./mvnw clean package -Dmaven.test.skip
java 11+
What's Mars? Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second-smallest planet in the Solar System after Mercury.
Java ecological research ( Spring Boot + Redis + Dubbo + RocketMQ + Elasticsearch )
? start.spring.io ? wiki.hongxi.org
Module | Intro |
whatsmars-archetypes | scaffold |
whatsmars-common | Common public module |
whatsmars-dubbo | High performance distributed RPC framework |
whatsmars-elasticjob | Distributed scheduling framework |
whatsmars-elasticsearch | Elasticsearch |
whatsmars-java | Java SE Demo |
whatsmars-mq | Message middleware RocketMQ, Kafka, etc. |
whatsmars-netty | NIO framework preferred |
whatsmars-reactor | Reactive programming |
whatsmars-redis | Redis client simple packaging |
whatsmars-rpc | Lightweight RPC framework implementation |
whatsmars-sentinel | Flow control and circuit breaker degradation components |
whatsmars-shardingsphere | Distributed database middleware |
whatsmars-spring | Spring Framework |
whatsmars-spring-boot-samples | Spring Boot Samples |
whatsmars-spring-cloud | Spring Cloud Ecosystem |
whatsmars-zk | zookeeper remoting package |
whatsmars-zk-embed | zk TestingServer |
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