It is a wrapper library to use Selenium in MSTest.
Preparing such as Selenium is a little easier.
The screenshot will be output to the result of MSTest when you use the method that was prepared.
Get a screen shot that is output as Excel.
PM> Install-Package MiYABiS.SeleniumTestAssist
Please add the extension of the following If you use a template.
When testing in IE requires drivers.
Please search for , such as " iedriver " in NuGet.
The same is true when you want to test in Chrome.
Please search for , such as " chromedriver " in NuGet.
Please be inherited by the test class "AbstractSeleniumTest" class.
Public Class UnitTest1
Inherits AbstractSeleniumTest
End Class
In the method of initialization and termination of the attributes of the test , you run the following methods. It is already mounted if you use the " Selenium test class " of the template.
Public Shared Sub ClassInitialize(ByVal testContext As TestContext)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ClassCleanup()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub TestInitialize()
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub TestCleanup()
End Sub
Preparation method of Selenium is as follows .
It runs at initialization method or in each test gave a TestInitialize attribute .
Initialization of when running in local
Public Sub TestMethod1()
Open("Default.aspx", 1000, 1000)
End Sub
Initialization of when running in SeleniumRC
Public Sub TestMethod1()
Open("Default.aspx", 1000, 1000)
End Sub
Sample Code
The screenshot will be output to the result of MSTest when you use the method that was prepared .
Get a screen shot that is output as Excel.
To Excel output , please run the base.TestCleanup and SeleniumCleanup.
Excel output uses a EPPlus.
Me.getScreenshot("add filename suffix")
Sample Code Sample Excel
Please use the " IISExpressManager " class to also start IISExpress in the test.
Public Shared Sub ClassInitialize(ByVal testContext As TestContext)
IISExpressManager.ProjectName = "WebApp"
IISExpressManager.Port = "8080"
End Sub
Public Shared Sub ClassCleanup()
End Try
End Sub
Microsoft Public License (MS-PL)