The Battle of Words is mainly designed for the benefits of students of Core Science Academy.
The player begins with exploring the ancient world and capture and fight all the BattleMons or Battle Monster. This developed game will train the player to be the very best and become the BattleMon master. There are 2 modes in the game; Adventure and Mini-Games. Adventure mode is the main mode of the game which player needs to capture and fight all the BattleMons by spelling a term in different history of the world like China, Rome, Italy and Greece. The goal of this game is to catch and defeat all the battlemons. In Mini-game mode, the player can play 2 different mini games at every end of the stage in the Adventure mode. The player can gain more privileges and score to be able to use it for the entire game. The first mini game will be speed typing wherein the player must type all the terms in a short period of time. The second mini game is a crossword wherein the player must find the terms hidden from sets of letters vertically and horizontally.
The concept of this game is about catching BattleMons by spelling a terms in history of China from a sentences and picturesgiven in the game. The player must spell as many as the player can until the BattleMons become weaker or fainted to be able to capture. The player needs to catch every BattleMons encountered. This stage is composed of 2 level. The level will set to determine the difficulty of the game. The goal of the game is to capture all the BattleMons.
The concept of this game is about racing BattleMons by spelling a terms in history of Greece from a sentences and pictures given in the game. The player must spell a term to be able to move forward the BattleMon until you reach first the finish line. This stage is composed of 2 level. The level will set to determine the difficulty of the game. The goal of the game is to finish the race and win each level.
The concept of this game is about shooting BattleMons by spelling a terms in history of Italy from a sentences and pictures given in the game. The player must spell a terms to be able to shoot the opponent until the enemy lose their lives. This stage is composed of 2 level. The level will set to determine the difficulty of the game. The goal of the game is to beat the opponent and win each level.
The player must choose a character between the 2 different avatars which represent the player in the game. The player must spell a valid terms in history of China, Italy, Rome, and Greece. It must be 5 characters. Each stage represent different history; Stage 1 is for China, Stage 2 is for Greece, Stage 3 is for Italy and Mini-Games is for Rome. Every stages has 3 level it sets as the difficulty of stage by giving more obstacles in the game to make it more interesting in the player. The letters use in the game has divided by 3 parts; the easy to use letters are composed of ADEGHILMNOPRSTU has 1 point, the common to use letters are composed of BCFJKVWY has 3 points and the hard to use letters are composed of QXY has 5 points. The higher the points create by spelling a term the more damage done to the opponents. In stage 1 entitled "Catch them all", the player must guess a terms (5 letters) in history of China to attack the BattleMons until becomes weak to be able to capture. But if the player misses the guess terms the pocket ball of the player will deducted by 1 and if the time reach to 0 the pocket ball will also deducted by 1 .And if the player keeps guessing the wrong terms the pocket ball will reach to zero and the game will be over. For stage 2 entitled "Race them all" , the player must also guess a terms (5 letters) in history of Italy to move forward the BattleMon until reaches the finish line to be able to win the race. But if the player misses the guess terms the opponent will also spell a term depending on every level. In level 1 the opponent will spell 3 letter term. In level 2, the opponent will spell 4 letter term. And for the level 5 the opponent will spell 5 letter term and if the player keeps guessing the wrong terms or not making a move within 30 seconds the opponent will have the chance to be ahead to the race until the player loses the game. For the stage 3 entitled "Shoot them all" , the player must also guess a terms (3 to 5 letters) in history of Greece to attack or shoot the opponent to be beat and win the game. But if the player misses for spelling a terms the opponent will also spell depending on every level. . In level 1 the opponent will spell 3 letter term. In level 2 the opponent will spell 4 letter term. and for the level 5 the opponent will spell 5 letter term. And if the player keeps guessing the wrong terms or not making a move within 30 seconds the opponent will have the chance to beat the until the player loses the game. In Mini-Game entitled "Collect them all" , The player must type the right term to collect all the privileges before it reaches the bottom. Three consecutive fails to type the term means the game will be over. Every given term use in this minigame has a different text color; Hint is for Lightblue, Time Adder is for Fuschia, Booster and Bomb is for orange text color. If the player type it correct the privilege will be added depending of what the color text given. After the game, all privilige will be collected will be add and save to the player.