This repository contains the WebAPI for the website called bdmI. It is a four sprint long project which aims to create a RESTful API that serves the bdmI web application.
C# targeting .NET Core 3.1
Entity Framework with PostgreSQL relational database management system
Identity Framework
Repository pattern, UnitOfWork
To be able to run the WebAPI you have to follow these simple steps:
Create an empty database
Populate your newly created database with the create-tables-or-reset-database.sql
Setup your environment variables with the following key-value pairs:
COONECTION_STRING : Host=DBHost; Database=DBName; Username=YourUsername; Password=YourPassword;
SECRET_KEY : your secret key
EMAIL_PASSWORD : your emailservice password
REDIRECT : http://localhost:3000
Run the application
To set up the EmailService part of the project, please create an e-mail account to send the confirmation to the user at registration.
The bdmI frontend that acts as the presentation layer for the project is available at the following link: bdmI-frontend
Heroku tends to fall asleep when the application is not running, therefore it is advised to wait 20-30 seconds after launching the website so the backend has time to load
The contributors of this project are all students of Codecool Ltd.
Anna Czinege
Eszter Mázi
Norbert Benkó