This document details the deployment and usage instructions for the RssManager application, a robust RSS feed management system built using ASP.NET WebAPI, OWIN, Ninject, ADO.NET, SignalR, and AngularJS. It features token-based authentication and real-time notifications via SignalR. Detailed setup steps are provided below.
Restore necessary NuGet packages
Deploy RssManager.Database project on any SQL Server instance
Modify "connectionStrings" section in Web.config of RssManager.WebAPI project
Modify Scripts/app/module-common.js (getApiBaseUrl() function) if deploy RssManager.WebAPI
Set multiple startup projects in solution properties:
5.1. RssManager.WebAPI: Start
5.2. RssManager.WebApp: Start without debugging
Check your firewall settings if needed
Start solution
Token based authentication/authorization implemented in the project. Create new account using 'Sign Up' function before first login.
Default iterval to update RSS channels is equal to 5 minutes and can be changed in Web.config of RssManager.WebAPI project.
Notification on RSS channels have new updates is implemented based on SignalR.
ASP.NET WebAPI, OWIN, Ninject, ADO.NET, SignalR, AngularJS