracking Trilogy: Code of Practical Combat"
Raspberry Pi
- "Raspberry Pi 3B installation 64 -bit operating system (Raspberry Pi does not need to connect to the display keyboard mouse)"
- "64 -bit raspberry Pi Install and Configure Golang 1.9.2"
- "Berry Pi 3B Flink Cluster"
- "Berry Pi Lixing Elasticsearch6 Cluster"
- "Raspberry Pi 4B installation 64 -bit linux (no display keyboard mouse)"
- "Berry Pi 4B Install Docker-Compose (64-bit Linux)"
- "NEXUS3"
- "Synology DS218+Deploy MYSQL"
- "Synology DS218+Deployment Kafka"
- "K8S uses NFS of Synology DS218+"
- "Synology DS218+Deployment Gitlab"
Tag (change content)
"Compile the Pinpoint environment into a Docker mirror file"