Monte-Carlo-Raytracer with Radeon Rays and OpenCL 1.2
- Regular Path Tracer
- Bidirectional Path Tracer
- Light Sources
- Directional Light
- Point Light
- Area Lights
- GUI with editable Scene
- Uber Material
- Glossy Reflection and Transmission: Torrance-Sparrow Microfacet BRDF and BTDF with a Trowbridge-Reitz distribution for dielectrics
- Specular Transmission
- Specular Reflection
- Lambertian Reflection
- Normal Mapping
- Currently a random sampler is used however it can be changed to Sobol via #define in assets/kernels/
- git clone --recursive
- CMake - Currently only Windows is supported, minor modifications need to be made to support Linux.
- Tested on Windows 10, compiled with Visual Studio 2017 (which has built in CMake support)
Relevant Sources
- Pharr, Matt, Wenzel Jakob und Greg Humphreys: Physically based rendering: From theory to implementation. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.
- Veach, Eric: Robust monte carlo methods for light transport simulation. Nummer 1610. Stanford University PhD thesis, 1997.
- Torrance, Kenneth E und Ephraim M Sparrow: Theory for off-specular reflection from roughened surfaces. Josa, 57(9):1105-1114, 1967.
- Trowbridge, TS und Karl P Reitz: Average irregularity representation of a rough surface for ray reflection.
- Munshi, Aaftab: The OpenCL specification version: 1.2 document revision: 19, 2012.
- Radeon Rays:
- Sobol’, Il’ya Meerovich: On the distribution of points in a cube and the approximate evaluation of integrals.
- Morgan McGuire, Computer Graphics Archive, July 2017 (