Country bumpkin tutor network v6.11.1010
Hillbilly Tutoring Network is a tutoring network source code that can be downloaded and tested for free.
Hillbilly Tutoring Network update log: jiajiao_v6.11.1010[2011.10.10]
01. The backend adopts a new architecture jquery+div+css and adopts a new management interface;
02. Update jquery to the latest version;
03. Repair and optimization of known minor issues on the website;
04. News system publishing supports localized upload of remote pictures;
05. Added LOGO replacement function in the background;
06. IP database updated to 2011.09.30;
Development language: c#.net4.0+div+css+jquery
Development tools: MicrosoftVisualStudio2010
Operating environment: windows2003/windows2008+mysql[utf8]