Bot, for Telegram, created by Be MEAN.
User: @bemean_oficialbot
The idea is that it can help you find information easier, especially when it comes to technology , and it also runs JavaScript code!!!
- (Who|What|What|What|Where|Where) (is|eh|eah|e|means) {SEARCH}?
- Search Wikipedia and DuckDuckGo and send the text
- Example: What is JavaScript?
- Example: What is React.js?
- Where (is|is|is|eh) {SEARCH}?
- Search on Maps and send location
- Example: Where is Curitiba?
- Example: where is PUC Consolação São Paulo?
- Calculations
- Simple calculations using JS Math object functions
- Example: 2 + 3 - 4 * 5 / 1
- Example: 2 + Math.pow(2,3) + Math.sqrt(9) + Math.max(1,2,3,4,5,6)
- Date
- Execute JS Date object functions
- Example:
- Example: var dt = new Date; dt.getFullYear();
- Search for the command on the MDN website and return the URL
- Example: js map
- Example: js date
- GME {String}
- Returns the URL of the question to be searched on Google
- Example: gme how do you make coffee?
- Return:
- Run the map command
- Example: [1,2,3,4].map( num => num*2 )
- Example: [1,2,3,4].map( num => num*Math.sqrt(9) )
- {ARRAY}.filter({CALLBACK})
- Run the filter command
- Example: [1,2,3,4].filter( num => num%2 )
- Example: [1,2,3,4].filter( num => !(num%2) )
- {ARRAY}.reduce({CALLBACK})
- Execute the reduce command
- Example: [1,2,3,4].reduce( (before, current) => before+current )
- Example: [1,2,3,4].reduce( (before, current) => before*current )
- regex {REGEX}.test({STRING})
- Run the test command
- Example: regex /bazing/.test('bazinga')
- Example: regex /[0-9]/.test('82882') }
- Who is it ...? // Search on Wikipedia
- Where is...? // Search on Maps and send location
- What is it ...? // Google search
- #twitter hashtag // search for the hashtag on Twitter
- #insta hashtag // search for the hashtag on Instagram
- [Code]... ? // Search on Stackoverflow
- [Github]... ? // Search on Github
To Do
- [Be MEAN]...? // Add the question to the FAQ so that I, Suissa, can answer
- [Be MEAN FAQ] // Lists FAQ questions and answers
- [Error] // Search on Stackoverflow
- [JS]{COMMAND} // Search{COMMAND}
- Integration with the API with automatic translation