Example 0: Familiar with Visual Studio 2019.
練習0: 熟悉Visual Studio 2019的環境,然後建置專案、練習物件導向程式
Example 1: Use Session or Cookie to save the user's data.
練習1: 練習用Session Cookie留存使用者造訪網站時的資料
Example 2: ASP.NET MVC Receive data by GET or POST.
練習2: 試著用GET或POST的方法,將前端的表單資料送到後端
Example 3: MySQL database (use MariaDB).
練習3: 試著用支援MySQL很高的MariaDB,寫出能讀資料庫或寫入資料庫的程式
Example 4: JSON's serialization and deserialization in C#.
練習4: 練習C#裡將JSON序列化或反序列化的一些方法
Example 5: Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
練習5: 練習用Ajax,回應使用者的操作
Example 6: IHttpHandler
練習6: 用自訂的類別實作IHttpHandler
SQL: 練習用命令提示字元,熟悉SQL指令
Side project: A website for register and sign in.
個人專案: 會員註冊與登入網頁
Side project: Search contracted pharmacy for mask's storage.
個人專案: 地區特約藥局口罩庫存查詢網頁
Visual Studio 2019 (Practice ASP.net Web Application and ASP.net MVC)
Subline Text (Practice writing README.md and leave notes after studying)
Git bash (upload practiced projects to Github)
MariaDB (SQL database)
Command (Practice SQL command operations)
HeidiSQL (graphical interface tool used when you are not familiar with MySQL commands)
Get started with ASP.NET Web Forms in 30 days
ASP.NET MVC web program introduction