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Evaluation analysis package: Jan 19 2018
The package includes all references generated by 11 humans, hypotheses of 20 systems, and evaluation results in DSTC6 end-to-end conversation modeling track.
Download the official training data: Sep 7-18 2017
Test data distribution: Sep 25 2017
Submission: Oct 8 2017
Main task (mandatory): Customer service dialog using Twitter
(*) The tools to download the twitter data and transform to the dialog format from the data are provided.
Task A: Full or part of the training data will be used to train conversation models.
Task B: Any open data, e.g. from web, are available as external knowledge to generate informative sentences. But they should not overlap with the training, validation and test data provided by organizers.
Pilot task: Movie scenario dialog using OpenSubtitle
Please cite the following paper if you will publish the results using this setup:
Author = {Chiori Hori and Takaaki Hori},
Title = {End-to-end Conversation Modeling Track in DSTC6},
Journal = {arXiv:1706.07440},
Year = {2017}
Most tools are written in python, which were tested on python2.7.6+ and python3.4.1+, and some bash scripts are also used to execute those tools.
For data preparation, you will need additional python modules as follows:
which can be installed by
pip install <module-name>
pip install <module-name> -t <some-directory>
where <some-directory>
is a directory storing python modules and needs to be accessible from python,
e.g. by including it in PYTHONPATH environment variable.
If you try the baseline system, you will need Chainer ,a deep learning toolkit,
to perform training and evaluation of neural conversation models.
Please follow the instruction in ChatbotBaseline/
prepare data set using collect_twitter_dialogs
$ cd collect_twitter_dialogs
(a twitter account and access keys are necessary to run the script. follow the instruction in collect_twitter_dialogs/
extract training, development and test sets from stored twitter dialog data
$ cd ../tasks/twitter
Note: the extracted data are trial data at this moment.
run baseline system (optional)
$ cd ../../ChatbotBaseline/egs/twitter
(see ChatbotBaseline/
download OpenSubtitles2016 data
$ cd tasks/opensubs
$ wget
$ tar zxvf en.tar.gz
extract training, development and test sets from stored subtitle data
Note: the extracted data are trial data at this moment.
run baseline system (optional)
$ cd ../../ChatbotBaseline/egs/opensubs
(see ChatbotBaseline/
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