vegetable traders check program
This is a practice program is Visual Basic that simulates the procedure of checking the trade of vegetable buys and sales.
Description of Exercise
A region controlled the profit margin of traders of vegetable products for three species, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers. In a file named Check.txt recorded the details of the merchants. Each file entry contains the following information:
- Last name of trader
- Kind of product (1 for tomato, 2 for eggplant, 3 for pepper)
- Purchase price of product per kilo
- Sell price per kilo
Write a program that reads the file and for each record of the file, calculate the percentage of profit per kilo for the trader:
- If the profit percentage is greater than 30%, write in a file named Ιnfringements.txt the data just read and the profit percentage.
After the end of the procedure, the program displays on the screen:
- The number of traders with a profit percentage greater than 50%
- The average selling price per kilo of tomato
- The maximum purchase price per kilo of pepper