508 compliance means that all users, regardless of disability status, can access technology. Compliance standards is set by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that requires federal agencies to provide software and website accessibility to people with disabilities. When websites are 508 Compliant, they are accessible to all users. This can mean that they are compatible with assistive technology, such as screen readers.
GUI508 helps to check for 508 compliance with ASP.Net web form applications. This program is not a complete 508 checker. It's provides guidance on identifying and how to correct 508 issues within an existing website that is using ASP.Net server side controls for developers and project managers to show potential 508 issues in existing web sites and web sites under development.
When a browser displays a web page, that page is render into html from various source
In Microsoft ASP.NET web form applications the majority of the html displayed in the browser comes from two main sources, ASP.Net server-side controls and HTML. The ASP.Net server-side controls are the main focus of this application.
Today accessibility/508 scanner applications view the html that is displayed in the browser. This creates several draw backs.
information. Depending on those choices the web application will decide on what will be the next page in the application display or what new information will be return to the user in the current page.
Because we can look at the actual source code for each ASP.NET controls on each aspx page and develop rules about to make sure 508 accessibility attributes being use meet accessibility standards, and not worrying about traversing the application, we can investigate all of the code in one pass.
Yea! I think this is a win for both us if you are reading this section. Please do more than read, contribute.
Ok. I can’t rewrite the entire git manual here and you wouldn’t want me to. If you are new to GitHub here are some links to help get you started.
Of course, GitHub provides more than one way to get source code. Look to the far right you should see a button labeled with "Clone or Download" clicking this button, you get more options.
Now that we have, the code dowloaded. You need to make sure you have Visual Studio 2012 or above. The community version will work fine (https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/). Also you will need StyleCop. StyleCop doesn't add functionality but it does help keeping the code consistent and is beneficial to both the individual developer and the team. Best bet is to use NuGet to StyleCop install.
Ok so now let's do some coding. We are going to use radio button as an example and see if we can create a new .Net apsx control. CheckedListBox in order to be 508 complaint needs the title attribute set on the input element. So what we w do is identified every place a checkedlistbox is used and see if it has the correct attributes set so when the html code is generated it is complaint.
So please don’t just read. Contribute. Everyone should be able to access the web.