?Agent of Sonic Cloud Real Machine Platform
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Sonic is a platform that integrates remote control debugging and automated testing of mobile devices, and strives to create a better use experience for global developers and test engineers.
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Hogwarts Test Development Society is the industry's leading high-end education brand for test development technology and is affiliated with Qiba (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. The academy courses are developed and driven by test managers from first-line manufacturers and senior test development experts. Courses cover web/app
Automated testing, interface testing, performance testing, security testing, continuous integration/continuous delivery/DevOps, test shift left & right, precision testing, test platform development, test management, etc., to help test engineers realize the transformation of test development technology. Through the excellent academic society system (scholarships, internal tuition rebates, industry competitions, etc.), we can achieve a win-win situation for students, academic institutions, and employers. Enter the test development technical ability assessment!