COM DLL for form skinning implemented using ATL, flat custom effect, simple and easy to use. The com DLL of window skin changing realized by ATL is flat and easy to use. The com DLL of window skin changing realized by ATL is flat and easy to use.
Supported features:
Set title bar text color (TitleColor)
Set the title bar gradient start color (GradientBeginColor)
Set the title bar gradient end color (GradientEndColor)
Set window background color (BackColor)
Set title bar height, value range (TitleBarHeight)
Set border width (BorderWidth)
Set window transparency (Alpha)
Set shadow color (ShadowColor)
Set shadow depth, (ShadowDepth)
Set shadow transparency (ShadowTransparency)
Set shadow type (ShadowType)
Set whether to display the minimize button (ShowMinButton)
Set whether to display the maximize button (ShowMaxButton)
Set whether to display the help button (ShowHelpButton)
Set the close button color (CloseButtonColor)
Set whether to enable font smoothing (FontSmoothing). Only a few fonts support smoothing, such as Arial, Tahoma, and Microsoft Yahei.
Test results:
Default style
window transparent
Custom style
SAP style
Compilation environment:
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2019
Note: Supports compilation of all versions of vs6-vs2019. If you want to support use on xp, please use TSkin.dsw and upgrade if necessary.
The upgrade route is generally: upgrade vs6 to vs2005 for transition and then upgrade to a higher version of the vs compilation environment.