XXL-SSO, A Distributed Single-Sign-On Framework.
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XXL-SSO is a distributed single-sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted application systems. It has "lightweight, scalable, distributed, cross-domain, Web+APP support access" features. Now, it's already open source code, real "out-of-the-box".
XXL-SSO is a distributed single sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all mutually trusted application systems. It has the characteristics of "lightweight, distributed, cross-domain, supports both Cookie+Token and Web+APP". Now open source, ready to use out of the box.
At the beginning of 2018, I created the XXL-SSO project warehouse on github and submitted the first commit. Then I carried out system structure design, UI selection, interaction design...
On 2018-12-05, XXL-SSO participated in the "2018 Most Popular Chinese Open Source Software" competition, competing among more than 10,000 domestic open source projects that had been entered at that time, and finally ranked 55th.
On January 23, 2019, XXL-SSO was selected into the "2018 New Open Source Software Ranking of Domestic TOP 50" ranking 8th.
So far, XXL-SSO has been connected to the online product lines of many companies. The access scenarios include e-commerce business, O2O business and dynamic core middleware configuration. As of 2018-03-15, XXL-SSO has been connected. Companies include but are not limited to:
1. 湖南创发科技
2. 深圳龙华科技有限公司
3. 摩根国际
4. 印记云
More companies that have access are welcome to register at the registration address. Registration is only for product promotion.
Everyone is welcome to pay attention and use, XXL-SSO will also embrace changes and continue to develop.
Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an Issue to discuss a new feature or change.
Welcome to contribute to the project! For example, submit a PR to fix a bug, or create a new Issue to discuss new features or changes.
This product is open source and free, and will continue to provide free community technical support. Individual or enterprise users are free to access and use.
The product is open source and free, and free community technical support will continue to be provided. It can be freely accessed and used by individuals or enterprises.
No matter how much the amount is enough to express your thought, thank you very much :) To donate
No matter how much the amount is, it is enough to express your feelings, thank you very much:) Go to donate