chatbot aiml webqa
$ pip2 install jieba
$ pip2 install aiml
$ pip2 install lxml
$ pip2 install beautifulsoup4
$ pip2 install flask
Working directory: chatbot-aiml-webqa/core
$ cd chatbot-aiml-webqa/core
$ python2 web/ (or $ nohub python2 web/
> ......
> * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
$ curl "" -d "message=新闻"
$ curl "" -d "message=天气"
$ curl "" -d "message=时间"
If no answer is found, proceed to step three.
- Baidu Chinese
- Baidu Translate
- Baidu map
- Baidu exchange rate
- Baidu Computing
- Baidu stock
- Baidu lyrics
- Baidu latest
- Baidu Encyclopedia
- Baidu knows
If no answer can be found, proceed to step 4.
The next-generation dialogue engine based on the Seq2Seq model not only trains the best answer among existing answers, but can self-create a human-like answer.
There is currently no time to implement this part... Let’s use the Turing Robot API instead for the time being~~~
Using AIML template + shelve storage
ME > 世界上最漂亮的人是谁
AI > 灰姑娘
ME > 你说错了
AI > 那你教我吧
ME > 白雪公主
AI > 我学会啦,下次你就可以问我"世界上最漂亮的人是谁"......
ME > 世界上最漂亮的人是谁
AI > 白雪公主