This is a program that displays an animation and is provided with user’s control. The user’s control includes some actions such as moving the character’s position and attacking the enemy. Each of the character’s position and its implementation will be thoroughly explained in the design section.
The program is built using VB.NET programming language as it is easier to implement some elements of the animation into the program. We are using several elements such as a picture box to display the character, a timer to control the time frame, and the background image will be displayed on the window screen.
To create this program, we need to consider several elements. The background, sprite animation, the state and position of the character, the collision detection, and any other functions on the program, every element needs the right method and algorithm for it to run smoothly and efficiently. To fulfil them, we compare various methods to see which method can satisfy our expectation for the program.
This program created to fulfill second programming assignment in Computer Graphics and Animation course in President University.
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