'Este código "cria" um "format" para o ASP! Você pode usar o que quiser substituíndo o caracter "#" pelo valor que precisa formatar. 'Thank you, Mr.Brian Reeves!
'Can't Copy and Paste this? 'Click here for a copy-and-paste friendly version of this code! '************************************** ' for :ASP Format Function '************************************** 'Open Source
'Terms of Agreement: 'By using this code, you agree to the following terms... '1. You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge. '2. You MAY NOT redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws. '3. You may link to this code from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame. '4. You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the code or code's description. '************************************** ' Name: ASP Format Function ' Description:This function operates similarly to the VB Format function with one big exception. The "#" character is used to represent any single character. You can trim all non alphanumeric characters out and reformat them to stay consistant. Usefull for credit cards, zipcodes, phone numbers, etc... ' By: Brian Reeves ' ' Assumes:Format("1234567890123", "(###) ###-#### x######") would return "(123) 456-7890 x123" Format("4111111111111111", "####-####-####-####") would return "4111-1111-1111-1111" ' 'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see'for details.'**************************************
'****** '** Formats a string to include standard sets. '** '** Example: Format("1234567890", "(###) ###-####") '** Result = (123) 456-7890 '** Modified 01/09/03 to allow extended format mask that will '** not return extra ###'s brian reeves '******
Public Function Format(sValue, sMask) Dim iPlaceHolder Dim sTempValue Dim sResult sTempValue = CStr(sValue) sResult = sMask
Do Until InStr(sResult, "#") = 0 iPlaceHolder = InStr(sResult, "#") sResult = Replace(sResult, "#", Left(sTempValue, 1), 1, 1) sTempValue = Mid(sTempValue, 2) If Len(sTempValue) = 0 Then sResult = Left(sResult, iPlaceHolder) Loop
Format = sResult End Function