A Baking Shop Website which allows the user to Authenticate using ASP.NET Core Identity Razor Class Library, System authrorizes the user and let him add items to cart and order items. This is an ASP.Net Core (v 3.1, updated to v 5.0) MVC (Model view Controller) project template created in VS 2019. It uses Razor, JQuery and Bootstrap (4.6) added by Lib Manager of Visual Studio 2019 and uses Entity Framework. First check in of the project contain Mock Repositories with mock data which later on was replaced with actual DB repository
Tools used: Visual Studio 2019, C#, ASP.Net Core (v 3.1, v5.0) MVC, Razor, Bootstrap (v.5.x), JQuery, CSS, EF, SQL Server, Git/ GitHub
This website uses: MVC pattern Dependency Injection pattern Repository pattern Razor, Razor Class Library Partial Views and View Components for views Bootstrap (v4.x) for styling EntityFramework Core (v4, updated to v5.0.4) (for data connectivity)
This is just a startup template and can be re-used if required, however the system will be extended further to make it more professional and by adding more features and hosting it onto Azure Cloud using AZURE SQL and Storage as well as App Services