Trainer: Mehmet KANBAZ, [email protected]
MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern is widely used in today's internet-based application development platforms. It is one of the patterns that should be used especially to facilitate the management of large-scale projects and to ensure simple and accurate updates after their publication. With this training, you can get a good start in developing ASP.NET MVC web projects. In the program content, I will be touching on many topics from ASP.NET MVC basics to advanced levels.
Introduction to MVC
- What is MVC?
- What is Model, View, Controller? and how does it work?
- Let's create a new ASP.NET MVC project and examine it.
- Sending data from Controller to View (ViewData, ViewBag, TempData).
- Sending data from Controller to View (Using Html Helper).
- Sending data from View to Controller (POST operation).
- Use of Views and Layout (templates).
- What does ViewStart do?
- Creating a Nested Layout.
- Creating a Section.
- Partial View.
- Form creation.
- Using HttpGet and HttpPost.
- Model concept and model binding.
Entity Framework CodeFirst Integration
- What are Entity Framework and CodeFirst?
- Creating classes (Entities) for our database tables.
- Creating the class (Context) that will manage database operations.
- Creating the database and updating it in case of any changes.
- LINQ queries
Returning Json Data from Action Result and Using it with Jquery
Ajax Operations with Jquery
Case Management
- Session usage.
- Cache usage.
- Use of cookies.
- Routing login.
- Examining the routing structure.
- Adding BundleConfig to the project.
- Using ScriptBundle and StyleBundle.
Authorization Based on Controller and Action
Creating an Asp.Net MVC Unit Test Project
- Drug stock project – Adding drugs.
- Pharmaceutical stock project – Drug listing.
- Pharmaceutical stock project – Drug regulation.
- Pharmaceutical stock project – Drug deletion.
- Personnel registration project - Adding personnel.
- Personnel registration project - Personnel listing.
- Personnel registration project - Personnel editing.
- Personnel registration project - Personnel deletion.