Enemy aircraft manufacturing process:
1 [AirWar_var_public]-[FPg_Add]-Case
2 [AirWar_var_public]-[Bg_Add]-Case <New Plane'Bullet ID(the same as New Plane ID)>
3 [AirWar_ruler_engine_Move]-[FoePlaneWYKZ]-Case 'It may be necessary to add new variables and new controls to achieve this function.
4 [Form1]-Dim <New Plane's Name + "Time"> as Long
5 [Form1]-[Timer5_Timer] 'Setting new plane refresh time (set the refresh interval of new enemy planes here)
6 [AirWar_World_Engine]-[F5_Foe_Plane]-Case
7 [AirWar_ruler_engine_Phy]-[Physical event detection_Plane body_PaB]-Case
8 [AirWar_World_Engine]-[F5_Foe_Bullet]-Case <New Plane'Bullet ID>
9 [AirWar_ruler_engine_Phy]-[Physical event detection_Plane subject_PBaFP event_Experience settlement]-Case
Ultimate skill manufacturing process:
1 [Form1]-Sk0n1(PCID*5+SKillID) Add new skill name controls
2 [Form1]-[Time2_Timer]-For c=1 to <SkillSum+1(SkillID)>
3 [AirWar_var_public]-Public PSkill(, <SkillSum+2(SkillID+1)>)
4 [AirWar_ruler_engine_Phy]-[Physical event detection_Plane subject_PBaFP event_Experience settlement] 'Is it set here to unlock the enemy (set here to unlock the enemy by defeating it)
4.5 [Airwar_World_Case]-[Upgrade] 'Here is set whether to unlock the upgrade (here is set whether to unlock the upgrade)
5 [Airwar_var_public]-[PBg_Add]-Case
6 [AirWar_var_public]-[PBg_Add_ClassificationAndEntry]-Case 'Set the specific properties of the skills here(Set the specific properties of the skills here)
7 [Airwar_ruler_engine_Move]-[PlBtWYKZ]-Case 'Set the skill run path here (Set the skill run path here)
8 [Airwar_ruler_engine]-[Physical event detection_PlaneBullet subject] 'Here is the entry of the skill physical function (Set the skill physical function entry here)
9 [Airwar_ruler_engine_Phy]-Add New Function:Physical event detection_PlaneBullet subject_Trl_<SkillID+1> 'Set the physical effects in the function (Set the physical effects of the skill in the function)
10 [Airwar_World_Engine]-[F5_PC_Bullet]-Case 'Setting the image effect of the skill (setting the image effect of the skill)