simple aspnet cf
A trivial example of an ASP.NET application in C# for deployment to a Cloud Foundry instance with .NET support (e.g. Uhuru).
This example was built using MonoDevelop on OS X, and can be deployed to Uhuru's cloud using the vmcu Ruby gem. It requires a Cloud Foundry instance that supports a .NET runtime.
First, fork the project. Then run:
git clone [email protected]:<your_name>/simple-aspnet-cf.git simpleasp
cd simpleasp/asp
vi manifest.yml
Edit the application name in the manifest file to be a unique value (an appname must be a unique name across all applications running on Cloud Foundry), and save the file.
Ensure that the vmcu Ruby gem is installed.
gem install vmcu
vmcu target
vmcu login
vmcu push
in a browser to see the application.
There are a few things to note in terms of coding and deployment requirements.